what do you guys/ gals think?
Is it ok to ask players to leave a ring game to isolate a player?
I have saw this on a few oassions and believe its dead wrong.
One player I know thinks it is not wrong and even thinks it good etiquette if other players oblige and leave the table.
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On the other hand, if someone asks me to leave when they are obviously stuck loads to the fish, then I usually stand up and let them get on with it. However, if a reg is stacking the fish over and over and is just asking you to leave so he can keep winning, I don't leave and play on as normal.
Shrug, works well for me
Most players are here to play a game not earn a living, and don't expect to be hustled out of their money, they expect a fair game with any edge based solely on skill at playing (granted naively).
Targeting weak players is not a skill. In times gone by you sir would have your fingers broken ;-)
Several people have already pointed out that they see no harm in asking other players to leave a ring game. It might seem a little odd since the implication is that the player wishes to remain HU with a player that he considers inferior so asking people to leave might well have the opposite effect.
From the perspective of the supposedly weaker player, is he really worse off playing one strong opponent compared to multiple strong opponents?
Table selection I'm ok with, sitting at a full table with the intention of only targeting one player, and been left alone by other regs, I am not.
This is a competitive game and should be as much about challenging yourself against players of at least a similar if not slightly higher level of skill, as about making money.
Bring back the fun.
I still hold the opinion that this is borderline cheating
As I have already said, not all player have access to view chat and are therefore privy to more info eg chat, to use the chatbox in such a way is definately wrong and could be construed as collusion, The player isolated might think ill play a few hands while waiting for others to sit, working on your principle then then if players know whos playing on a set top box then they can just collude to isolate the player constantly.
There would be no collusion anyway. Good players regularly re-raise to isolate against players that they consider weak. It is generally poor play to do otherwise.
I play the game for fun but it is indisputable that many regulars at higher stakes have different priorities and this is entirely reasonable.
Nothing underhand is going on so it is wrong to imply that it is.
Ok the guy could leave the table But Will he ever get a game if they keep isolating him?
An extreme example I know but whats wrong is wrong