Hi Guys,
After implementing, launching and watching this fantastic community grow, it sadness me to inform you that i will be leaving next week for pastures new.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 and a half years with Sky but the time has come to move on and face some fresh challenges.
Having such close contact with so many of you i thought it only right that i should say a proper goodbye.
I hope you all will continue to use Sky Poker and help this community to grow even bigger and better.
I'll still be around for a few final days but If you need help they'll still be the rest of the Sky team here. Sky Jordan, Dave, Lee, Jack and Bernie are always happy answer questions, so please drop them a line if you need them.
all the best everyone,
Over and out.
+1 best of luck in the future rich
On a more serious note, we all know that Sky Rich has been an absolute pioneer for the Sky Poker Community and he'll be missed. Great guy, shame about the football team.
You did a excellent job rich ,
always fair ,
you will be very sadly missed .
Top man you rich .
Gl in your future plans .
Denis : (
p.s Ty for your help in comps .
Good luck Rich.........many thanks for all your stirling work, you will be sorely missed.
Hope your pastures new are green and lush.........good luck once again........Billy
You'll be missed in these 'ere parts.
Cheers mate.
Can you smell gas?
A very sad day for the Sky Poker Community, you set up a very successful community that has grown into one of the best forums on the web, we represented the forum at APAT team championships, we created Team Sky Poker and saw community members railing the team at GUKPT, the Sky Poker Tour was born and that also created even more community spirit making the SPT the friendliest Tour there is!!
You take a **** of a lot of credit for all the above and lets not forget the Team poker leagues which were so much fun and make Sky poker what it is today!!
Your new employers are getting a very good new addition to their team
Best Wishes
I think you gave the forum a much more personal touch than anyone else and everyone on here considered you more as a friend, even when you have had to take some stick from us for something that probably wasn't your fault, which just goes to prove how well liked & respected you are as a member of our forum.
Actually, you should open an account after you leave and come join us as a fully fledged member of the poker community (Subject to your terms & Conditions) It would be great fun.
Anyway, good luck in your new pastures - Lets just hope your replacement isn't as green as the grass on the other side lol
Take Care
(Official Suit)
I hope that your new employers know how lucky they are to have you.