Hi all
How is everyone?
I caught a post from Aussie09 asking where certain people were (including myself).....
I've only just been told about the post.....but I don't think, I could have put it any better than Tikay did.
Actually, that's a lie...
I have to tell you the truth, it's killing me.......
After spending three years of watching you make the most ridiculous plays....I couldn't stand it any longer......it was doing my head in!
On top of that, I had Orford in my ear telling me how West Brom were going to win the league every 5 minutes....it was getting on my nerves.
And to top it all off....every night I'd watch some bloke/gal fluke a tourney win and win £thousands, and there was me come midnight picking up my £50 for my six hour hard graft....it's just not on.
Apart from that I really missed you all ;-)
Seriously though......
Like Tikay said; the schedule reduction has just left fewer shifts available...plain and simple.
So what have I been upto.....
Well fatherhood has been keeping me pretty busy over the last 16.5 months. My poker has been pretty limited to on average a tourney a month or so. When I do play, I've been playing down at the Vic and they've actually gone pretty well....I think I've played 8 tournies (£100-£200) buy ins and won 4 outright (no placements) (although I haven't played for the last couple of months).... I think at one point I was 4 out of 6!
And when I'm not doing that, I have some other small business commitments. As well as all of that, I still do some tutoring, although I will probably stop doing that shortly as it's the least well paid! I still play a little cash on Sky, although it is infrequent.
I will try and pop on here every now and again to see how you all are.
Good luck at the tables...
ps I forgot to mention Tache and Beard have gone....."I'm now as smooth as...."Fill in your answer....best one gets a prize.....last answer Sunday 19th.
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Nice to see you back on the forum Mr B...Why? Because you are one funny man ;o)
Nice to hear how your getting on Mark, well done on the tourney results aswell
all the best, maybe see you at the tables
Great to hear from you.
Thanks for the update, and all the best!
Your now as smooth as the shiney leather of tikay's manbag.
hello mark
good to hear from you... how about return for a christmas special?
my answer for your competition is ..., "as smooth as a banin baby's bottom"
best regards
Hmmmm are you now as smooooth as 'ED GIDDENS' ?
n1 mark ty for the update,
as smooth as silk ,
or as smooth as a babies bottom .
was going to say as smooth as a cherry but seems you have popped that lol .
Thank you for the update, really good to hear from you again
OK I'll go on a poker related topic. ...as somooth as 5bet shoving with 7,8o and making the villain fold.
If you ever get an evening off why not take on tikay and the rest of us forum regs in one the the last longer comps that are run by Mr Amazing (merenovice!).