Level 9 - the final level played today is 15 minutes old already, and will end 14 minutes BEFORE the official end of the Level - so it will run for another 31 minutes. And that'll be Day 1b wrapped up. Sadly, one of our ships is missing, as moments ago, James A-K failed to improve AIPF against Q-Q. So, 4 left as of now, & every chance of bringing all 4 back tomorrow. STOP PRESS - Reds has just doubled up to about 90k. Details to follow. Posted by Tikay10
REDMOND LEE DOUBLES UP TO c. 85k. LP raises to 1,500, button calls, Reds in the SB calls, BB calls. Flop A-5-Q, two clubs. Checked all around. Turn is an offsuit 4. Reds checks, BB bets 4k, two folds behind and back to Reds. He makes it 11.5k and his opponent snap shoves. LOLUFOLD calls and shows 4-4 vs his opponent's A-5. Jack on the river and Redmond will be in the top 3 chip counts we think. Posted by Sky_Dave
Dan v Redmond is still buzzing around the room when LML walks over.
"I'm 71k!".
TT on a T-9-3-9 board started the ball rolling, the K-K on the very next (and last) hand helped. She 4bet pre, there was "some kind of flop", LML bets 15k and they fold.
Easy when you know how. Her table image is rockier than a rocky rock.
Robbie has ended the night on....15k. I wonder why he even bothered turning up... :P A great effort from him though - tenacious as they come and worked the short stack like a true ninja.
Well, that pretty much winds it up for the evening. Play has concluded and we're back at 2pm tomorrow to see how the drama unfurls.
Four out of seven through, Dan and LML leading the way, Redmond will be a man on a mission. Robbie? He's having the time of his life and is still in it.
great updates almost feel like i'm there but in a way glad i'm not, scouse in manchester and all that, anyway, gl to the 4 remaining for tomorrow show them what sky Poker is all about
Q-Q v K-Q, he even makes a flush along the way. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
ul James
VWP Nice 1
Big hand news on way...... - blue on blue!
Dan & Reds go to war, Dan all-in with A-K, Reds had Jacks, the A flopped, Dan DOUBLES UP.
Pot can't have been far south of 100k.
More news soon. Or sooner.
Dan v Redmond is still buzzing around the room when LML walks over.
"I'm 71k!".
TT on a T-9-3-9 board started the ball rolling, the K-K on the very next (and last) hand helped. She 4bet pre, there was "some kind of flop", LML bets 15k and they fold.
Easy when you know how. Her table image is rockier than a rocky rock.
Back of the net!
Four out of seven through, Dan and LML leading the way, Redmond will be a man on a mission. Robbie? He's having the time of his life and is still in it.
Roll on Day 2!
Night all.
Thanks for the updates Dave & co.
GL to all four remaining out of the magnificent seven!
gl to the 4 remaining for tomorrow show them what sky Poker is all about
Excellent Updates tonight from Dave & Tikay and a VERY Well Done to the 4 that got through do it all again tomorrow
Especially well done to LML and Robbie! Great stuff all round and hopefully more to come tomorrow!