Tikay making tea? Get a photo Dave, if he actually pulls his finger out. It's worth a fortune on Ebay- they're rarer than shots of Elvis circa 1995. Just got in from a day of entertaining my little girls- McDonalds, Disney's 'Tangled' at the cinema and then 'Clown Town' indoor playcentre. That's what I did anyway. The girls stayed at home, read the Guardian and sipped cappuccino. So just catching up on the thread- unlucky to Reds and Robbie- great effort. As for my mate, LM- I'm absolutely gutted for her. That 8 on the turn was the sort of thing you have nightmares about for years to come. That said, what a great performance! How the **** am I going to beat that when it's my turn? As for the exit hand being A-J. Yes, of course that's absolutely hilarious. But not right now it's not. It will be in about, say, 4 or 5 years. So I will wait patiently till then before I go to town with the gags. Seriously though, what is it with that lady and bleedin' Ace-Jack?! I reckon she'll win a huge event one day and they'll be the winning cards on the final hand. So Team Sky Poker is now solely represented by Dan The Man. And if anyone can, Dan The Man...Can. Come on dude- smoke one for the gipper! Posted by RICHORFORD
Still 24 left. The game has, predictably, tightened right up.
On Table Dan, a kid makes it 9,000, Dan, on the Button, makes it 20k - & the kid snap folds. Go figure. It was Dan's third straight Button Raise. He's around 165k.
Mark Goodwin button Raised, & a 7 year old kid (BB) in a Hoodie, jams on him. Goodwin tanks, then folds face-up - A-K.
Gosney open limps UTG, Goodwin follows suit in the hijack, 7 year old does the same from the button, SB folds, BB checks.
Flop comes poo-poo-poo, checked to Gosney UTG, he fires in 8k, everyone folds. !!
24 left. That'll be the cash bubble bubble. Posted by Tikay10
what a great weekend i've had at this event, been great playing and watching some of the great poker players of the uk, thanks to all the comments and best wishers in the forum, it was a real eye opener and glad to have taken this opportunity with both hands .......... come on dan take it down
Well Mr Orford, watch this space for a very interesting video.
TSP 1 - Tikay 0
Want proof?
28 left, ave 111,500.
Dan has 130k.
A present for you all:
I'll get my coat.
Just broken to 3 Tables, so 27 left, maybe 26. Carnage here.
Dan has 140k.
Gosney just 2xup to about 120k, leaving the villain with 13k.
Villain blind ships the 13k next hand, Gosney flats, Button jams for 80k, Marc Goodwin, in the BB, jams too, for 190k!
Gosney surrenders, Goodwin has K-K, button shover 8-8, shortie 5-3.
Shorties wins the Main Pot & quadrupled up, Goodwin takes a huge Side Pot.
Game on.
25 left, ave 128,800.
Dan's table move takes him to Table Gosney/Goodwin.
22 paid.
Level 14 has commenced.
Blinds 2,000-4,000/400.
Ave stack now 128,800, = to 32xBB, excluding antes.
24 left.
That'll be the cash bubble bubble.
40 mins of play left .
Still 24 left. The game has, predictably, tightened right up.
On Table Dan, a kid makes it 9,000, Dan, on the Button, makes it 20k - & the kid snap folds. Go figure. It was Dan's third straight Button Raise. He's around 165k.
Mark Goodwin button Raised, & a 7 year old kid (BB) in a Hoodie, jams on him. Goodwin tanks, then folds face-up - A-K.
Gosney open limps UTG, Goodwin follows suit in the hijack, 7 year old does the same from the button, SB folds, BB checks.
Flop comes poo-poo-poo, checked to Gosney UTG, he fires in 8k, everyone folds. !!
23 left, BUBBLE TIME, H4H.
A deal on the bubble pmsl !