I have recently started playing live cash. What is everyones thoughts on tipping the dealers. Do you have to? Is it expected? The dealers at my casino are generally very bad and some even get annoyed if you don't tip.
Without this becoming a debate on tipping in life generally what does everyone think?
a7 hearts v 10 9 hearts on a 8h jh rag ra(h) board.. all the money went in on the turn and the guy was drawing to a 1 outter - queen of hearts... he said for a laugh " if u give me the q of hearts i will give you £100... it came and he did!!
generally tho i do not like tipping people to do their job... i think i would in us tho as even people who open your taxi door expect a tip
U gotta be jokin!!!
Never been to a casino, but if I did, they wudnt get a penny! THEY GET PAID TO DO WHAT THEY DO!!!
This one night, the member of public dealing, wasnt even playing, so he must have been solely relying on tips, and if you forgot to tip, there would be hints around the table to do so. I wasnt keen on that tbh.