The standard and ooober nits were out in force today. the random plonkers were obviously all having a day off at the same time. Also the really good regular grindmonkies were about and there was hardly any value anywhere. Ended up losing again.. sigh. It will be time to move to cash very soon. 100% certain of this. 4 more weeks or so and its bye bye DYMS forever! yay Posted by GREGHOGG
i'm thinking of playing cash on a regular basis soon as well greg, what level is best to start at?
In Response to Re: Double your money... Halve your brain cells. : i'm thinking of playing cash on a regular basis soon as well greg, what level is best to start at? Posted by waller02
im sorry waller, i cant answer that, maybe a cash player will help.
but i intend to start at 20/30nl when i have the required roll.
In Response to Re: Double your money... Halve your brain cells. : im sorry waller, i cant answer that, maybe a cash player will help. but i intend to start at 20/30nl when i have the required roll. Posted by GREGHOGG
i have played a bit before at 10nl and did ok, have the roll for 20nl so i think i'm gonna have a bash 2 tabling that and if it goes badly then just go back to mtts and dyms. as for you greg, i'm sure a player of your standard will make a tidy profit, gl
well i dropped down to £3.30 after getting crushed at the £5.50 and am making steady progress again. also ive sneaked into the top five of the sng league. it will be tough to stay there! but i really want to make top 4 so i get a decent stack in the April TSP final.
well i dropped down to £3.30 after getting crushed at the £5.50 and am making steady progress again. also ive sneaked into the top five of the sng league. it will be tough to stay there! but i really want to make top 4 so i get a decent stack in the April TSP final. 64 18AND5TIME 118 8951 78 9147 67 JohnConnor 22 8854 142 9018 Seated 78 JACOBWBA 4 7980 38 8022 73 SHANXTA 146 7253 990 8389 84 GREGHOGG 254 7146 260 7660 Seated 87 CHILLIE 106 7136 259 7501 Seated 99 gixxerk4 62 6628 364 7054 111 121285 0 6551 262 6813 123 connell12 0 6510 0 6510 Seated 143 1267 48 5934 101 6083 Seated Posted by GREGHOGG
Just as you're climbing up the table with your sights set on a top for 4 finish, spurs are going in the other direction.
In Response to Re: Double your money... Halve your brain cells. : yeah prob wise, best not run before i can walk, if you 3 table 10nl can you still make a decent profit and build up a decent amount of poker points? Posted by waller02
If you want any decent amount from cash for point you are better off playing at least 20nl as you get more than double the points of 4,8 and 10nl, but be aware you might lose that bonus in a few bad beats!!
I would say start at 8nl and see how you get on......................
In Response to Re: Double your money... Halve your brain cells. : If you want any decent amount from cash for point you are better off playing at least 20nl as you get more than double the points of 4,8 and 10nl, but be aware you might lose that bonus in a few bad beats!! I would say start at 8nl and see how you get on...................... Posted by donkeyplop
cheers for the advice, played an hour 2 tabling 10nl just now and came out in profit albeit only £3, i have played 10nl a few times before and feel comfortable there, i'm still playing a lot of mtts and dyms too so they will help boost my cash for points, i rarely get more than 2000 anyway so it's no big issue fo me really p.s soz for hijacking ur thread greg! i'm done now!
Come on now thats harsh comparing passive fish to Dagenham, Dagenham are going to survive........ gotta try and protect my local team as much as I can i think that will cover it...... can this not be changed to erm Grays Athletic
All passive fish - Dagenham and Redbrige Come on now thats harsh comparing passive fish to Dagenham, Dagenham are going to survive........ gotta try and protect my local team as much as I can i think that will cover it...... can this not be changed to erm Grays Athletic ................................................................................................................................................................ Good luck with your goal Gregg in trying to make TSP and making the change from DYM's to Cash Posted by delaney09
Many thanks..
Dohhhhhhh came up with Dagenham for passive fish, not me, blame him!
