I am willing to pay 60p for 30 mins of poker entertainment (usually 2 mins however!).
What I find odd is the discrepencies found at the lower level - for instance rake standard 10% except at low level & 5/10p cash 200BB buy-in whereas every other level 100. I head from another post this is being addressed - any idea when?
The butter analogy doesnt hold well (was worth it though for the "cant believe its not butter" though) as there is no "margarine" substitute - if u wanna play sit&gos on this site you gotta pay 15-20% rake. Surely Sky dont want to encourage their customers to seek products with their competitors?
In Response to Re: sky poker fees : The title of the thread gives you a clue about the content within it. If you aren't interested, don't open it. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Fair point although the title does not give exact detail to the nature of the post.
Regardless, this is the umpteenth rant about the same subject.
Mega facepalm. £50 + £5 £1 + 10p or whatever it is They are both using the same software and table set-up. One person is paying £5 for the privilige. One is paying 10p(ish). Yet it is the ones paying 10p who are complaining. Posted by CLIOKID
Interestingly another site is dropping DYM's from the end of the month replacing them with the much better inmo 50/50s. The rake has also been reduced to 8% on $1 dolllar games. Makes Sky look very expensive indeed at 15% for a similar game.
Interestingly another site is dropping DYM's from the end of the month replacing them with the much better inmo 50/50s. The rake has also been reduced to 8% on $1 dolllar games. Makes Sky look very expensive indeed at 15% for a similar game. Posted by steveskin1
That is a huge site and so scale comes into play ...... they can afford to drop to 8%.
The change from DYM's is because they are open to collusion and difficult to keep track of.
If you ran a sweet shop Dohhhhhhh and could charge more for a certain low price chocolate bar than a rival shop down the road AND customers continued to come back for more and pay your price because they liked your chocolate and your shop and new customers kept flooding in to buy your chocolate... WHY, would you lower the price?? You wouldn't!
I am not saying that sky charge more or less rake than anyone else. There are 100s of poker sites and they all vary. In fact i have seem some charge no rake at micros and others up to 25%. You pays your money you makes your choice!
Another yummy analogy, and this didn't even involve a supermarket!
The bottom line is Sky Poker can charge whatever they like. It's up to us if we choose to pay it. fwiw I don't really like the concept of paying a higher percentage charge for a lower buy-in dym, but my opinion would not matter unless it was shared by everyone who plays micros on here and they stopped playing them. If they continue to play and pay, then it wont change.
Rakeism... No, not rakeism, its business sense. If you ran a sweet shop Dohhhhhhh and could charge more for a certain low price chocolate bar than a rival shop down the road AND customers continued to come back for more and pay your price because they liked your chocolate and your shop and new customers kept flooding in to buy your chocolate... WHY, would you lower the price?? You wouldn't! I am not saying that sky charge more or less rake than anyone else. There are 100s of poker sites and they all vary. In fact i have seem some charge no rake at micros and others up to 25%. You pays your money you makes your choice! Another yummy analogy, and this didn't even involve a supermarket! The bottom line is Sky Poker can charge whatever they like. It's up to us if we choose to pay it. fwiw I don't really like the concept of paying a higher percentage charge for a lower buy-in dym, but my opinion would not matter unless it was shared by everyone who plays micros on here and they stopped playing them. If they continue to play and pay, then it wont change. Posted by GREGHOGG
It would make good business sense to increase the rake on every cash hand at each level by 2p per hand.
It would make good business sense to charge 5.52p for a £5 dym, £55.55 on £50 dyms.
Would any of the above increase the profits on sky poker?
I love how the micro dyms are the only game that get assessed and priced up individually, everything else is set in stone at 10%
I wonder how the price of 5/10/15/20/30/50/100 pound dym games would fluctuate if they were monitored carefully to find the optimum buy in fee, in terms of profit......
Or are they all monitored and priced up and miraculously all fall on exactly 10% rake?
Wake up.
It has nothing to do with other sites, I'm not comparing the price here, to the price elsehwere, it's irrelevant.
Steve I played a couple of those 50fifty games the other day.
