I've been spending some time playing the lowest level limit games on SkyPoker trying to see if I can get the hang of multi-tabling in mini-view. I'm coming to the conclusion that I can't! I'm going to carry on trying to see if it gets easier with practice but I'm not overly hopeful. I can just about juggle two tables but I wasn't playing well on either.
It made me wonder why I was so inept at it.
I thought that maybe it is because of my style of play - I tend to like to see flops and "play down the streets" and maybe this requires more attention to each table than a multi-tabler can provide. Alternatively, it may just be that I'm too old and only youngsters can cope with it.
I saw one player playing 9 SkyPoker tables at the same stakes which I thought was very impressive. I've seen many "people" playing 16 tables on Full Tilt at low stakes. I draw no conclusions about the use of bots on Full tilt and to be honest it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I know that Hevad Khan has the ability to play very large numbers of tables and filmed himself playing 26 tables simultaneously!
Anyway, I just wondered, "multi-tabling - is it just for the kidz?".
I'd be interested to hear from people who multi-table on SkyPoker - how many tables can you manage and how long a session do you play?
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The problem comes when people try to be clever with 10-20 tables open, I don't see how that can be profitable without a rigid system and range which takes the fun out of poker.
Personally I multi-table £2.20 scarys for three hours with four tables but I can only really do this when i'm wide awake and alone in the house (no distractions).
It's something where the novelty wears off after a while and unless you're playing poker purely for profit then i'd be weary of multi-tabling because it isolates table banter and can be very costly as well as profitable.
Keep at it though mate, it just takes a while for your head to get used to it. SkyPoker's mini-view isn't too great either TBF, i'd take encouragement from the downloadable client due out.
I'm just a fun player but have tried multitabling with no real success. I believe that to multi table succesfully you definately need to be running good poker software ie poker tracker 3 or holdem manager ( which i don't think work with this client ).
You need greater concentration/stamina to muti table as well which i haven't got.
I find the game much more enjoyable the less tables i play as its so much more fun ( for me anyway ) to play down the streets and to have your hunches proved right.
As its a game of making correct decisions it stands to reason the less tables you play the more you absorb to help make those decisions.
Going from 12+ tables on other networks to 5 tables on sky isnt too bad as the tables are 6 handed, and thinking time is short so ur still getting a decent amount of hands/hr.
Too be honest, any less than 5 tables would bore me and I am looking forward to this downloadable client we keep getting promised as I think this would allow me to play more tables.
I am 33 so I`m no kid, but I imagine the ability to multitable successfully as you get older would depreciate.
I am not sure if it was hevad or someone else, but recently they filmed themselves playing over 50 tables, and these were STT`s, amzing. And he finished in profit lol
6 is my max on Sky as the 'time bank' is shorter and I got times out, however I feel that I play my 'optimum game' with 4.
If I'm playing 1/2 then I get bored and get fancy play syndrome which is a huge leak.
When I'm playing 4 I don't use mini-view as I can tile the tables easily on my monitor.
My tip for multi-tabling is to try it with 10-man tables first, these give you slightly longer between hands so help when gaining experience.
Even try it out on the play money tables, as multi-tabling is all about getting into a rythym and also trying to get your thought process down into a snap decision.
However it isn't for everyone and if a large part of your game is being able to read the game flow then it could be best to stick with 2.
I'm 22 btw.
But seriously folks, thanks for all the information - all good stuff.
As an aside I hear he's playing Durrrr, after calling Durrr 'nothing special'...think its gonna be on the million dollar cash game that films in September at 50 St James in London...