In Response to Re: The Ed's Up League - Free entry to--- TSP CLASSIC---PRIMO and a SPT seat! : Do I get anything for knocking you out of the low stakes one Mr Giddins? Posted by grannypat
Yes Wp G, You get entry into the totty tournament on a friday, all bounty winners will be contacted, see you next week and thank you for taking part.
In Response to Re: The Ed's Up League - Free entry to--- TSP CLASSIC---PRIMO and a SPT seat! : Yes Wp G, You get entry into the totty tournament on a friday, all bounty winners will be contacted, see you next week and thank you for taking part. Posted by EdGiddins
You will indeed, may have a go at the mid level one too next week
Out in 41st in the Low one
Remember that you will need to play at least 3 of the 4 weeks to stand a chance of winning the league.
Mint11y, david_j_w and buddy345 many congrats on taking poll position in your respective leagues.
Bigshan ur a nightmare on a players left, your timing tonight was spot on , well played
See you all same place , same time next Tuesday 18th Jan and thank you all for taking part.
Congratulations to the winners.
wd and ty vince
doubt ill stay up there for too long but well see you never know
heres from low, please say if you want names x'd out thank you
Think the dealer may be a bit EdsUp biased.....AREA 51 LOLOLOL
I know i shudaa just called your river bet prob!! Went for bounty glory, N1 wp !!
Hand History #328506513 (19:42 11/01/2011)
THIS WAS THE HAND BEFORE LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hand History #328505707 (19:41 11/01/2011)
MATE , I Am RABBISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full Houses!! I couldna win with a Royal Flush at Mo......prob misclick 'fold' or summat LOL !!