dont know sim at all but he made a mistake and has said sorry....i know that dont change nothing but at the end of the day its between hurst and sim no1 else
if hurst takes the sorry then ok if he dont then thats for him to complane and by the sounds of it he has sorted it with sim
dont really understand where tk comes into this and dont understand why when ever anything happens its always tk that gets it (if any1 y not orford)lol but come on ive seen many times on the forum people shouting off at him why......i dont agree with everything he says but there his opinions and he has a right to say same as me and as any1 else....but ive never seen him be rude/abusive/or rip any1 ever yet a small amount of people think its ok to.....myself and many others i think would of said go f yourselfs by now i think...yet he still continues to do things for every1 on here....
tk fair play to you for doing what you do 99% of us thank you for it
In Response to Re: Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. : Traffic volumes are rising STRONGLY at all of the SB&G Sites - Poker, Bingo, Vegas, & Bet. Poker Volume at Sky Poker show huge % increases, whilst Online Poker as a whole appears to be in rapid decline on most other Online Poker Rooms. SB&G - Sky Betting & Gaming is part of BSKYB, & all BSKYB companies are audited by....... Deloitte LLP. google is your only friend. Posted by Tikay10
I have referred on each occasion to you not voicing your opinion in this thread, not in the chat box at the time, I referred to the chat box only because I was aware you were around at the time. My original post was in response to your first on this thread.
"It just strikes me as more than a little surprising that a very well known player puts in the chat box CALL CALL CALL CALL and you someone who is normally more than happy to give his opinion on here had not come down heavily on this the moment you saw the thread." Of course I make mistakes, huge ones usually and I expect to be criticised when I do. If this had been posted on one of the more wider known poker forums I'm pretty sure my comments would be considered moderate in relation to sims actions.
Anyway enough, I for my part will do my utmost not to infer any unintentioned personal attacks on your good character, in return could you be so kind as to double check your posts so that you do not infer any unintentioned bias towards individual players when they are under fire.
BTW I thought it was great when you gave Hurst05, Wacko and one other the big up on sat night, it can't do them any harm.
In Response to Re: Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. : Traffic volumes are rising STRONGLY at all of the SB&G Sites - Poker, Bingo, Vegas, & Bet. Poker Volume at Sky Poker show huge % increases, whilst Online Poker as a whole appears to be in rapid decline on most other Online Poker Rooms. SB&G - Sky Betting & Gaming is part of BSKYB, & all BSKYB companies are audited by....... Deloitte LLP. google is your friend. Posted by Tikay10
I am well aware sky's traffic volumes are rising, I watch 865 and have heard you make this point, the very reason I said "traffic volumes are falling on many sites"
Sky Betting and Gaming's RNG is audited by the 3rd party company Technical Systems Testing (TST), who are global experts in the analysis of RNG's used for online gaming purposes. TST are approved by our regulator, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, to conduct compliance testing..........the sky poker site is your friend.
To be honest Tikay this was a blatant trap on my part, it seemed likely Sky would be audited by either Deloitte's or KPMG so I took a punt and referred to them. The question is why then is Sky Betting and Gaming's RNG audited by the 3rd party company Technical Systems Testing (TST) when you have Deloitte's on board, are Deloitte's not approved by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission or are RNG's too complicated for Deloittes.
Tikay, I have referred on each occasion to you not voicing your opinion in this thread, not in the chat box at the time, I referred to the chat box only because I was aware you were around at the time. My original post was in response to your first on this thread. "It just strikes me as more than a little surprising that a very well known player puts in the chat box CALL CALL CALL CALL and you someone who is normally more than happy to give his opinion on here had not come down heavily on this the moment you saw the thread." Of course I make mistakes, huge ones usually and I expect to be criticised when I do. If this had been posted on one of the more wider known poker forums I'm pretty sure my comments would be considered moderate in relation to sims actions. Anyway enough, I for my part will do my utmost not to infer any unintentioned personal attacks on your good character, in return could you be so kind as to double check your posts so that you do not infer any unintentioned bias towards individual players when they are under fire. BTW I thought it was great when you gave Hurst05, Wacko and one other the big up on sat night, it can't do them any harm. Posted by stien
I do not believe I did show any bias - it was you that suggested that. You suggested I showed bias to Simmy over Hursty - the Hursty you now acknowledge I larged up on Saturday's Show, & in fact my three previous Shows. And if the bias is, to use your word, "unintentioned", I'm hardly going to see it, am I? - it's what you decide to read into it. I'm not sure why your default is "he's lying", I really don't. Do you only see bad in others?
