as people know i bubbled for a package to vegas but the exit hand was truly appauling etiquette by someone i had respect for as a player and a professional. This isn't a moan or whine but what happened was NOT right, and im angered by it. i played a great game when down to 2 tables, pushed and folded in the perfect spots to get 3 handed, even come back from 297 chips when blinds were 400/800.
i had 44 on the sb with 15k in chips and terell08 min raises to 4k after which i jam. now he has a decision for a good chunk of his chips. the timer starts going down and said railer starts typing 'call, call, call, call, call' repeatedly egging the guy on to call. we are on the bubble for a 10k package to vegas, the dream deal for any poker player! and the guy with the decision is being influenced by a 'pro' into calling. i know coxy is good freinds with the railer concerned and he wants him to win the package but what he said in the chat box just isn't on. i believe if nothing was said in the box the guy folds, he only had 8 high!!!!!!!!
when a player is allin chat should be disabled! totally disgusted by the attempt at influencing a decision that has such a massive prize on offer. and the said railer might not be bothered about what i say and people may laugh at this thread but it was disgusting behaviour. if the positions were reversed and the railer was on the other end of this as i was then he would be fuming just as much as me.
i feel sick to the stomach, this month has been a kick in the teeth and this just takes the biscuit. fuming isnt the word. i expect it from a random railer but not a respected 'pro' he should have known better about it. im not angry at bubbling im heartbroken, just angered at the situation that occured.
i will end by saying congrats to terell08 and coxylboro, good luck in vegas.
a dissapointed
Hi Hurst,
I have amended your post slightly to delete the name of the offending railer as naming and shaming is against forum rules. I have forwarded a copy of your original post onto the Sky poker team so they are aware of what happened. I hope that this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of this great game and that you try again next time to get to Vegas.
Sky Mod4
I know it feels sh%t mate but we get our seats next month.
I would say at least a monkey eases the pain but £500 or £10k pkg not really comparable.
See ya HU next time!
I only railed the action from the FT, so ofc don't have a solid read on terral, however he didn't seem like someone who would put a large portion of his stack in jepordy for a 10k package with 78o....if he calls and looses then basically you and him were even in chips and he's esstentially gonna be flipping for that seat.
Just my read, could be totally wrong (usually am tbf).
Never seen that in chat before..unless the hand involved TK or Orford obv. I just thought he was joking tbf, though if you think he was trying to influence the play then I can understand why you'd be upset...
Take it easy pal...GL in March
One of the good things about this site IMO is that railers can chat and support their mates in the chat box even at crucial points in games and I would not like to see this changed personally but you have to draw a line somewhere and this kind of action crosses that line.
Better luck next time m8 Ray
Is this the so called offender hurst?????
He was chip leader with 5 left, and 4x raised/stacked off for 15k with King 5 suited claiming he was "committed" when lying 1st/5 in a "top 2" sattellite".
Someone in Vegas is going to get the "golden seat" on his left - hope it's coxy. lol.
Only the man himself will know if the chat influenced his decision. Maybe he can comment.......
The stacks as far as i recall did not warrant an automatic call. In fact, even in a standard sng this would be a fold imho. But fair play to terrell, its not his fault and very well done to him and coxy.
Commiserations Hursty, I know you will bounce back, you played a great game and did not deserve this. I thought you would bink a package, and i cant imagine how sick you feel this morning.
Whether the "call call call" influenced the decision is not the issue really, its that that player should know better! Much better, and at the very least he should apologise to Hursty privatly and explain his actions.
Is it a rule though?
Things like this just aren't clear - and they should be.
If you're leaving things down to "common sense" or "conscience", when it comes to £10,000 prizes, these soon go out of the window.