In Response to Re: Whats with the Mod names? : LOL Love it! We are from the same school era! MilkMon_Solar MilkMon_Jock MilkMon_Machka MilkMon_Nosey MilkMon_Kiwi How good does MilkMon_Machka sound!! Posted by SolarCarro
I could make a comment on this but then I'd need to self-moderate. ;-)
In Response to Re: Whats with the Mod names? : I am not authorised to serve Jammy Dodgers (or any other brand name biscuit) 1 bottle of milk only, attempts to obtain more than 1 bottle of milk will result in your milk being confiscated! Can't be fairer than that.... Posted by SolarCarro
Free speech? that's a hot potato if ever there was one.
Ok everyone............I'm not gonna sit on the fence, 'I'm for sensible moderators, the more the merrier'. Why ? some may ask...........'we can moderate ourselves' !................poppy co ck I say.
Majority of forum members don't need moderating.......they are posting some really good stuff and many a good thread has divided forum views right down the middle............really good stuff imho.
My problem lies when you get a loose cannon firing bile at a fellow member to the extent that had me so enraged and mortified that I was really worried for the recipients well-being.
It was late one evening when I was just getting ready to go to work and had a few minutes so I thought I would peruse the forum...........and then this !
I will not mention this vile persons name for he probably thrives on his notoriety........... but I think I am right in saying that the guy has been banned from sky poker........if that is the case ...GOOD ! It was another forum member who was the knight in shining armour who came to the rescue and who has my utmost respect and gratitude.......'Stokefc'........take a bow sir...........and the poor chap on the receiving end was none other than our very own Mr super sweet and all round good guy ......Donut. Sorry to waffle, but unless you had witnessed the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicker..................and the good people like Donut will feel safer to join in rather than keep away.................handbags at 10 paces to some people...........mortification to others........I feel utter contempt and anger even now , and this happened weeks regards Billy.
In Response to Whats with the Mod names? : Free speech? that's a hot potato if ever there was one. Ok everyone............I'm not gonna sit on the fence, 'I'm for sensible moderators, the more the merrier'. Why ? some may ask...........'we can moderate ourselves' !................poppy co ck I say. Majority of forum members don't need moderating.......they are posting some really good stuff and many a good thread has divided forum views right down the middle............really good stuff imho. My problem lies when you get a loose cannon firing bile at a fellow member to the extent that had me so enraged and mortified that I was really worried for the recipients well-being. It was late one evening when I was just getting ready to go to work and had a few minutes so I thought I would peruse the forum...........and then this ! I will not mention this vile persons name for he probably thrives on his notoriety........... but I think I am right in saying that the guy has been banned from sky poker........if that is the case ...GOOD ! It was another forum member who was the knight in shining armour who came to the rescue and who has my utmost respect and gratitude.......'Stokefc'........take a bow sir...........and the poor chap on the receiving end was none other than our very own Mr super sweet and all round good guy ......Donut. Sorry to waffle, but unless you had witnessed the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicker..................and the good people like Donut will feel safer to join in rather than keep away.................handbags at 10 paces to some people...........mortification to others........I feel utter contempt and anger even now , and this happened weeks regards Billy. Posted by billyboots
In Response to Whats with the Mod names? : Free speech? that's a hot potato if ever there was one. Ok everyone............I'm not gonna sit on the fence, 'I'm for sensible moderators, the more the merrier'. Why ? some may ask...........'we can moderate ourselves' !................poppy co ck I say. Majority of forum members don't need moderating.......they are posting some really good stuff and many a good thread has divided forum views right down the middle............really good stuff imho. My problem lies when you get a loose cannon firing bile at a fellow member to the extent that had me so enraged and mortified that I was really worried for the recipients well-being. It was late one evening when I was just getting ready to go to work and had a few minutes so I thought I would peruse the forum...........and then this ! I will not mention this vile persons name for he probably thrives on his notoriety........... but I think I am right in saying that the guy has been banned from sky poker........if that is the case ...GOOD ! It was another forum member who was the knight in shining armour who came to the rescue and who has my utmost respect and gratitude.......'Stokefc'........take a bow sir...........and the poor chap on the receiving end was none other than our very own Mr super sweet and all round good guy ......Donut. Sorry to waffle, but unless you had witnessed the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicker..................and the good people like Donut will feel safer to join in rather than keep away.................handbags at 10 paces to some people...........mortification to others........I feel utter contempt and anger even now , and this happened weeks regards Billy. Posted by billyboots
A great point Billy, as you say the majority of the site can , AND DO, moderate themselves. It's the unfortunate few that spoil it for the rest of us.
I have witness some shocking treatment by one player to another. The long and the short of it is, that it cannot be allowed.
In Response to Re: Whats with the Mod names? : A great point Billy, as you say the majority of the site can , AND DO, moderate themselves. It's the unfortunate few that spoil it for the rest of us. I have witness some shocking treatment by one player to another. The long and the short of it is, that it cannot be allowed. Posted by Mod_JockBM
Hi Mod-JockBM...............many thanks to you and your fellow Mods for taking on such a tricky task. I know some of you will get some flak at sometime or another but as I said before, I'm all for it so I wish you all good luck and above all ......enjoy it as well, after all majority of the time it's a gas.