You just need to accept that I would never intentionally show favour to any player over another. And that there is a massive difference between a "poker friend" and a real friend. I have hundreds, thousands, perhaps, of the former, & less than a handful of the latter.
If you were a real friend of mine, & you played on Sky Poker, I would positively discriminate against you, as a standard defence against the resident trolls. That's basic O-Level psychology, Stein, & I'm a little surprised you cannot work that out.
OK, I need to get cleared up, & back to the Hotel, in time to play tonight's Tourneys.
Hursty & I have communicated by PM privately today. He is quite embarrassed by the way this thread has spiralled out of control, & become personal. Let's move on, shall we?
In Response to Re: Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. : Traffic volumes are rising STRONGLY at all of the SB&G Sites - Poker, Bingo, Vegas, & Bet. Poker Volume at Sky Poker show huge % increases, whilst Online Poker as a whole appears to be in rapid decline on most other Online Poker Rooms. SB&G - Sky Betting & Gaming is part of BSKYB, & all BSKYB companies are audited by....... Deloitte LLP. google is your friend. Posted by Tikay10
That is a Financial Audit of the company accounts.
The person who offended has apologised, which was nice of him, but!!! only the player involved will know, if he was , in fact, influenced by the railer. In reality though, you're just another ' bad loser ' like the guy awhile back, who blamed Mr Ed for his, losing at the table. This guy cashed just like you, also he started a moaning thread just like you. You guys need to step back a little and be grateful that you cashed at all, because most of us don't. Try and enjoy the game, forget Mammon
In Response to Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. :] The person who offended has apologised, which was nice of him, but!!! only the player involved will know, if he was , in fact, influenced by the railer. In reality though, you're just another ' bad loser ' like the guy awhile back, who blamed Mr Ed for his, losing at the table. This guy cashed just like you, also he started a moaning thread just like you. You guys need to step back a little and be grateful that you cashed at all, because most of us don't. Try and enjoy the game, forget Mammon Kind regards Posted by ALIVEHAT60
er sir... tree barking wrong up... your the
please rearrange those words.
Imagine how you would feel if you bubbled for the best part of 10k! Please dont criticise Hursty, he is a genuine lad i have met a few times and he is not blaming anyone for what happened, trust me. He has a great game and a great future in poker imo. Imagine having to deal with all this agro on top of just narrowly missing out on the chance of a lifetime...not nice izzit.
I had railed hursty in the semi and for the final even while i was still playing, i was very very impressed by how he played and made it Very clear i wanted him to win a seat, i posted repeatedly in the chat box saying 'think' 'keep carm' ETC' i didnt notice the CALL CALL CALL, and i was watching and typing in the chat box, (so leave tk alone PLEASE) I AM VERY UPSET for hursty but i am very sure he will make it to march's final. i have read every post on here and think some people are well away from hursty's point. i wont point fingers and say its appauling as i live in a glass house ! and am sure you all know I have been appauling myself. i do feel hurst should be 'helped out by sky' for this though
hursty i take my hat off to you for your amazing play in both events, and your classy way you have taken this.
In Response to Re: Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. : Traffic volumes are rising STRONGLY at all of the SB&G Sites - Poker, Bingo, Vegas, & Bet. Poker Volume at Sky Poker show huge % increases, whilst Online Poker as a whole appears to be in rapid decline on most other Online Poker Rooms. SB&G - Sky Betting & Gaming is part of BSKYB, & all BSKYB companies are audited by....... Deloitte LLP. google is your friend. Posted by Tikay10
Hi boys, Would this thread be here if Hurst had won the hand.? I am old enough to remember a case where two robbers were caught by a policeman and the youngest told the other older one who had a gun to shoot the policeman. He did and killed him. At the Trial the youngster who shouted shoot him got Hanged. It was deemed the robber with the gun would not have pulled the trigger if he had not shouted shot. Please draw your own conclusions. TK is old enough to remember this Trial.! Posted by logdon
Hi boys, Would this thread be here if Hurst had won the hand.? I am old enough to remember a case where two robbers were caught by a policeman and the youngest told the other older one who had a gun to shoot the policeman. He did and killed him. At the Trial the youngster who shouted shoot him got Hanged. It was deemed the robber with the gun would not have pulled the trigger if he had not shouted shot. Please draw your own conclusions. TK is old enough to remember this Trial.! Posted by logdon
Actually he shouted "Let him have it" and his defence team argued that he was telling his partner to hand the gun over to the policeman.