I think they would be much better if they offered a 6 seater option. It's hard to build a stack really on a really tight 10 handed table, becasuse you don't get the button/cut off seat often enough.
Hi Dohhhhhhh, I eventually got an answer to your question on a thread I started in community suggestions---- It's "because", this rake fits in with the "current business model"
i find that the skypoker buyin fees are to exspensive who agrees with me Posted by daiw
A big congrats to you daiw , for bringing this up again in forum , its peeps like you that will get this silly over charge of 20% rake , brought down to a fairer charge .
The more customers / punters who complain about the over charge the better chance we have of getting it reduced .
Hi Dohhhhhhh, I eventually got an answer to your question on a thread I started in community suggestions---- It's "because", this rake fits in with the "current business model" Posted by oynutter
That's not even an answer though.
As the Irish Man says, I'm amazed the people who play these games don't make more of a fuss about it.
I've never played them, never will play them, but It's annoyed me enough to try and make a point.
All I can think of is the people that play these games don't even understand what sky are doing, which makes sense as they're likely to be total newbies. They don't know what R.O.I and rake are, and that gives sky a chance to exploit their naivety.
I'd much rather see the higher stakes guys discriminated against, at least them lot would see what's going on.
In Response to Re: sky poker fees : In a way, yes, it costs something to run every game. But not a direct cost, except for server costs etc, but the development costs of the Site, & all the support costs - staff, equipment, promotions, office costs, rent, overheads, etc, all these are charged to the Poker Site, & broken down, a fixed amount of "margin" needs to be recovered daily to pay those costs. (These are called "Prime Costs" & "Overheads"). And hopefully leave a bit behind for profit. So they take the sum needed to "pay the rent", & then try to best apportion it across all aspects of the business, or site. In doing so (I'm surmising here, as I don't know as a fact) I imagine they use the same pricing model that is used for almost every consumer product on the planet. That is, buy it in bigger packets, & the unit cost is less, buy it in smaller packets, & the unit price is higher. Think, if it helps, of the cost of beer, or ciggies, or tins of custard, or packs of potatoes. It would need an awful lot of 60p DYM's to pay much of that Prime Cost. Answer me a question now, please (I've answered all yours!) - IF they reduced 60p DYM's to 55p, (& so the Reg fee to 5p instead of 10p) how many EXTRA 55p DYM's would be needed for the business to "stand still". Extend that one step further. If they reduced them to 51p - (50p + 1p Reg Fee) - how many more would be needed to "stand still" now? Now turn it upside down. Increase the fee to £0.70. (50p + 20p). Number played would plummet, probably by morethan half. Thus is would NOT be cost-effective. And there's the skill - in getting the balance right. The daily figures suggest they have. And let us be absolutely clear - Customers have a huge choice, there are so many Online Poker Sites these days. I wish we lived in a world where everything was free, or we could all afford whatever we wanted. But we don't, & it affects every one of us. We need to judge for ourselves what we are, or are not, prepared to buy stuff for, & sell stuff for. Posted by Tikay10
Having been a keen follower of this thread and similar threads over the last gawd knows how long, here's my opinion. I play poker on sky cos I like to, I don't particularily play for financial gain, but a nice win always gives a good feeling. I don't play anywhere else online cos I'm like 90% of the male population, lazy. I like to complain but usually do nothing about it. To answer the above question is simple, if you halve the entry, you have to double the entrants to stand still, as a DYM has a fixed number of entries. If it is reduced to 1p as suggested, the number of tables would have to increase tenfold. Conversely if it was increased to 20p and the number exactly halved, again there would be no effect on the rake taken. DYMs are an easy target because the entrant numbers is always consistent. But MTTs are different. On a separate thread someone noted that on Monday night over 300 entered the 8.05 MTT BH @ £2 + 20p. On Tuesday night over 400 entered, did it really cost an extra £20 to stage this tourney or is this the price of success? I enjoy the BH and always play when I can. 20p is neither here nor there to me, but can someone please address the original question instrad of going on about business models and the price of fish
Why do micros charge more rake than any other level?????
