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I have now grinded DYM's for well over a month and....
I think I have had enough now....
I need some motivation to continue...
They are mind numbingly boring, even more so than a tikay train story or a stien forum post...:)
The play in them is ridiculous I have seen everything from limp folding for less than 2 big blinds to calling a raise, reraise and a rereraise on the bubble with 87s. Basically the percentages of player types are as follows.
Ooober Nits 20%= (fold their way to the cash without playing a hand will blind themselves out if necessary, they never bet or raise. they only limp.
Standard Nits 40%= a mixture of good, average, and bad nits, some who limp- call, others who bet so big when they have it that its blindingly obvious.
Random Plonkers 30%= unpredictable and dangerous. You never know what they are calling or raising with until you get your AA in against their 87s and either they bink or you double up. Dohhhhhh makes this category!:)
Regular Grindmonkies 10%= I am in this group. The regulars (who are at or near the top of the stt leaderboard... I know how they play, they know how I play but they still pwn me... sigh.
Anyway, I play DYMS because they make me a little money and im on track to at least £100 bonus at the end of the month and a place in the TSP freeroll in April.
But...Whoever said "DYM's are not poker" I am starting to believe you!
Maybe I should make the switch to russian roulettes, watdyathink?
If it wasnt for the fact I still play mtts along side and the occasional bit of cash, i would actually go insane!
What category am I in, I gambled last night with my AJos and took out your kk.
Sorry about that.
yeah dyms are brain numbing. can only tolerate them if im 10 tabling. dunno how JohnConnor does it tbf
btw how did u do in the 11 deepstack last night?
*you can also keep Dohhhhhh and Young_gun company
thanks greg.. i looked over the garden hedge and saw your name on the stt leaderboard there and had started to wonder whether i should play some too but now you've put me off.. thank you. i am staying where the grass in browner. but i might look over the other hedge to the cash lawn, it look nice.
Others might call me different. I hate to think what! I do tend to get some abuse on the dym tables...
The other day, someone said Greg, "all you do is go all-in or fold... thats not poker!"
I think my reply was, "Yup, not really poker, but you dont have to play poker to win at DYMS"
Then i was challenged to a HU match.... You know, the usual stuff. I shouldnt get involved in table chat when im 6 tabling, but i must admit i do sometimes to make it more interesting. And to rofl when i lose to a 2 outer on the river for the 3rd time in a row.
I agree to the locked forum SNG's but my ROI would be so high that sharkscope would need more software to cope.
I have made a small profit and any profit is good innit. Also dont forget the cash for points bonus.
But no, my ROI could be better, much better, because when i am 6 tabling i do make mistakes. Also, i have joked about the play in dyms being ridiculous, but its a miles better standard overall than it used to be and to make a consistent profit at dyms (no matter how small) while staying sane is an achievement in itself i think!
I have huuuuuge respect for Johnconnor and Nutter and co... i have no idea how they do it!
I will eventually make the switch to cash. I am just learning to manage my br properly and be disciplined, and when i have the required BR ( i want 70+ Buyins ive decided), i will go and annoy Dohhhhhh on the 20/30nl tables. This will be after April though, as i have decided to stick it out with the dyms and take a shot at TSP!
thanks for your comments everyone... even Alan.... I guess...
I just played badly this morning and got ul = a bad combo.
So I had to vent my frustration somewhere innit!
fwiw, i wont stop grinding these dyms until i have caught up Shanxta anyway!:)
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii More fish at 30nl ftw
Nah I think your an i diot Greg.

Tempted to end the post at that, but I'll elaborate.....
Yeh your an i diot for playing those games, it's a waste of a "talent" - We can debate wether discipline, concentration and persiverence are actually talents, but thats for another thread.......
You would easily be in the top 2% of players at 20 and 30nl. Even though you're a "newbie" and you "don't play cash" .... You would be one of the first names on my list of people to avoid when looking to open my first 4 tables.
If you can 6 table 30nl for 5 hour sessions like you do with'll be looking at a MUCH bigger bonus than £100 a month, on top of profit.....which will be massive........
You can make £1k a month "easily".
Even if you only open TT+ and AQs+ you will be a millionnaire in no time.
The above isn't a compliment to you, as you are useless. - Just trying to make you aware of how bad most 30nl tables are.
Stop wasting ya time dude
PS. - u like my spa zz out with A5 in the dym yest???????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Dohhhhhhh
If i would be in the top 2% of players at 30nl (which i doubt) and I am useless (probably correct) I love to think what the other 98% are like!
You make it sound very easy.. I'm sure it isn't. But, i have never grinded cash before, when bankrolled properly, and i think to have 70+ buy ins will make a huge difference to my mentality and i will play better. So ill get that first and watch a bit more cash and then it will be bye bye dyms forever. wiiiiiiiiiii. Im gonna set a target for 15th April to start cash. Hopefully. Or if the cash goes badly, it will be back to the dyms...
I cant remember how your dym exit hand played last night Dohhhhhh but it was awful im sure. I remember thinking, what a random plonker...:)