In Response to Re: Appauling chat etiquette on the bubble on VLV ft. : Actually he shouted "Give it to him" and his defence team argued that he was telling his partner to hand the gun over to the policeman. Posted by Seagull158
I don't think he said that. The Trial testimony was that he said "let him have it, Chris".
But maybe my sources are incorrect. There's been enough arguing for one day!
vul hurst mate was unlucky
dont know sim at all but he made a mistake and has said sorry....i know that dont change nothing but at the end of the day its between hurst and sim no1 else
if hurst takes the sorry then ok if he dont then thats for him to complane and by the sounds of it he has sorted it with sim
dont really understand where tk comes into this and dont understand why when ever anything happens its always tk that gets it (if any1 y not orford)lol but come on ive seen many times on the forum people shouting off at him why......i dont agree with everything he says but there his opinions and he has a right to say same as me and as any1 else....but ive never seen him be rude/abusive/or rip any1 ever
yet a small amount of people think its ok to.....myself and many others i think would of said go f yourselfs by now i think...yet he still continues to do things for every1 on here....
tk fair play to you for doing what you do 99% of us thank you for it
I have referred on each occasion to you not voicing your opinion in this thread, not in the chat box at the time, I referred to the chat box only because I was aware you were around at the time. My original post was in response to your first on this thread.
"It just strikes me as more than a little surprising that a very well known player puts in the chat box CALL CALL CALL CALL and you someone who is normally more than happy to give his opinion on here had not come down heavily on this the moment you saw the thread."
Of course I make mistakes, huge ones usually and I expect to be criticised when I do. If this had been posted on one of the more wider known poker forums I'm pretty sure my comments would be considered moderate in relation to sims actions.
Anyway enough, I for my part will do my utmost not to infer any unintentioned personal attacks on your good character, in return could you be so kind as to double check your posts so that you do not infer any unintentioned bias towards individual players when they are under fire.
BTW I thought it was great when you gave Hurst05, Wacko and one other the big up on sat night, it can't do them any harm.
I am well aware sky's traffic volumes are rising, I watch 865 and have heard you make this point, the very reason I said "traffic volumes are falling on many sites"
Sky Betting and Gaming's RNG is audited by the 3rd party company Technical Systems Testing (TST), who are global experts in the analysis of RNG's used for online gaming purposes. TST are approved by our regulator, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, to conduct compliance testing..........the sky poker site is your friend.
To be honest Tikay this was a blatant trap on my part, it seemed likely Sky would be audited by either Deloitte's or KPMG so I took a punt and referred to them. The question is why then is Sky Betting and Gaming's RNG audited by the 3rd party company Technical Systems Testing (TST) when you have Deloitte's on board, are Deloitte's not approved by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission or are RNG's too complicated for Deloittes.
You just need to accept that I would never intentionally show favour to any player over another. And that there is a massive difference between a "poker friend" and a real friend. I have hundreds, thousands, perhaps, of the former, & less than a handful of the latter.
If you were a real friend of mine, & you played on Sky Poker, I would positively discriminate against you, as a standard defence against the resident trolls. That's basic O-Level psychology, Stein, & I'm a little surprised you cannot work that out.
OK, I need to get cleared up, & back to the Hotel, in time to play tonight's Tourneys.
Hursty & I have communicated by PM privately today. He is quite embarrassed by the way this thread has spiralled out of control, & become personal. Let's move on, shall we?
Take care now.
The person who offended has apologised, which was nice of him, but!!! only the player involved will know, if he was , in fact, influenced by the railer. In reality though, you're just another ' bad loser ' like the guy awhile back, who blamed Mr Ed for his, losing at the table. This guy cashed just like you, also he started a moaning thread just like you. You guys need to step back a little and be grateful that you cashed at all, because most of us don't. Try and enjoy the game, forget Mammon
Kind regards
please rearrange those words.
Imagine how you would feel if you bubbled for the best part of 10k! Please dont criticise Hursty, he is a genuine lad i have met a few times and he is not blaming anyone for what happened, trust me. He has a great game and a great future in poker imo. Imagine having to deal with all this agro on top of just narrowly missing out on the chance of a lifetime...not nice izzit.
I AM VERY UPSET for hursty but i am very sure he will make it to march's final.
i have read every post on here and think some people are well away from hursty's point.
i wont point fingers and say its appauling as i live in a glass house ! and am sure you all know I have been appauling myself.
i do feel hurst should be 'helped out by sky' for this though
hursty i take my hat off to you for your amazing play in both events, and your classy way you have taken this.
n1 tikay
"Let him have it, Chris"
But maybe my sources are incorrect. There's been enough arguing for one day!