Greetings to the lovely Lisa Marie and also to the old codger. My first album was Olivia Newton John's first Greatest Hits album in 1982. I was 15 and had a HUGE .... erm...crush on her!!!! First film i ever bought was Gremlins. So much fun!!
Evening LML and Tikay, It was quite a while ago but i think the first film i bought was True Grit starring the great John Wayne. The first album i bought was Made in Japan by 1 of the best rock bands ever Deep Purple. Have a great show Regards Mick.
I was about to Photoshop Tikay and Lisa-Marie onto the "Ghost" pottery scene, but thought no one needs to be subjected to that. Least of all Lisa-Marie.
My first album was Olivia Newton John's first Greatest Hits album in 1982. I was 15 and had a HUGE .... erm...crush on her!!!!
First film i ever bought was Gremlins. So much fun!!
It was quite a while ago but i think the first film i bought was True Grit starring the great John Wayne.
The first album i bought was Made in Japan by 1 of the best rock bands ever Deep Purple.
Have a great show Regards Mick.
Unfortunately it was Jason Donovan's debut!!!, cant remember the title but it had 'sealed with a kiss' on it
Disclaimer - I WAS SEVEN! (Bought it with my birthday money)
My first film i'm happier to admit - 'Ronin' with Robert De Niro.
Interlude - Please Wait
Guess the Karaoke Tune time, I think.
Hello, i- -- -- ----- ------- ---?
I'm totally not embarrassed about this. I probably should be. Had like a dozen huge posters of her too.
I think it's safe to say I had a leeeetle crush on britbrit growing up.
and was a sound track to a film any ideas guys??
see u at 9 pm i think
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Clues? Britney, Beatles, Cliff Richard
Film titles now.
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The next POSSIBLE start time for Live Transmission is 8.30. Then 30 @ minute increments.
Earliest start time for Live TX is now 9pm, 2100.
Don't worry, LML is on the case.