Didnt read the blog but irish dont stop posting on this forum your blogs and forum posts are very useful to players like myself please keep up the good work.
It's no fun sitting on the outside looking in the sweet shop window. I thought you had more metal in you than "My Hubby" who ran off at the first hurdle. You can't win the war if you give up because you lost a battle. "You wouldn't give up a Game of Poker if you lost a hand". "Remember the man who sat under the tree and the apple fell on his head". "Well, it's not that story, it's the one about the man watching the Spider re-built it's Web after it was demolished". "I think he went on to glory". "Sweaty Socks" will know that one". "So stop crying, pull up your Pants and get back out there fighting". "Within the Rules that is". "See my Thread about Benny pointing the finger. "? Hugs and more Hugs Love. Annie x Posted by logdon
Absolute gem....................had me in stitches...............bless you Annie
as you know I am very new to the skypoker community but the biggest impact on me so far is how many people you have helped to develop their game. Your b/r management blog enthralled me and taught me LOADS.
I don't know anything about sky's technicalities regarding threads and blogs but WHAT I ABSOLUTELY DO KNOW is that your dedication and commitment to the community SHINES through.
I was really hoping that you could be my mentor
Thank you for the advice and help you have already given to me personally and I really really really really really (is that enough "really's") DON'T want you to go.
Please reconsider. Much love and hugs to you Rover
Idea inspired by a post from Darntootin on ur DYM thread Irish Man - Why not change the title of this thread, and continue to use the forum, but only on this thread, and existing threads started by yourself.
Seperate yourself from everything else on the forum.
Abit like Benny-Dip did with his x-files thread, use this one for your thoughts, even write mini blogs, tips, tourny results, sharkscope help, advertise forum games etc etc etc,
All the good stuff on the forum, and the good stuff you bring too......
I'm sure it will be popular..............
Rather than caring so much about what's going on, turn it round and give a tongue in cheek perspective at some of the farcical goings on
Continue with your micro help in the clinic, and your DYM challenge, and leave everything else that goes on in your poker world to this thread.
It's no fun sitting on the outside looking in the sweet shop window. I thought you had more metal in you than "My Hubby" who ran off at the first hurdle. You can't win the war if you give up because you lost a battle. "You wouldn't give up a Game of Poker if you lost a hand". "Remember the man who sat under the tree and the apple fell on his head". "Well, it's not that story, it's the one about the man watching the Spider re-built it's Web after it was demolished". "I think he went on to glory". "Sweaty Socks" will know that one". "So stop crying, pull up your Pants and get back out there fighting". "Within the Rules that is". "See my Thread about Benny pointing the finger. "? Hugs and more Hugs Love. Annie x Posted by logdon
DONT TREAD ON THE BEAR...this forum has rapidly gone downbank,voice your opinion if they dont like it cut you off,i notice alot of the regulars dunna post or reply to threads anymore,especially the humorous guys which are the ones i like to read,the fun seems to be disappearing at an alarming rate. i dont know what you put in your blog denis cuz it wanna there when i went to read it,but if you conna question the big organisations if you think something is amiss well whats the point of a democracy. gl mr irish you,ll be missed, the forum will be a poorer place without you,see you on the tables to many cheifs blaa blaa blaa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Freedom of speech is the right to state one's opinions and ideas without being stopped or punished. Sometimes this is also called Freedom of expression. Freedom of speech is thought to also include Freedom of information. However, new laws are usually needed to allow information to be used easily.Most people think freedom of speech is necessary for a democratic government. In countries without free speech, people might be afraid to say what they think. Then, the government does not know what the people want. If it does not know what they want, it cannot respond to their wants. Without free speech, the government does not have to worry as much about doing what the people want. Some people say this is why some governments do not allow free speech: they do not want to be criticised, or they fear there would be revolution if everyone knew everything that was happening in the country.A well-known liberal thinker, John Stuart Mill, believed that freedom of speech is not as important because everyone should have a right to express him or herself, but because the society they live in should have a right to hear that person's ideas.Few countries with "free speech" let everything be said. For example, the United States Supreme Court said that it was against the law to shout "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire, because this might cause people to panic. Also, some countries have laws against hate speech. [1]
The line is thin and people are treading it from both sides, one day the line will break, but lets hope we can build a bridge and meet in the middle or make it to the other side.
