Following the excellet SPT udates last week, I was left with one lasting impression, which was this move at this point: Re: SPT Newcastle Live Update thread. Leg 2 of the 2010-11 Tour posted at 8/1/2011 7:04 PM GMT on SPT Posts: 1572 First: 5/10/2009 Last: 11/1/2011 Gliterbabe all in for 7,500 on the button with 9-5 K-Q calls in the big blind 9-8-7-5-A Gliterbabe doubles up I think at this time, blinds were 600/300/50, though they may have moved up a level. I believe GB made a similar shove soon after and doubled up again when going in behind. I think GB had position so was it failed attempts to steal the blinds, or simply that GB's strategy in relation to the blinds, was that he's looking to get busy and will accept a double up or out, with almost any 2 cards in almost any situation? I'm sure it was more tactical than that and had much to do with table image and position. What was really impressive was that from 2 'dodgy' situations he proved he has the game to go on and win the event. I would love to hear Wayne's review of his position at this point in the Newcastle event and understand Waynes thoughts on how he generally play's tourneys, in respect to stack size and blinds. Thanks Jerome TheDart Posted by TheDart
1) If you played 100,000 hands heads up v Gerrard9, who would win? Obviously since you began playing poker, you have moved through the cash levels........ 2) At what level did you start playing heads up alongside ring games? Have you always sat waiting for heads up action? 3) When somebody sits against you on a heads up table, and you have never heard of him before, what is going through your mind in the early stages? ...... ......Are you excited that this guy might be a total fish and be the guy to donate you a weeks wages? Or ever worried he might be a shark and give you a tough time? - Or neither? lol How long does it to take you to assess his ability, is he a fish? is he gonna be tough? etc etc....... 4) You are probably sky pokers ultimate grinder, with great powers of concentration, discipline and patience. You're known as quite a tight player...... Are you ever tempted to close some tables off, and take on the best players on the site in the biggest game running, mixing it up with them, 3/4/5 bet them light, and show off a different side of your game, rather than grinding constantly? 5) A few months ago you were playing alot of 50nl. How did the games compare to your usual sakes of 200nl and above? How did you change your game to adapt to the tables at a lower level, if at all? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Cheers JJ, think this will take up the whole show!!!
I had the pleasure of siiting on the last 2 tables as Wayne at Newcastle (pass on my congrats please) given the roller coaster ride his stack had, my question to Wayne is what percentage of the game does he think is skill & luck ?
one question why pick the name gliterbabe, did your mum want a daughter and dress you up in gliter dresses or are you gary gliters son ( i know wat the last part can be misinterprited but it`s not ment that way ) gl with the show
In Response to Re: Gliterbabe - coming to a TV near you! : the rake, they are both ROCKS and it would suprise me if they even played a hand in 100,000 hands Posted by hurst05
Can you explain just how much of a luckbox you were last week at Newcastle, when you had 1700 chips left lol. Good luck tonight and I look forward to you "expert" analysis.
Although you know Waynes a good friend of mine, I have never asked him these questions - I would like to ask ROCK what would he be doing if he wasn't a poker player and what would his dream job be? Posted by lJAMESl
i can answer the the second question, his dream job would be advertising the gliter- mere-babe .com
I had the pleasure of siiting on the last 2 tables as Wayne at Newcastle (pass on my congrats please) given the roller coaster ride his stack had, my question to Wayne is what percentage of the game does he think is skill & luck ?
Can you explain just how much of a luckbox you were last week at Newcastle, when you had 1700 chips left lol.
Good luck tonight and I look forward to you "expert" analysis.