Hi Richard something that is over-rated poker wise is Ace King offsuit,i usually raise with it and the board will come 4-6- 7,i put in a c bet and the guy shoves with his made straight or his semi bluff and catch one of his outs on the river.
Got to say Rich i am posting this in a jocular manner as to be serious for a moment i cant understand people who whinge so much about poker,i love playing the game and accept that some times the poker gods aint with you.
What i think is overrated is facebook why would i want to look at other people photos. There was a time when you avoided people after their holidays, so you did not have to see the photos. Also, if you really want to be in touch with someone you use to know would not you have kept in touch. why would you want everyone to know your business tina
What i think is overrated is facebook why would i want to look at other people photos. There was a time when you avoided people after their holidays, so you did not have to see the photos. Also, if you really want to be in touch with someone you use to know would not you have kept in touch. why would you want everyone to know your business tina Posted by karlluke
Maybe just slightly overated - Justin xxxxxxx Beiber
I used to think reality shows like Coach Trip were overated until i got addicted and have now got through all 8 series, with the infamous "International Tour Guide" Brendan and i,ve now applied to go on with my m8 - dohhh slated it and he,s hooked on Jeremy kyle???
GL to everyone at Luton nxt week. Gutted I,m missing it but hoping to get to nxt one.
Was just wondering which presenters are going and/or playing and have they worked out the ones for Leeds yet?
What i think is overrated is facebook why would i want to look at other people photos. There was a time when you avoided people after their holidays, so you did not have to see the photos. Also, if you really want to be in touch with someone you use to know would not you have kept in touch. why would you want everyone to know your business tina Posted by karlluke
+1 Who sits on a computer and writes - Its now 5pm - I am going to have my tea etc etc -- WOW - I can sleep at night now
i,ve tried deleting my account but they make it very hard
CHARMING - JUST TUNED IN - YOU WERE HALF WAY THROUGH A SENTENCE AND I JUST CAUGHT THE BIT - MP33 - you need to sort your priorities out - don,t know what that was about, but as i am responding i have just missed KK in £5 DYM and 10-10 which i only had time to call in the vegas qtr instead of raising
Get well soon James! Overrated? The money in football...even though I play it most days....including today...and tommorow. Ronaldo. £80 million pounds? Could buy at least 40 mansions, and who would pass up 8000 buy ins to the WSOP main event? ;D
Got to say Rich i am posting this in a jocular manner as to be serious for a moment i cant understand people who whinge so much about poker,i love playing the game and accept that some times the poker gods aint with you.
Enjoy this wonderful game of ours
What i think is overrated is facebook why would i want to look at other people photos. There was a time when you avoided people after their holidays, so you did not have to see the photos. Also, if you really want to be in touch with someone you use to know would not you have kept in touch. why would you want everyone to know your business tina
I used to think reality shows like Coach Trip were overated until i got addicted and have now got through all 8 series, with the infamous "International Tour Guide" Brendan and i,ve now applied to go on with my m8 - dohhh slated it and he,s hooked on Jeremy kyle???
GL to everyone at Luton nxt week. Gutted I,m missing it but hoping to get to nxt one.
Was just wondering which presenters are going and/or playing and have they worked out the ones for Leeds yet?
WOW - I can sleep at night now
i,ve tried deleting my account but they make it very hard
45 minutes to go till the live show at 9.
I'll just repeat the question:
Tonight’s topic: In your opinion who or what is over-rated?
Possible examples: Phil Ivey, I-Pads/I-Phones, Colin Firth, Al Pacino, Madonna, Wayne Rooney, holidays, etc
(i.e. what’s the one thing that everyone else in the world seems to rate but you think...meh!)
TSP Classic entry for the best one!
We're starting the show with Mastercash Table 4- 10p/20p
Evening chaps
Looking forward to a good show as always
£5 Last Longer - Rich's car vs England Batting tomorrow morning?
I think you should bet on the number of times you see someone flop a set tonight!
I have a few for the over-rated list
Top for me without a doubt would be the MIGHTY BOOSH O.M.G watched a bit of a live show last night, how bad was that
D ick and Dom from CBBC,arrgghhh
Paris Hilton, thick and dumb (bet you don`t use this one)
Regain hair restorer
Hello, I got my 1st ever Royal Flush 2night. Do you think you can play my hand?
Please add
Rich`s math to the over rated list
just cashed in DYM -let you off there
Overrated? The money in football...even though I play it most days....including today...and tommorow.
Ronaldo. £80 million pounds? Could buy at least 40 mansions, and who would pass up 8000 buy ins to the WSOP main event? ;D
£5 Double Your Money
ID - 4379719
Opposition - 121285
The time was 20:26 tonight.
Also it will be exciting to watch for other people