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£2K League Stars 7pm



  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited September 2009
    Hi Guys,

    i have had to remove a couple of posts from this thread as they break the community house rules.

    please use this forum as it was intended; for open, friendly debate and chat.


  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: £2K League Stars 7pm:
    In Response to £2K League Stars 7pm :   hi davey didn't realise this thread was here as i posted this (below) in tonites show thread but this is where it belongs better late than never              This is from the 1st monthly league stars freeroll  out 1st   ( hall of fame for worst rubbish play me thinks)     What a weekend i've had twice i've been called when way ahead after turn twice rivered so when u see this hand i tried my luck at it & failed which confirmed to me proper poker is best went staight to 1250BH sat & got through to main event at 9-30pm playing proper poker so i've learnt a very good lesson this weekend       dtw  aka  michael       JingleMa Small blind   10.00 10.00 1970.00 BandC Big blind   20.00 30.00 2240.00   Your hole cards 7 4       DTWBANDIT Call   20.00 50.00 1820.00 ajw1310 Call   20.00 70.00 2080.00 MASSIE29 Fold         CHEEZY67 Raise   100.00 170.00 1680.00 JingleMa Fold         BandC Fold         DTWBANDIT Call   80.00 250.00 1740.00 ajw1310 Call   80.00 330.00 2000.00 Flop     A K 5       DTWBANDIT Check         ajw1310 Check         CHEEZY67 Bet   247.50 577.50 1432.50 DTWBANDIT Call   247.50 825.00 1492.50 ajw1310 Fold         Turn     5       DTWBANDIT Bet   412.50 1237.50 1080.00 CHEEZY67 All-in   1432.50 2670.00 0.00 DTWBANDIT Call   1020.00 3690.00 60.00 River     9       DTWBANDIT Show 7 4       CHEEZY67 Show K A       CHEEZY67 Win Two Pairs, Aces and Kings 3690.00   3690.00  
    Posted by DTWBANDIT

    lol that is funny dtw, cheers for posting that, now i know its not only me who can donk chips away lol

  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: £2K League Stars 7pm:
    In Response to Re: £2K League Stars 7pm : lol that is funny dtw, cheers for posting that, now i know its not only me who can donk chips away lol webby
    Posted by webby234

        glad u enjoyed it m8 u have to laff it off or as mike1975 said in me poker diary stories gotta stay possitive be happy have a break   tho early last month it used to bother me but not after i read his replys & also this weekend has been ups & downs highs & lows (the guys who have railed me know( fri-sun) now i have a new outlook on Poker hands i never ever wanna play another RUBBISH hand again (but i probally will haha)

        hows yr fantasy team doing with 30+ goals this weekend have/ got a sports diary (still a bit rough round edges but getting there m8) so if you like me sense of humour check it out there's loads of different sporting stuff in there

       cheers for comment webby if i don't c u on the tables i'll deffo c u in the shed as i like reading  your posts m8

  • zxghostxzzxghostxz Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: £2K League Stars 7pm:
    hi peeps when i got my table up i noticed there was 4 players  on away solidstan kept min raising i then use my thinking time and kept folding with the poor cards i was getting then instead of writing in the chat game we was in he went out of his way and loaded up another table i was on and said he was going to report me and i know ive done nothing wrong.i do not take lightly to slanderous comments made about me publicly and WILL be pursuing the matter is the hand in question please leave a post on what you think please .here is the in question please leave a post on what you think  190750749
    Posted by lucky77777
    lucky  u did nout wrong..stan just needs to be a man  and get over it.....
  • lucky77777lucky77777 Member Posts: 1,444
    edited September 2009
    thanks guys everyone dont like bad beats but you just have to live with it, but to actually come on to another table of mine and say im going to report you is tottally unexceptable
                                                                                         so have fun on the tables but most of all the very best of luck to all     thanks lucky
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