How's your week been?
Hard at work? A glimpse of sunshine.. and now the weekend is nearly upon us.. RAIN!!
Well you can forget the weather and a breath a mahoosive sigh of relief because today is THURSDAY which means Sky Poker to watch and Sky Poker to play!!
From 8pm Sharpish myself and the man of steel (In the Trains/Cranes & Gantry stakes anyhow) will be coming at you live from Sky Poker HQ.
The main event is the £15K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.
Starts At20:00 - 10 FebBuy-In£30 + £3Prize Pool£15000Registered62 / 700Chips2000Blind Limits10 Minutes
Incentives include a guaranteed 15K prize pool, Quality air time on Sky Poker and all the kudos, admiration and all the virtual free drinks (Courtesy of Dels Bar) you can chug down in one virtual sitting!!
We'll also have a spot of cash, some phonecalls.. Probably Vegas Qualifiers.. and all the usual banter (For 'Banter' see 'Tikay being a little bit rude and me ignoring him 
Also if you're playing along and have a hand you'd like us to show..Send us us your name, Hand ID and any other details on the hand to
We also have up to Spot prizes in the shape of free tournament entries to give away! So we'll be paying close attention to your stunning plays and plentiful thread posts!!
Tonight's topic is:
What is was the first film/Album you bought for yourself
I'm reliably informed that Tikay has seen at least 3 films in his lifetime so let's see where this takes us!
Righto.. I'm off for my 6 hours of pre-show Make-up..Tikay will no doubt swan in at 7.55 requesting a light fluffing.. sorry Dusting of face powder..
... And we shall see you all at 8pm!!
I may be wrong, Lovely Lisa-Lady, but I did not think we were on Sky Sports tonight.
All the more time to misbehave, if that's the case......
My first album which I bought on cassette was Adam and The Ants, Prince Charming.
The first film I bought myself was Star Wars, the first one. Although having said that we've had the prequels now so it's not the first one anymore if that makes sense.
So...get posting your questions for Ian NOW!!!
Enjoy the show
Tut tut
I used to be decisive but now I'm not too sure!!
So to clarify
Are we on from 8pm or 9pm - I think its 9pm
Sky Sports or not Sky Sports? - I think its Netball on Sky Sports!
Ian Frazer or no Ian Frazer? - I think it's no Ian Frazer
My first album I bought was Adam and the Ants Prince Charming in 1981, first film I saw was Airplane !
Both Sian and I have satted in for £1.60 tonight, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I suggest asking ChirpyChip.. He's always right when it comes to matters of time
..Then again you might miss the first hour of the show..
Good Evening LML and Tikay
First Album - Bryan Adams, Reckless
First Film - Highlander ( Still one of my favorites to this day )
Also, could you give a goodbye and good luck mention to Sky Rich as he is off to pastures new.
1st film i remember was when my Auntie took me to the pics to watch Watership down - God i,m old
My first album was something like Now 3 - I think there up to about Now 80 or something . that was on cassete but my first record on vinyl i bought was "Hole in my shoe" by Neil from the young ones - classic. On the B side was "Hurdy gurdie mushroom man"
Have a good show
We have a few "issues" in the Studio tonight, guys, so the Live Show may, or may not, start late. Or at all. Ish.
In the interim, something will be shown. Not quite sure what, yet......
But fear not, we have an expert on the case, trying to fix it. LML.
Fingers crossed, the Live Show will start at 8.30pm. Probably. Possibly. Ishbly.
Sorry. Talk amongst yourselves.
Anyone remember the BBC pottery wheel thing, used when "normal service will be resumed" was needed? Life was so simple,then.