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***** Tournament Results 6th March 2011 to 31st December 2012 *****



  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Wednesday 31st August 2011

    £4,000 Double Stack
    jdan2411400001£1539 + 160 League Points
    gerrard902£883.50 + 152 League Points
    Eyeman03£598.50 + 144 League Points
    THETANK04£456 + 136 League Points
    ChipsFool205£399 + 128 League Points
    eaturchips06£342 + 120 League Points
    sam198607£228 + 112 League Points
    tallytink08£171 + 104 League Points
    sara36dd0809£114 + 96 League Points
    ForeSight010£57 + 88 League Points
    noffee01011£48.45 + 80 League Points
    TPic91012£48.45 + 72 League Points
    mrroof013£48.45 + 64 League Points
    Doudeau014£48.45 + 56 League Points
    dirtyrot015£48.45 + 48 League Points
    JONONZIE016£48.45 + 40 League Points
    TokerKato017£48.45 + 40 League Points
    joey690018£48.45 + 40 League Points
    tikay1019£48.45 + 40 League Points
    ElmoIsBlue020£48.45 + 40 League Points
    whalen021£42.75 + 32 League Points
    jawzindawz022£42.75 + 32 League Points
    danmj87023£42.75 + 32 League Points
    aiken2001024£42.75 + 32 League Points
    leeroyuk025£42.75 + 32 League Points
    POKERD4DDY026£42.75 + 32 League Points
    jamielou027£42.75 + 32 League Points
    peg1028£42.75 + 32 League Points
    poker69029£42.75 + 32 League Points
    swordsyboy030£42.75 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    JETSON8873060001£413.10 + 50 League Points
    MAGICmagic02£240.21 + 46 League Points
    made4game03£168.30 + 38 League Points
    zaxus011804£137.70 + 32 League Points
    scorpz05£111.69 + 28 League Points
    LePonch06£91.80 + 24 League Points
    pryce607£76.50 + 20 League Points
    Jinxyben108£61.20 + 16 League Points
    bazbazbaz09£45.90 + 12 League Points
    lundy909010£30.60 + 8 League Points
    outbk011£15.30 + 4 League Points
    ReDHoT786012£15.30 + 4 League Points
    MonkeyF013£15.30 + 4 League Points
    THETANK014£15.30 + 4 League Points
    nagrom015£15.30 + 4 League Points
    chisit016£15.30 + 4 League Points
    Massoud10017£15.30 + 4 League Points
    Chris_Mc018£15.30 + 4 League Points
    wudibluff019£15.30 + 4 League Points
    hamloaf020£15.30 + 4 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Double Stack
    Eldonian15160001£284.25 + 20 League Points
    AAMICK02£170.55 + 16 League Points
    wez1203£113.70 + 14 League Points
    TAT_ZXR04£79.59 + 12 League Points
    HOTDOG5505£68.22 + 10 League Points
    mickjenn106£56.85 + 8 League Points
    chrispip07£45.48 + 6 League Points
    profman1508£34.11 + 4 League Points
    corbett0409£22.74 + 3 League Points
    Goldtia010£11.37 + 2 League Points
    hitmansin011£9.66 + 1 League Points
    Pullin01012£9.66 + 1 League Points
    mrparish82013£9.66 + 1 League Points
    TIS-DUD014£9.66 + 1 League Points
    DENZIBOY015£9.66 + 1 League Points
    CHEWIN016£9.66 + 1 League Points
    bertie123017£9.66 + 1 League Points
    swordsyboy018£9.66 + 1 League Points
    ROBBLYNCH019£9.66 + 1 League Points
    mewillows020£9.66 + 1 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Thursday 1st September 2011

    £5,000 Sky Roller
    goldenb2382550001£1530 + 40 League Points
    blackster02£1020 + 36 League Points
    Mark_Mcg03£714 + 28 League Points
    lJAMESl04£510 + 22 League Points
    billtackle05£408 + 18 League Points
    offshoot06£357 + 14 League Points
    peg107£306 + 10 League Points
    poppy76508£255 + 6 League Points
    £12,000 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
    mrlogic9620001£1803.75 + £411.62 Head Prizes + 160 League Points9 
    imaaking02£1082.25 + £376.44 Head Prizes + 152 League Points17 
    jacksupjon03£649.35 + £218.89 Head Prizes + 144 League Points9 
    sherifoo704£505.05 + £46.15 Head Prizes + 136 League Points2 
    DivsDreams05£396.82 + £111.46 Head Prizes + 128 League Points5 
    besty131306£288.60 + £113.92 Head Prizes + 120 League Points5 
    81moggis07£216.45 + £20.39 Head Prizes + 112 League Points1 
    annie00108£144.30 + £170.61 Head Prizes + 104 League Points7 
    PhilAny2_Q09£108.22 + £113.39 Head Prizes + 96 League Points7 
    shaun84010£72.15 + £132.20 Head Prizes + 88 League Points5 
