A "Railers SNG" has just begun - Solar Carro, Sian, Craig BOOM, Ben The Kid, Lewis, Mr Milner, LML, & Blandy. Fun Poker ftw, I think it will be a tenner chuckfest.
They've left me in charge of the Update, God help you.
38 left, 84,700 ave, Dan has 160k. A "Railers SNG" has just begun - Solar Carro, Sian, Craig BOOM, Ben The Kid, Lewis, Mr Milner, LML, & Blandy. Fun Poker ftw, I think it will be a tenner chuckfest. They've left me in charge of the Update, God help you. Posted by Tikay10
BIG news on way.......
This time she got it in good against another shortie. Guess which hand she had.
Yep, A-J. She was miles ahead of the A-8, but the 8 on the turn was brutal.
Down to no more than 2k and it's going to be a long road back for Lisa-Marie.
She's sad, we're sad.... we're down to Dan.
"Don't tell me you busted with A-J?" I enquired of our young lady.
"dxxnsl \d\sl,xlgz =;d.\aoff" she replied.....
Seems fair enough.
A fine effort.
Dan raised UTG and BB called. KQJ flop.
Villain checks. Dan bets. Villain folds.
Dan picks up around 10k additional chips.
Dan picked up a 55k pot. Nice.
40 left, ave stack 80,900. Dan has about 170,000, I think.
now Dan take it down
keep it up dan i reacon this could be "THE ONE!"
VUL LML Very Well Played though Great Effort you should very proud
C,mon Dan take it down m8
38 left, 84,700 ave, Dan has 160k.
A "Railers SNG" has just begun - Solar Carro, Sian, Craig BOOM, Ben The Kid, Lewis, Mr Milner, LML, & Blandy. Fun Poker ftw, I think it will be a tenner chuckfest.
They've left me in charge of the Update, God help you.
36 left, average 89,400.
Blinds increase in 10 mins to 1,200-2,400/300.
There will be a 45 min after Level 13, they are currently on Level 11.
Is it a DMC game