I really dont see why kKy couldnt have just contacted Dennis and asked him to phrase his comment about the rake at low stakes a little more diplomatically. Of course, this only applies if the problem was how he said it and not what he actually said. If the blog was actually pulled because he gave his opinion that the low stakes rake is too high it is an over reaction.
dennis is still playing on sky from what i gather, i dont think he is going anywhere!!! as for the amount of effort he puts into threads and bloggs is 2nd to done and newer players will lose out that is for sure. if andy gray isnt allowed to get away with a tongue in cheek remark about an official what chance have we got!!. just remember sky, the best bit about playing poker here isnt the rake , it isnt the standard of play it is the COMMUNITY, and if you have peeeefed off one of your most loyal members then everybody losses. health and safety gone mad i tell you!!!
Pokertrev you are a well-meaning cheeseball! I am also reminded of lucky7777 (come on Denis, 'woe is me' just isn't your style) though mega irritation understood. Posted by RogueCell
Oh Nooooo!!!!!!! - Don't tell me cheesy breaks the forum rules lol.
I can understand that you must feel pee'd off Denis. Sky won't back down, apologise or ask you to stay. Management doesn't work that way.
Bite your lip and start posting again, and we'll all pretend this thread was never started ....... just think about it.
You could call it...........
''Why I have come back and will be posting again every day for the rest of my life, because I love this community and no matter what the suits do, I will not be thwarted ever again even if the rake is too high on micro DYM's and they won't let me say so''
I can understand that you must feel pee'd off Denis. Sky won't back down, apologise or ask you to stay. Management doesn't work that way. Bite your lip and start posting again, and we'll all pretend this thread was never started ....... just think about it. You could call it........... ''Why I have come back and will be posting again every day for the rest of my life, because I love this community and no matter what the suits do, I will not be thwarted ever again even if the rake is too high on micro DYM's and they won't let me say so'' ....................... In true Rover style. ) Posted by elsadog
Actually - I think dennis would have came up with a much longer tread title - but good effort Elsa lol.
Come on den, I thought this was a two way street between you and us, You give us all help and advice and in return we accept it!
Remember the bug story where he built something or other and im sure it worked out in the end, Plus I have only got two friends one is emilyegg who invited me when chatbanned And you who has his hand on the grenade pin!!!
Put it down man, take a step back, take a deep breath, Ahhhhhhhh relax
PS if you realy are determined to storm the building ill stand outside and hold the torch.
kind regards slaver.
Sent you a pm Denis
One of the few people willing to help others
Hope u reconsider
GL whatever
i dont know what you put in your blog denis cuz it wanna there when i went to read it,but if you conna question the big organisations if you think something is amiss well whats the point of a democracy.
gl mr irish you,ll be missed, the forum will be a poorer place without you,see you on the tables
to many cheifs blaa blaa blaa
Good luck Denis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Freedom of speech is the right to state one's opinions and ideas without being stopped or punished. Sometimes this is also called Freedom of expression. Freedom of speech is thought to also include Freedom of information. However, new laws are usually needed to allow information to be used easily.Most people think freedom of speech is necessary for a democratic government. In countries without free speech, people might be afraid to say what they think. Then, the government does not know what the people want. If it does not know what they want, it cannot respond to their wants. Without free speech, the government does not have to worry as much about doing what the people want. Some people say this is why some governments do not allow free speech: they do not want to be criticised, or they fear there would be revolution if everyone knew everything that was happening in the country.A well-known liberal thinker, John Stuart Mill, believed that freedom of speech is not as important because everyone should have a right to express him or herself, but because the society they live in should have a right to hear that person's ideas.Few countries with "free speech" let everything be said. For example, the United States Supreme Court said that it was against the law to shout "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire, because this might cause people to panic. Also, some countries have laws against hate speech. [1]
Very best of luck it your quests Dennis
Yours Sincerely
I am also reminded of lucky7777 (come on Denis, 'woe is me' just isn't your style) though mega irritation understood.
It would save alot of public hastle if someone had said to Dennis parts where not correct for sky's brand.
Would of saved Donald a lot of grief too
Remember the bug story where he built something or other and im sure it worked out in the end, Plus I have only got two friends one is emilyegg who invited me when chatbanned And you who has his hand on the grenade pin!!!
Put it down man, take a step back, take a deep breath, Ahhhhhhhh relax
PS if you realy are determined to storm the building ill stand outside and hold the torch.