    fratcherma011£61.33 + £102.66 Head Prizes + 80 League Points6 
    Cardcluber012£61.33 + £14.06 Head Prizes + 72 League Points1 
    Ice_Coach013£61.33 + £50.62 Head Prizes + 64 League Points4 
    corbett04014£61.33 + £42.90 Head Prizes + 56 League Points3 
    Fat_Uncle015£61.33 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 48 League Points2 
    dea07016£61.33 + £188.42 Head Prizes + 40 League Points12 
    Jimbo1970017£61.33 + £47.81 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 
    doubleusup018£61.33 + £97.03 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 
    JACKDAW019£61.33 + £78.74 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 
    SKINDOH73020£61.33 + £126.25 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 
    spideryd17021£50.51 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    OnlyOneCT022£50.51 + £31.64 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    Jupiter8023£50.51 + £104.06 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    hurst05024£50.51 + £68.91 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 
    FROSTI_JAK025£50.51 + £102.66 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    Miller23026£50.51 + £98.44 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7 
    titchoz027£50.51 + £94.61 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    GOONER11028£50.51 + £33.75 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    MUNST029£50.51 + £61.87 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    Mariusz80030£50.51 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    The_Sidler031£43.29 + £112.15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 
    kornrule12032£43.29 + £109.70 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 
    Devils666033£43.29 + £38.15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    L1TTLELEGS034£43.29 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    JAYSAFC21035£43.29 + £42.19 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    BigDanXXX036£43.29 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    Rosco15037£43.29 + £96.33 Head Prizes + 24 League Points7 
    CARPETMAN038£43.29 + £38.67 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    dandama162039£43.29 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    Tight_Rat040£43.29 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    TimTimmens041£39.68 + £88.60 Head Prizes5 
    aloette52042£39.68 + £64.69 Head Prizes5 
    jenny_IYY044£39.68 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 
    snapie045£39.68 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 
    SoLack046£39.68 + £28.83 Head Prizes2 
    TheDart047£39.68 + £36.56 Head Prizes3 
    kenny28048£39.68 + £33.75 Head Prizes3 
    bigflop1049£39.68 + £45 Head Prizes4 
    dunn11050£39.68 + £57.66 Head Prizes3
    £500 Mini Roller
    Aaaces32850001£171 + 40 League Points
    Affers6102£114 + 36 League Points
    briann03£79.80 + 28 League Points
    RUNITSRANN04£57 + 22 League Points
    kezwil05£45.60 + 18 League Points
    RUNFLAMNG06£39.90 + 14 League Points
    freezageez07£34.20 + 10 League Points
    gemy08£28.50 + 6 League Points
    £1,200 Mini Bounty Hunter
    LEEDSHX11400001£205.20 + £47.11 Head Prizes + 20 League Points13 
    catious02£128.25 + £32.82 Head Prizes + 16 League Points10 
    tiercel03£76.95 + £17.64 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7 
    hezbot04£55.58 + £10.95 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    MeloPete05£42.75 + £2.53 Head Prizes + 10 League Points2 
    13Silly06£34.20 + £19.39 Head Prizes + 8 League Points10 
    FLASHJONNY07£25.65 + £3.08 Head Prizes + 6 League Points1 
    jacksupjon08£17.10 + £13.61 Head Prizes + 4 League Points8 
    geoff61909£12.82 + £7.87 Head Prizes + 3 League Points6 
    J0NSEY010£8.55 + £10.14 Head Prizes + 2 League Points4 
    JohnnyBra011£7.27 + £2.27 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 
    tony63601012£7.27 + £5.50 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    gerrard9013£7.27 + £34.31 Head Prizes + 1 League Points18 
    LEON1014£7.27 + £15.16 Head Prizes + 1 League Points10 
    offshoot015£7.27 + £14.39 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 
