Trivia Quiz for you, to keep you on your toes. Aiden has a dog, it's a cross between a greyhound & an American Bulldog. What is it's name? He also has - & I don't make this stuff up - FOUR ferrets, which he keeps as pets. What are the ferrets names? The ferrets names all begin with the same letter. (i.e, for example, Susan, Sean, Sadie & Stephen). Best answer (does not have to be correct, but I need a name for the dog, & all four ferrets names) plays next Wednesday's £5.50 TOTTY for free. All answers need to be in by 10pm this evening. Posted by Tikay10
There is a man missing from the above though.... Aiden is GONE.
A standard open raise is called in one spot before AJS finds J-T and thinks it's a good spot for a squeeze. He shoves, gets looked up by A-K from the open raiser and the first card out is an ace.
I like the move, the deck liked the ace. A solid debut from Aiden though and a great lad; we can see him doing well in TSP.
Trivia Quiz for you, to keep you on your toes. Aiden has a dog, it's a cross between a greyhound & an American Bulldog. What is it's name? He also has - & I don't make this stuff up - FOUR ferrets, which he keeps as pets. What are the ferrets names? The ferrets names all begin with the same letter. (i.e, for example, Susan, Sean, Sadie & Stephen). Best answer (does not have to be correct, but I need a name for the dog, & all four ferrets names) plays next Wednesday's £5.50 TOTTY for free. All answers need to be in by 10pm this evening. Posted by Tikay10
Hi Tikay, What time do you start Tweeting tomorrow?
My Quiz answers are: Dogs Name Speedy
Ferrets Names are Skippy / Stinky / Stroppy & Scampy
DOGS NAME; DOG. FERRETS NAME; FERRET X 4. I like to keep things simple, i call my son "boy" its so easy. Ul ajs and glitter, run like skypoker gods the rest of you and get it won. gl all.
Level 7 has ended, Level 8 has begun, blinds now 400/800/75, 70 players remain, ave stack is 29,800.
There will be a 15 minute break after Level 8 ends, & play will end for the day around 45 minutes into Level 9. (The GUKPT never play the final level of the day to completion).
We currently have 5 of our 7 starts still in contention - so we have a great chance of taking a strong Team into Day Three.
ferret girls, Fanni & Floozy
Dog, 'YankyLonglegs'
wheres ma prize lol
A standard open raise is called in one spot before AJS finds J-T and thinks it's a good spot for a squeeze. He shoves, gets looked up by A-K from the open raiser and the first card out is an ace.
I like the move, the deck liked the ace. A solid debut from Aiden though and a great lad; we can see him doing well in TSP.
Four ferret names:
- Tikay
- Talks
- Total
- Tosh
UL Aiden,I am sure there is plenty more to come from you !
Well played AJS - top bloke!
Hi Tikay, What time do you start Tweeting tomorrow?
My Quiz answers are:
Dogs Name Speedy
Ferrets Names are Skippy / Stinky / Stroppy & Scampy
+2 ul Aiden
Ferrets (as named) - Linger (Long), Loser (Orford), Lucifer (Giddins), Letch (Harris)
Dog- Brian
Sky Jordan
Sky Dave
Sky Claire
Sky Rich
Here's where we are.
We are 40 minutes into Level 7, (1 hour levels) & they play through until the end of Level 9 tonight.
138 players sat down for Day 1b, & 71 remain.
Blinds are 300-600/50.
Average stack is 29,400.
They all began with 15,000 chips.
There are 2,070,000 chips in play - well, according to the plassy.
Total Prize Pool is £207,000, & the winner gets a shade over £57,970.
Ps - Here's a Wiki Page which will fascinate & intrigue -
Blinds increase in 8 minutes to 400-800/75.
As of moments ago.......
Reds - 53k
Dan - 27k
James - 35k
LML - 36k
Robbie - 13k
Wayne - approx none.
Aiden - missing in action.
"I shop at C & A" Lewis - 17k.
FERRETS NAME; FERRET X 4. I like to keep things simple, i call my son "boy" its so easy.
Ul ajs and glitter, run like skypoker gods the rest of you and get it won. gl all.
Level 7 has ended, Level 8 has begun, blinds now 400/800/75, 70 players remain, ave stack is 29,800.
There will be a 15 minute break after Level 8 ends, & play will end for the day around 45 minutes into Level 9. (The GUKPT never play the final level of the day to completion).
We currently have 5 of our 7 starts still in contention - so we have a great chance of taking a strong Team into Day Three.
Well proud of all of them today.
Two SPT champions have hit the rail, TSP still has 5 of its original 7 still in the GUKPT.