Cheers Gary, I thought it was good enough to share with folks in GPC. (I am still waiting for DJ's 5 hour video of bad beats so it might get pushed down to 2nd best video of the year!) Posted by MAXALLY
It'll be like watching all three LOTR super-extended-director's-cut Blurays in one go...
Thanks for all the recent comments. I think Aussie09 was joking, but if anybody really is wondering, then yes; they're all 100% genuine. I recorded them all over the last 3 weeks or so. Whenever I remembered I'd have the recorder on standby while I was playing. Each time I was about to get into an all-in situation I'd start recording and see what happened.
Thanks for all the recent comments. I think Aussie09 was joking, but if anybody really is wondering, then yes; they're all 100% genuine. I recorded them all over the last 3 weeks or so. Whenever I remembered I'd have the recorder on standby while I was playing. Each time I was about to get into an all-in situation I'd start recording and see what happened. Posted by GaryQQQ
Great video!
Maybe you could do another video of the ones where you were the 20% dog and sucked out.
brilliant, so funny
computer graphic special effects?
must be
loved it , funniest one i seen on here for awhile pmsl .
(Blushing) Thanks all!
No, I don't mind Maxally. Video of the year? Maybe, but we're only a month into 2011, plenty of time for somebody else to do better!
Very Funny best one i've seen so far
this is just standard bad beats.
obviously not all in the same session
(and that's not good! lol)