How do you receive these magnificent prizes you ask ?Quite simples so please read on,
7;30 tonight
There will be 3 different tournaments on each Tuesday all starting at 7.30pm, a £1.10 entry[league A], an £11.00 entry[league B] and a £33.00[league C], all tournambets have the same structure, 2500 chips and 10 minute blinds and its NL Holdem, standard MTT format.
To get your hands on one of the 3 freebies you need to win one of the leagues, the winner of League A will win a Tsp Classic entry[weekday nights @9pm tournament], the winner of League B will win free entry to the Primo[8pm Sunday nights] and the winner of League C will be playing a live Sky Poker Tour event of his/her choice for free !
You may enter 1, 2 or all 3 of the leagues, would be incredible if a player won more than 1 league and would forever be positioned as a member of Sky POker's elite, amongst the forum anyway !
Your best 3 finishes are taken into consideration, I thought it best to allow you one blip when Phil12uk's KK beat your AA all in preflop first hand. As an example take these theoretical finishing positions...
Jan 11th 32nd
Jan 18th 5th
Jan 25th 51st
Feb 1st 7th
If this were your finishing position your total score would be 5+7+32---- 44
Therefore lowest score will win the league's
See you tommorow night and begin your quest to emulate SkyPoker legend Wayne"Glitterbabe"Rideout and win £4500 at a Sky Poker Tour event, Good luck and see you tommorow Evening
STOP PRESS--- I will be playing in all 3 leagues, thats 12 chances to take my bounty, every bounty hunter will receive entry to the Friday nights Take on Tikay tourny[ the £5.50 ] other totty nights are £2.20.
and please give a bigup and many thanks to Jack and Adam the main marketting chiefs for adding the extras.
Great idea shame there isnt a £5.50 one as that would be ideal
Great stuff - the £1.10 option will do for me!
From the earlier thread I seem to recall there being a proposed bounty on "Ed's Head"
Has this been tactically withdrawn or was I imagining it?
Either way well done Mr G.
The Ed's Up tournaments are all up in the lobby now so you can register for them now. Alternatively you can click below:
- Ed's Up Low
- Ed's Up Mid
- Ed's High
I have entered the Low
I've entered the low league gl all
if mi work day aint too stressful, [heres hopin], may try all three, like mi hero TommyD !!