For me the most overrated person on tv has to be Michael Parkinson.Dreadful chat show host who just was soooo far up his guests backsides,and all he does now is knock other chatshow hosts like Graham Norton and Jonathan Ross.
a question for rich orford, after you got a shirt nicked from a certain mr hartighan from your massive wardrobe? did you get that shirt from mr hartighan`s desk draw ??? lol
a question for rich orford, after you got a shirt nicked from a certain mr hartighan from your massive wardrobe? did you get that shirt from mr hartighan`s desk draw ??? lol Posted by spornybol
Re Folding the tens. Always a bad fold no matter if I was ahead or behind bearing in mind the situation and player involved. TBH just a bit frazzled at the time, stood very shortly after the hand on all tables to have a break, felt my game was going a little wobbly so banked a decent winning session.
Something i think is over-rated is Rich Orfords attention to detail,he replied on the forum to my over-rated post about Johnny Vegas as "a good start Spike" and then never read it out.It was the first post to this thread and he replied at 5.59
Seriously guys a great show tonight Tommy D's fold with the queens was awesome.
Overrated things must include
a) Ed's batting ability
b) Rich's poker advice
Actually scrap that..anyone with any sense wouldn't have rated them in the first place ;o)
Sorry Rich
(The quiz show with no rules or correct answers.)
The classic 'Orford' Straight
The monster 'Orford' Flush
The new Nutz 'Orford' Full House
Richard! Should have gone to specsavers.
my first go at vegas - 348757329 (exit hand) - 3 seats and £36 for 4th - a dbl up there and i,m right bk in it
Think penguin7 will go through - good player
Ed Question: What is the most number of days Ed has spent at home without leaving the house.
I'd guess 21.
Seriously guys a great show tonight Tommy D's fold with the queens was awesome.
I would hate to win entry to it
I think Lineswomen are seriously overrated, lol.