5391 posts have been made by IRISHROVER, this is more than 99.9% of players on the site, he has always been civil, polite, and friendly. It matters not what he said in his blog, he was asked to do a blog, and he did it to the best of his ability, they were all interesting and informative. If someone from sky read the blog and decided it was inapropriate in any way, all they had to do was ask Denis to edit it, or edit it themselves, simples.
Instead of which, the whole blog was deleted without consultation or any effort to have it changed
Sky Rich edited one of my blogs, so why not Denis's?
My guess is that an error was made, and that Denis deserves a sincere apology
"Who say's there is no fun on the Forum anymore." "I'm having a Ball. "Bananadog is having three".! Denis get your Pink Bot back here so I can **** it. ? I can just see the ink print off the paper saying RNG on your left Bot cheek. "You know what that stands for". Yep "Right Nice Guy." "I promise not to kill you". ? Posted by logdon
If he doesn't return after this, there must be some scre w loose, he's probably Irish or something.
sorry you feel this way Rover Always enjoyed your posts thanks for all the advice generally and to me personally hope you are not away too long will miss you on here
dennis is still playing on sky from what i gather, i dont think he is going anywhere!!! as for the amount of effort he puts into threads and bloggs is 2nd to done and newer players will lose out that is for sure. if andy gray isnt allowed to get away with a tongue in cheek remark about an official what chance have we got!!. just remember sky, the best bit about playing poker here isnt the rake , it isnt the standard of play it is the COMMUNITY, and if you have peeeefed off one of your most loyal members then everybody losses. health and safety gone mad i tell you!!! Posted by pod1
Couldn,t have put any better
After so many pointless threads these days not many ppl have time to read then all, but cheers for yours and bloggs. I know you,ve helped a lot off ppl on here and done some gr8 comps with over a 1,000 posts for some. Skys loss in my opinion
So many ppl have pointed out - Sky pokers most unique selling point is its community especially to attract new players . It is mentioned in most of Sky Poker adverts and interviews so hopefully the suits might actually take note of the forum and listen to their customers.
Ps - Not heard about about apprentice prize yet , but I,ll give it a few days and PM Tikay or the CS
For the record...sky haven't banned Irish..he chooses (stubbornly IMHO) to not start a thread here...
I know the Irish have a proper temper but I'm hoping Mrs Raver will see sense and shove Irish back to the forum where he can hide from shelf erecting immemorial...
Instead of which, the whole blog was deleted without consultation or any effort to have it changed
Sky Rich edited one of my blogs, so why not Denis's?
My guess is that an error was made, and that Denis deserves a sincere apology
What about it Mr wrong?
You were one of the first to make me feel welcome to the forum for which i thank you
Your valuable imput will be missed.
Good luck and I hope you come back and start posting again at some point.
Geometry in poker.
Always enjoyed your posts
thanks for all the advice generally and to me personally
hope you are not away too long
will miss you on here
"if you havn't pre-paid to use the stairs, you'll have to fecken jump"
Chin-up m8ty, sent u a PM.
After so many pointless threads these days not many ppl have time to read then all, but cheers for yours and bloggs. I know you,ve helped a lot off ppl on here and done some gr8 comps with over a 1,000 posts for some. Skys loss in my opinion
So many ppl have pointed out - Sky pokers most unique selling point is its community especially to attract new players . It is mentioned in most of Sky Poker adverts and interviews so hopefully the suits might actually take note of the forum and listen to their customers.
Ps - Not heard about about apprentice prize yet , but I,ll give it a few days and PM Tikay or the CS
C u on tables M8
I know the Irish have a proper temper but I'm hoping Mrs Raver will see sense and shove Irish back to the forum where he can hide from shelf erecting immemorial...