    SILKY1978016£7.27 + £7.72 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    mcg899017£7.27 + £20.62 Head Prizes + 1 League Points10 
    jamiep007018£7.27 + £6.50 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    Jimbob30019£7.27 + £4.08 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 
    crankfish020£7.27 + £4.56 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    Kiwini4u021£5.56 + £8.63 Head Prizes5 
    deano1964022£5.56 + £9.77 Head Prizes7 
    kikikolt2024£5.56 + £10.22 Head Prizes8 
    waller02025£5.56 + £8.72 Head Prizes7 
    feelo026£5.56 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 
    ITFC-ROSS027£5.56 + £14.77 Head Prizes8 
    lundy909028£5.56 + £5.89 Head Prizes4 
    dankir18029£5.56 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 
    Bawfizzle030£5.56 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 
    debdobs_67031£4.70 + £4.80 Head Prizes3 
    rentisdue032£4.70 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    riverc4rd033£4.70 + £4.84 Head Prizes3 
    joshyjames034£4.70 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 
    horne03035£4.70 + £4.98 Head Prizes3 
    BURNShurtz036£4.70 + £2.61 Head Prizes2 
    sime6813037£4.70 + £4.71 Head Prizes3 
    butcher18038£4.70 + £18.57 Head Prizes13 
    maximus66039£4.70 + £6.56 Head Prizes4 
    rizla111040£4.70 + £2.81 Head Prizes2 
    deanom1245041£3.85 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 
    wilco40042£3.85 + £8.50 Head Prizes6 
    147Potter043£3.85 + £4.79 Head Prizes4 
    venomgg044£3.85 + £2.80 Head Prizes2 
    L1TTLELEGS045£3.85 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    bazbazbaz046£3.85 + £2.68 Head Prizes2 
    Double_up047£3.85 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 
    martin111048£3.85 + £10.30 Head Prizes7 
    rosebud5049£3.85 + £5.42 Head Prizes4 
    kohan050£3.85 + £5.49 Head Prizes3 
    martinblue051£3.42 + £5.27 Head Prizes3 
    Bear_Proof052£3.42 + £4.56 Head Prizes3 
    bathcity09053£3.42 + £3.08 Head Prizes2 
    healss054£3.42 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 
    major1yt055£3.42 + £6.41 Head Prizes4 
    bigblind11056£3.42 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    johnandrew057£3.42 + £2.24 Head Prizes1 
    cheryl2222058£3.42 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    Billx49059£3.42 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    cazzie58060£3.42 + £9.85 Head Prizes8
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Friday 2nd September 2011

    £5,000 Rebuy Open
    tadpole24011850001£1436.40 + 160 League Points
    andrew194702£824.60 + 152 League Points
    mickjenn103£558.60 + 144 League Points
    smartca62704£425.60 + 136 League Points
    tallytink05£372.40 + 128 League Points
    angie5506£319.20 + 120 League Points
    JOXER196807£212.80 + 112 League Points
    ANNEJO08£159.60 + 104 League Points
    Flumps09£106.40 + 96 League Points
    mycroft2010£53.20 + 88 League Points
    lasalondra011£45.22 + 80 League Points
    cgoldie012£45.22 + 72 League Points
    JAKOBOY013£45.22 + 64 League Points
    cracked014£45.22 + 56 League Points
    icesheet67015£45.22 + 48 League Points
    HAPPYPOSH016£45.22 + 40 League Points
    lecksville017£45.22 + 40 League Points
    sam418018£45.22 + 40 League Points
    nervesof019£45.22 + 40 League Points
    mag33020£45.22 + 40 League Points
    jay1966021£39.90 + 32 League Points
    DivsDreams022£39.90 + 32 League Points
    kapax023£39.90 + 32 League Points
    duluxdav26024£39.90 + 32 League Points
    DE_NATURAL025£39.90 + 32 League Points
    J0NSEY026£39.90 + 32 League Points
    spideryd17027£39.90 + 32 League Points
    cell33028£39.90 + 32 League Points
    tina1970029£39.90 + 32 League Points
    aiken2001030£39.90 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    Bear_Proof2280001£324 + 50 League Points
    howkie02£188.40 + 46 League Points
    edward196003£132 + 38 League Points
    outbk04£108 + 32 League Points
    billyboots05£87.60 + 28 League Points
    robbo62906£72 + 24 League Points
    ZZCop07£60 + 20 League Points
    jonboy8708£48 + 16 League Points
    Mr_Luckbox09£36 + 12 League Points
    rentisdue010£24 + 8 League Points
    quidpro011£12 + 4 League Points
    GOLFMAN9012£12 + 4 League Points