Ps: I was really close to buying 'BMW' once.....................
In Response to Whats with the Mod names? : Free speech? that's a hot potato if ever there was one. Ok everyone............I'm not gonna sit on the fence, 'I'm for sensible moderators, the more the merrier'. Why ? some may ask...........'we can moderate ourselves' !................poppy co ck I say. Majority of forum members don't need moderating.......they are posting some really good stuff and many a good thread has divided forum views right down the middle............really good stuff imho. My problem lies when you get a loose cannon firing bile at a fellow member to the extent that had me so enraged and mortified that I was really worried for the recipients well-being. It was late one evening when I was just getting ready to go to work and had a few minutes so I thought I would peruse the forum...........and then this ! I will not mention this vile persons name for he probably thrives on his notoriety........... but I think I am right in saying that the guy has been banned from sky poker........if that is the case ...GOOD ! It was another forum member who was the knight in shining armour who came to the rescue and who has my utmost respect and gratitude.......'Stokefc'........take a bow sir...........and the poor chap on the receiving end was none other than our very own Mr super sweet and all round good guy ......Donut. Sorry to waffle, but unless you had witnessed the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicker..................and the good people like Donut will feel safer to join in rather than keep away.................handbags at 10 paces to some people...........mortification to others........I feel utter contempt and anger even now , and this happened weeks regards Billy. Posted by billyboots
In Response to Re: Whats with the Mod names? : A great point Billy, as you say the majority of the site can , AND DO, moderate themselves. It's the unfortunate few that spoil it for the rest of us. I have witness some shocking treatment by one player to another. The long and the short of it is, that it cannot be allowed. Posted by Mod_JockBM
We were clearly doing a good job then as nobody knew we existed until we "came out"
the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicke Posted by billyboots
+1 for that reason. As i recall it was l8 night and should have been deleted before the following day . Most of the really offensive stuff seems to happen at that time (possibly due to drink) so yeah to the new mods as it can,t be a 9-5 job which it used to seem like
Should have sneaked my top 3 cash tips in opeing post - didn,t realise it would get so many responses - Its now languishing about 10 pages down
In Response to Re: Whats with the Mod names? : thats why the gave me a fiver for me birthday Posted by stokefc
Hi Stokefc..............just got in from work and have only just seen this now. Just wanted to say very well done that night, your input was immense and your support for Donut was invaluable and hate to think how it could have ended up without your very well done and many thanks again,............all my best wishes to you & the family.
1 bottle of milk only, attempts to obtain more than 1 bottle of milk will result in your milk being confiscated!
Can't be fairer than that....
and before you ask Wagon Wheels have not shrunk!
Free speech? that's a hot potato if ever there was one.
Ok everyone............I'm not gonna sit on the fence, 'I'm for sensible moderators, the more the merrier'.
Why ? some may ask...........'we can moderate ourselves' !................poppy co ck I say.
Majority of forum members don't need moderating.......they are posting some really good stuff and many a good thread has divided forum views right down the middle............really good stuff imho.
My problem lies when you get a loose cannon firing bile at a fellow member to the extent that had me so enraged and mortified that I was really worried for the recipients well-being.
It was late one evening when I was just getting ready to go to work and had a few minutes so I thought I would peruse the forum...........and then this !
I will not mention this vile persons name for he probably thrives on his notoriety........... but I think I am right in saying that the guy has been banned from sky poker........if that is the case ...GOOD !
It was another forum member who was the knight in shining armour who came to the rescue and who has my utmost respect and gratitude.......'Stokefc'........take a bow sir...........and the poor chap on the receiving end was none other than our very own Mr super sweet and all round good guy ......Donut.
Sorry to waffle, but unless you had witnessed the chat as it unfolded on that night like I did, then by having more eyes and bodies (so to speak) policing the forum then, instances like I just mentioned may be nipped in the bud a lot quicker..................and the good people like Donut will feel safer to join in rather than keep away.................handbags at 10 paces to some people...........mortification to others........I feel utter contempt and anger even now , and this happened weeks regards Billy.
A very valid point ,
wd billy .
I know some of you will get some flak at sometime or another but as I said before, I'm all for it so I wish you all good luck and above all ......enjoy it as well, after all majority of the time it's a gas.
Ps: I was really close to buying 'BMW' once.....................
I ended up with a 'BMX' instead.
Sorry.............couldn't resist................take care.
Posted by billyboots
+1 for that reason.
As i recall it was l8 night and should have been deleted before the following day . Most of the really offensive stuff seems to happen at that time (possibly due to drink) so yeah to the new mods as it can,t be a 9-5 job which it used to seem like
Should have sneaked my top 3 cash tips in opeing post - didn,t realise it would get so many responses - Its now languishing about 10 pages down
Just wanted to say very well done that night, your input was immense and your support for Donut was invaluable and hate to think how it could have ended up without your very well done and many thanks again,............all my best wishes to you & the family.