yes you're back ! glad you're happy and all is well. the channel needs some cool. no tache tho....... can't win every hand. you just cheered me up no end
Good to see you back on the site. Did you ever see this Banin Strikes Back...? There were some other classics involving you, I have bumped the Video thread as it's long overdue some new videos.
One of the funniest shows I thought involved you and James H. During a game of "What James Thinks" I proposed the question - "How many answers, does James think, tonight's, "What does James think?", question will get?"
Just watching you try and say the questions was funny enough!
Hey, why not try and qualify for the next available Sky Poker Tour, that would be pretty good to see you there!
you win btw
Hi Mark
Great to hear from you have missed the proper analytical comments, stuck with Tikay and Orforord
Glad to hear your still involved and doing well both on and off the table.
Best Wishes
glad you're happy and all is well.
the channel needs some cool.
no tache tho....... can't win every hand.
you just cheered me up no end
Oh, how I make myself laugh.
Good to see you back on the site. Did you ever see this Banin Strikes Back...? There were some other classics involving you, I have bumped the Video thread as it's long overdue some new videos.
One of the funniest shows I thought involved you and James H. During a game of "What James Thinks" I proposed the question - "How many answers, does James think, tonight's, "What does James think?", question will get?"
Just watching you try and say the questions was funny enough!
Hey, why not try and qualify for the next available Sky Poker Tour, that would be pretty good to see you there!
As smooth as the pavement on an icy day.
I wonder if Vince could provide the odds on a similar Gouldfish update ever appearing on the forum!
Good fortune to you and your family.
Well done Jock...ish...
Now get that book read