Good luck Rich whoever you are going to i am sure you will be an essential part of the set up there as you have been on here all the best for the future mate
Does that mean you can have a Sky Poker playing account now, or is it a 6month wait like for casino staff to play on the same companies floor??? If so then make sure to let us know what your ID is!
*Sigh...why is always the good ones???? Can't you send Mod_1 instead??? Miss ya Rich...The Shed just will not be the same without you ( Now you're leaving does that mean you can come and play on Sky with us now??? Take care, wishing you the very, very best Huge Irene xx Posted by TRIP5
Does that mean you can have a Sky Poker playing account now, or is it a 6month wait like for casino staff to play on the same companies floor??? If so then make sure to let us know what your ID is!
Good luck Rich
Thanks for all your help over the last while
Hope it works out for you, whatever you end up doing
missing you already...
ps were you real or a thread spamming bot?
pps still missing you
Miss ya Rich...The Shed just will not be the same without you
Now you're leaving does that mean you can come and play on Sky with us now???
Take care, wishing you the very, very best
Hugs Irene xx
Any chance of lifting my forum ban as a leaving present? lol
All the very best for the future Rich!
You've been immense! Good Luck!
All the best for the future
Good Luck in whatever you do!