Rakeism... No, not rakeism, its business sense. If you ran a sweet shop Dohhhhhhh and could charge more for a certain low price chocolate bar than a rival shop down the road AND customers continued to come back for more and pay your price because they liked your chocolate and your shop and new customers kept flooding in to buy your chocolate... WHY, would you lower the price?? You wouldn't! I am not saying that sky charge more or less rake than anyone else. There are 100s of poker sites and they all vary. In fact i have seem some charge no rake at micros and others up to 25%. You pays your money you makes your choice! Another yummy analogy, and this didn't even involve a supermarket! The bottom line is Sky Poker can charge whatever they like. It's up to us if we choose to pay it. fwiw I don't really like the concept of paying a higher percentage charge for a lower buy-in dym, but my opinion would not matter unless it was shared by everyone who plays micros on here and they stopped playing them. If they continue to play and pay, then it wont change. Posted by GREGHOGG
A business sense to charge the new players & lowest stake players , the highest % of rake , hence crippling any br they wish to build to play higher up . seems to me its like biting off the hands that going to feed you .
Greg if skypoker in the morning started charging you 20% rake on your higher up dym games that you play . Would you come on forum and say that's ok not rakeism, its business sense.
IMO, it makes good business sense to have new players that can build a bankroll on low stakes games and move up. charging over 10% rake obviously makes it very difficult to do so, so it's not just unfair, it's also flopwit stupid!!!
A player with any sense at all will build their bankroll on another site, where the rake is sensible, but maybe sky prefer to attract stupid people?
In Response to sky poker fees : A big congrats to you daiw , for bringing this up again in forum , its peeps like you that will get this silly over charge of 20% rake , brought down to a fairer charge . The more customers / punters who complain about the over charge the better chance we have of getting it reduced . you can do this by posting on these threads . Posted by IRISHROVER
thanks this is the first time i used this forum and im glad its a few people on here agree with me!! if sky dropped they fees i think they will make alot more profit and the tables will fill up quicker. and i dont agree with people sayng if you not happy dont use this site. we post threads like this to try and improve the site and im a strong believer it will!!! thanks
In Response to Re: sky poker fees : A business sense to charge the new players & lowest stake players , the highest % of rake , hence crippling any br they wish to build to play higher up . seems to me its like biting off the hands that going to feed you . Greg if skypoker in the morning started charging you 20% rake on your higher up dym games that you play . Would you come on forum and say that's ok not rakeism, its business sense. Is it just a case of i am alright jack . Posted by IRISHROVER
The honest answer is that if the rake for my £5 games increased from 50p to £1 that there would be no benefit to me to play them because it would cancel my profit!
I wouldn't play them on Sky and i would go elsewhere for better value DYMs!
No one is forcing anyone to play the low limit dyms on here ( i still play them sometimes to chill out and i enjoy them) To be honest, i don't really even think about the rake when im playing the micro levels (30p to £2) Im aware of it, but i don't mind personally.
The reason the rake is 10% at the mid-higher levels is that it has to be to be competitive or people would not play here. The industry standard at these limits is 10%.
Perhaps the reason the rake is 20% at the lowest levels is that the majority of players that play this level don't mind because its just recreation to them. I don't see it as people being niave, more apathy. They don't care! Its just a bit of fun!
Therefore, are Sky taking advantage by charging 20% at the lower levels? Is it fair? Well some of you think they are and its unfair and this is a reasonable and i suppose logical view to take. I, however, see it as that Sky are running a business and that they are just as entitled to charge what they wish, as long as they are acting within the rules of their regulators (which they are) They are very clear on how much the rake is and you have to press 2 buttons to confirm!
To build a bankroll from the micros is still possible, albeit harder due to the 20% rake. I know of a couple of players who have turned £5 or £10 into hundreds just starting off at the micro limit dyms.
I do sympathise with those who want to try to play properly and grind a roll at the micro levels, but there are other options if you dont like the rake on Sky! Vote with your feet imo!
Does anyone play 60p DYM's to make a profit?
I am willing to pay 60p for 30 mins of poker entertainment (usually 2 mins however!).
What I find odd is the discrepencies found at the lower level - for instance rake standard 10% except at low level & 5/10p cash 200BB buy-in whereas every other level 100. I head from another post this is being addressed - any idea when?