    Direwolf013£12 + 4 League Points
    joshyjames014£12 + 4 League Points
    kosb14015£12 + 4 League Points
    Blue05016£12 + 4 League Points
    JCDC017£12 + 4 League Points
    sara36dd08018£12 + 4 League Points
    meatO019£12 + 4 League Points
    rosean1972020£12 + 4 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Open
    chrisg69126900001£258.75 + 20 League Points
    poker6902£155.25 + 16 League Points
    SoLack03£103.50 + 14 League Points
    MR_N0_NAME04£72.45 + 12 League Points
    Flumps05£62.10 + 10 League Points
    Jimbob3006£51.75 + 8 League Points
    calvo107£41.40 + 6 League Points
    tomcat76008£31.05 + 4 League Points
    feek109£20.70 + 3 League Points
    luther101010£10.35 + 2 League Points
    SjamesT011£8.80 + 1 League Points
    lawro19810012£8.80 + 1 League Points
    DE_NATURAL013£8.80 + 1 League Points
    chemical09014£8.80 + 1 League Points
    FlashFlush015£8.80 + 1 League Points
    walk016£8.80 + 1 League Points
    BBIZARE017£8.80 + 1 League Points
    sofadude018£8.80 + 1 League Points
    NoFinAce019£8.80 + 1 League Points
    goodylad21020£8.80 + 1 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Saturday 3rd September 2011

    £8,000 Super Bounty Hunter
    IL0VEKITTY10120001£1265 + £268.66 Head Prizes + 80 League Points11 
    RowRow2102£759 + £169.54 Head Prizes + 76 League Points7 
    sharp198403£455.40 + £170.84 Head Prizes + 72 League Points10 
    MAXLOTUS04£354.20 + £39.43 Head Prizes + 68 League Points2 
    Bluffa4205£278.30 + £140.22 Head Prizes + 64 League Points9 
    JOXER196806£202.40 + £121.45 Head Prizes + 60 League Points9 
    SHO14707£151.80 + £85.78 Head Prizes + 56 League Points6 
    SIR_108£101.20 + £48.98 Head Prizes + 52 League Points4 
    brimicombe09£75.90 + £50.62 Head Prizes + 48 League Points4 
    MADPATDOTC010£50.60 + £124.33 Head Prizes + 44 League Points10 
    phil12uk011£43.01 + £45.02 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 
    johnson08012£43.01 + £47.94 Head Prizes + 36 League Points5 
    MUNCHEN73013£43.01 + £17.34 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    equaliser014£43.01 + 28 League Points0 
    Slykllist015£43.01 + £68.23 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 
    PawnStar016£43.01 + £48.28 Head Prizes + 20 League Points4 
    nagrom017£43.01 + £43.13 Head Prizes + 20 League Points5 
    DAKING018£43.01 + £30.01 Head Prizes + 20 League Points3 
    rodwell019£43.01 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 20 League Points3 
    kenhed020£43.01 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 20 League Points1 
    kennybad021£35.42 + £30.47 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    HAPPYNIGE4022£35.42 + £60.60 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 
    IcBear25023£35.42 + £112.18 Head Prizes + 16 League Points9 
    ryan804114024£35.42 + £61.06 Head Prizes + 16 League Points6 
    leapylee57025£35.42 + £13.82 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 
    Lunnie026£35.42 + £26.72 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    bromley04027£35.42 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 
    SCHOF78028£35.42 + 16 League Points0 
    smashem029£35.42 + £28.24 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    budgirl030£35.42 + 16 League Points0 
    trevil25031£30.36 + £34.22 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    Jaffo032£30.36 + £85.44 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7 
    chrisg6912033£30.36 + £43.14 Head Prizes + 12 League Points5 
    haddock214034£30.36 + £42.07 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    corbett04035£30.36 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 
    debdobs_67036£30.36 + £54.84 Head Prizes + 12 League Points6 
    WeeChicken037£30.36 + £33.76 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    julie1971038£30.36 + £61.88 Head Prizes + 12 League Points8 
    stevens09039£30.36 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 12 League Points2 
    Mavrik040£30.36 + £37.51 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    IRONZ041£27.83 + £27.19 Head Prizes3 
    POKEOFFU042£27.83 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 
