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vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,406
Interested in Horse Racing, then join this free competition to win free bets from SKY. The Naps table will run from Saturday 26th February 2011 to 9th April 2011, the day of the Grand National and will also include the four days of the Cheltenham Festival.

What do I have to do ?  REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED

Register for the competition by posting on this thread before 12 noon on Friday 25th February 2011. Select one horse from any British race meeting on each Saturday and one horse for each of the days of the Festival. The Festival selections must be from races at Cheltenham but the Saturday selections can come from any race meeting on that day. 
Selections each day, with name of horse, race time and meeting have to be sent to me by Personal Message or appear on this thread 30 minutes before the start time of the First Race in Britain on each given day. The choice of PM or thread selection is up to you, it depends on how secretive or confident you are. Of course I will post my selections on the thread to avoid any cheating on my part. LOL how could a Father of the cloth cheat I hear you ask !  
If you wish to Nap under a pseudonym please enter on the thread otherwise you will be be entered in your Sky Poker Name.

How will winners be settled?

Any winner will be settled at starting price to a £1 level win stake.
If your horse is a non runner the £1 stake will not be deducted from your total.
Not selecting a horse on any given day results in a £1 loss.

How will the winner of the Naps Table be decided ?

The winner will be the tipster who makes the most profit over the 11 day selection period and the updated table will appear on the start of this thread after each day of the competition so you will know how you are doing.

What are the Prizes ?

First Place - £25 bet with SkySecond Place -£10 bet with SkyThird Place -£5 bet with Sky 

I think I have covered everything but if not i will answer any queries if posted on this thread and REMEMBER, If you are really confident about your selection get on at SKY BET to see if you can get better odds to boost your personal pot of gold. By the way don't follow my tips, they are rubbish!!!

I hope you think my idea is good, that you will enter and encourage your Sky Poker buddies to take part as well.

God Bless you all Father Vaigret 

We have 48 Entries -Good Luck all

Don't forget our Freeroll on Monday night at 7pm for the forty players who logged at least one nap to 2nd April. See details on page 30 of the thread. 

The Final Table.
Well done everybody for a great competition.

First Place

FINS £22 in profit wins £25 Free Bet from SKY BET

Joint Second Place

The Head Lad (vaigret) and splashies £15 in profit each win a £10 Free Bet from Sky Bet

NameSelectionMeetingWin oddsWLNRNSProfitFINSHello BudA 4.15L380022.00The Head LadQuinzA 4.15L281015.00splashiesMajestic ConcordeA 4.15L1100015.00BADBOY985EspyW 6.20L47009.75chrispipSilver By NatureA 4.15L38009.50NorbitReve De SivolaA 3.25L29009.00goodylad21NO SELECTION--24058.00kaymacBecauseicouldntseeA 4.15L19103.00NINSNANNYPrince de BeucherneA 3.25W 10-117212.00MAXALLYSkippers BrigA 4.15L28001.75UKjoeNO SELECTION--26031.50Any2SuitedDooneys GateA 4.15L110002.00billybootsBluesea CrackerA 4.15L110002.00AndybuckOrzareA 5.00L19015.50TENOFSPADENO SELECTION--100105.50littlelouWest End RockerA 4.15L18115.67moonoooMajestic ConcordeA 4.15L19106.25Kiwini4uSkippers BrigA 4.15L18029.09kalooki8NO SELECTION--0<td width="36" valign="top" style="border-right:windowtext 1pt solid;padding-right:5.4pt;border-top:#f0f0f0;padding-


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