The butter analogy doesnt hold well (was worth it though for the "cant believe its not butter" though) as there is no "margarine" substitute - if u wanna play sit&gos on this site you gotta pay 15-20% rake. Surely Sky dont want to encourage their customers to seek products with their competitors?
Regardless, this is the umpteenth rant about the same subject.
The rake has also been reduced to 8% on $1 dolllar games.
Makes Sky look very expensive indeed at 15% for a similar game.
No, not rakeism, its business sense.
If you ran a sweet shop Dohhhhhhh and could charge more for a certain low price chocolate bar than a rival shop down the road AND customers continued to come back for more and pay your price because they liked your chocolate and your shop and new customers kept flooding in to buy your chocolate... WHY, would you lower the price?? You wouldn't!
I am not saying that sky charge more or less rake than anyone else. There are 100s of poker sites and they all vary. In fact i have seem some charge no rake at micros and others up to 25%. You pays your money you makes your choice!
Another yummy analogy, and this didn't even involve a supermarket!
The bottom line is Sky Poker can charge whatever they like. It's up to us if we choose to pay it. fwiw I don't really like the concept of paying a higher percentage charge for a lower buy-in dym, but my opinion would not matter unless it was shared by everyone who plays micros on here and they stopped playing them. If they continue to play and pay, then it wont change.
FWIW i dont really eat chocolate have you any better analogy's ?
for bringing this up again in forum ,
its peeps like you that will get this silly over charge of 20% rake ,
brought down to a fairer charge .
The more customers / punters who complain about the over charge
the better chance we have of getting it reduced .
you can do this by posting on these threads .
To answer the above question is simple, if you halve the entry, you have to double the entrants to stand still, as a DYM has a fixed number of entries.
If it is reduced to 1p as suggested, the number of tables would have to increase tenfold.
Conversely if it was increased to 20p and the number exactly halved, again there would be no effect on the rake taken.
DYMs are an easy target because the entrant numbers is always consistent.
But MTTs are different.
On a separate thread someone noted that on Monday night over 300 entered the 8.05 MTT BH @ £2 + 20p. On Tuesday night over 400 entered, did it really cost an extra £20 to stage this tourney or is this the price of success? I enjoy the BH and always play when I can. 20p is neither here nor there to me, but can someone please address the original question instrad of going on about business models and the price of fish
Why do micros charge more rake than any other level?????
the highest % of rake , hence crippling any br they wish to build to play higher up .
seems to me its like biting off the hands that going to feed you .
Greg if skypoker in the morning started charging you 20% rake on your higher up
dym games that you play .
Would you come on forum and say that's ok
not rakeism, its business sense.
Is it just a case of i am alright jack .
A player with any sense at all will build their bankroll on another site, where the rake is sensible, but maybe sky prefer to attract stupid people?
I wouldn't play them on Sky and i would go elsewhere for better value DYMs!
No one is forcing anyone to play the low limit dyms on here ( i still play them sometimes to chill out and i enjoy them) To be honest, i don't really even think about the rake when im playing the micro levels (30p to £2) Im aware of it, but i don't mind personally.
The reason the rake is 10% at the mid-higher levels is that it has to be to be competitive or people would not play here. The industry standard at these limits is 10%.
Perhaps the reason the rake is 20% at the lowest levels is that the majority of players that play this level don't mind because its just recreation to them. I don't see it as people being niave, more apathy. They don't care! Its just a bit of fun!
Therefore, are Sky taking advantage by charging 20% at the lower levels? Is it fair? Well some of you think they are and its unfair and this is a reasonable and i suppose logical view to take. I, however, see it as that Sky are running a business and that they are just as entitled to charge what they wish, as long as they are acting within the rules of their regulators (which they are) They are very clear on how much the rake is and you have to press 2 buttons to confirm!
To build a bankroll from the micros is still possible, albeit harder due to the 20% rake. I know of a couple of players who have turned £5 or £10 into hundreds just starting off at the micro limit dyms.
I do sympathise with those who want to try to play properly and grind a roll at the micro levels, but there are other options if you dont like the rake on Sky! Vote with your feet imo!