I would love it if you finished 2nd in the league, and got AA all in pre flop in the tourny against the chip leader, who also has AA and got 4 flushed.
I would love it if you finished 2nd in the league, and got AA all in pre flop in the tourny against the chip leader, who also has AA and got 4 flushed. Think I would literally wee myself. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Yes, well, maybe you need to get some pampers in just in case.
Im not sure they do giant size nappies tho tbh. If they did that would be the ideal solution for you imo. You can 6 table 30nl and drink loads of beer without having to stop to go to the toilet.
P.S, nice to know i have your support!:) I look forward to you railing me in the final, waiting for the outdraw, so you can say "i told u so!"
flashflush the money you have in your poker account is not the same thing as your bankroll.
I don't think a 70BI bankroll is conservative, I have over 100BI's in mine - when you're not playing with a high percentage of your roll at any one time you aren't afraid to try new things which will benefit your game.
It will take time to adjust playing 100bbs deep and getting into difficult spots that you never have to deal with in mtt's/stt's, but as long as you have good BR management, discuss some of your hands with other cash players after sessions, post on forums etc. there isn't a reason why you can't be successful at it.
He is a nice type of guy! Do not be too hard on him.
The standard and ooober nits were out in force today. the random plonkers were obviously all having a day off at the same time.
Also the really good regular grindmonkies were about and there was hardly any value anywhere. Ended up losing again.. sigh.
It will be time to move to cash very soon. 100% certain of this. 4 more weeks or so and its bye bye DYMS forever! yay
but i intend to start at 20/30nl when i have the required roll.
as for you greg, i'm sure a player of your standard will make a tidy profit, gl
6418AND5TIME1188951789147 67JohnConnor2288541429018Seated78JACOBWBA47980388022 73SHANXTA14672539908389 84GREGHOGG25471462607660Seated87CHILLIE10671362597501Seated99gixxerk46266283647054 111121285065512626813 123connell120651006510Seated14312674859341016083Seated
Sorry couldn't help myself.
I would say start at 8nl and see how you get on......................
p.s soz for hijacking ur thread greg! i'm done now!
Like Tottenham Hotspur, im clinging onto 4th...
63JohnConnor2291561429320Seated6518AND5TIME1189038789234 79JACOBWBA88200388246 84GREGHOGG25873832617902Seated75SHANXTA14672539908389 88CHILLIE10672362707612Seated102gixxerk46266983647124 120connell120667106671Seated110121285066562626918Seated
Come on now thats harsh comparing passive fish to Dagenham, Dagenham are going to survive........ gotta try and protect my local team as much as I can i think that will cover it...... can this not be changed to erm Grays Athletic
Good luck with your goal Gregg in trying to make TSP and making the change from DYM's to Cash
Dohhhhhhh came up with Dagenham for passive fish, not me, blame him!
Im not sure they do giant size nappies tho tbh. If they did that would be the ideal solution for you imo. You can 6 table 30nl and drink loads of beer without having to stop to go to the toilet.
P.S, nice to know i have your support!:) I look forward to you railing me in the final, waiting for the outdraw, so you can say "i told u so!"
and im sitting 4th in the league. Still a month to go... can i make it?
59JohnConnor22991921610157 6318AND5TIME1189481789677 72JACOBWBA88887538948 79GREGHOGG28079102818471Seated73SHANXTA14676939928831 88CHILLIE10676113738090 97gixxerk46269685587588 110121285068782627140 120connell120686706867 14612674860541736275
I don't think a 70BI bankroll is conservative, I have over 100BI's in mine - when you're not playing with a high percentage of your roll at any one time you aren't afraid to try new things which will benefit your game.
It will take time to adjust playing 100bbs deep and getting into difficult spots that you never have to deal with in mtt's/stt's, but as long as you have good BR management, discuss some of your hands with other cash players after sessions, post on forums etc. there isn't a reason why you can't be successful at it.