    healss043£27.83 + £16.88 Head Prizes2 
    b123n045£27.83 + £18.75 Head Prizes2 
    freeatlast046£27.83 + £41.26 Head Prizes5 
    MASSIE29047£27.83 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 
    andysace26048£27.83 + £9.38 Head Prizes1 
    minty11049£27.83 + £37.61 Head Prizes3 
    topchipy1050£27.83 + £30 Head Prizes4
    £2,000 Survivor Final
    £1,200 Mini Bounty Hunter
    luvBWFC11460001£215.53 + £44.30 Head Prizes + 20 League Points8 
    oldrectory02£129.31 + £19.20 Head Prizes + 16 League Points8 
    St3llaMode03£77.59 + £11.66 Head Prizes + 14 League Points5 
    sofadude04£60.35 + £16.51 Head Prizes + 12 League Points8 
    deeez05£47.42 + £8.16 Head Prizes + 10 League Points5 
    boghog06£34.48 + £11.12 Head Prizes + 8 League Points5 
    smithy8707£25.86 + £17.52 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 
    BIGBADBEAT08£17.24 + £20.48 Head Prizes + 4 League Points11 
    mrweeve09£12.93 + £8.05 Head Prizes + 3 League Points3 
    mycroft2010£8.62 + £5.54 Head Prizes + 2 League Points3 
    spongebob7011£7.33 + £11.80 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 
    KimBadger012£7.33 + £4.99 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    AJ_Rockets013£7.33 + £9.93 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 
    AM_HERE014£7.33 + £17.70 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 
    ITIZIME015£7.33 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 1 League Points10 
    Boxster016£7.33 + £9.68 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 
    phil12uk017£7.33 + £3.74 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    SKIPPY85018£7.33 + £16.55 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 
    LEEDSHX019£7.33 + £11.57 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 
    mud66020£7.33 + £4.87 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    Snakeman08021£6.03 + £6.73 Head Prizes4 
    Cattle79022£6.03 + £2.72 Head Prizes2 
    CROQUET023£6.03 + £8.31 Head Prizes6 
    houndish024£6.03 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 
    equaliser025£6.03 + £2.99 Head Prizes2 
    TommyD026£6.03 + £12.41 Head Prizes7 
    Grave027£6.03 + £5.62 Head Prizes4 
    f1ll78028£6.03 + £11.93 Head Prizes7 
    linebacker029£6.03 + £12.34 Head Prizes8 
    2Puck030£6.03 + £4.79 Head Prizes4 
    scouse_red031£5.17 + £7.58 Head Prizes5 
    bungle72032£5.17 + £9.80 Head Prizes5 
    ibolt033£5.17 + £6.19 Head Prizes5 
    blufmas410034£5.17 + £6.07 Head Prizes5 
    elsadog035£5.17 + £11.19 Head Prizes5 
    great036£5.17 + £5.28 Head Prizes3 
    Fitz833038£5.17 + £3.63 Head Prizes1 
    prinnyroya039£5.17 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 
    jimHFX040£5.17 + £3.64 Head Prizes2 
    andsoitis7042£4.74 + £9.88 Head Prizes5 
    fatboydave043£4.74 + £6.82 Head Prizes5 
    alanstew044£4.74 + £3.81 Head Prizes3 
    sweetylady045£4.74 + £6.48 Head Prizes4 
    stealth455047£4.74 + £1.68 Head Prizes1 
    wilko92048£4.74 + £7.05 Head Prizes6 
    swb2g10049£4.74 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    CLOWNFI5H050£4.74 + £3.09 Head Prizes2
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011

    Sunday 4th September 2011

    £8,000 Sunday Roller

    chambo6552350001£3760 + 30 League Points
    LOL_RAISE02£2350 + 26 League Points
    The_Dram03£1410 + 18 League Points
    style273704£1034 + 12 League Points
    gerrard905£846 + 6 League Points
    £12,500 Primo
    PeteLTFC4880001£3375 + 160 League Points
    TheDart02£1937.50 + 152 League Points
    law0072303£1312.50 + 144 League Points
    yb04£1000 + 136 League Points
    Massoud1005£875 + 128 League Points
    Madaxeman706£750 + 120 League Points
    LnarinOO07£500 + 112 League Points
    elsadog08£375 + 104 League Points
    luvBWFC09£250 + 96 League Points
    UNCLE_PAT010£125 + 88 League Points
    stukojak1011£106.25 + 80 League Points
    julie1971012£106.25 + 72 League Points
    leach123013£106.25 + 64 League Points
    pryce6014£106.25 + 56 League Points
    EBBERDON015£106.25 + 48 League Points
    blue010501016£106.25 + 40 League Points
    equaliser017£106.25 + 40 League Points
    Holty1985018£106.25 + 40 League Points
    HEN019£106.25 + 40 League Points
    splashies020£106.25 + 40 League Points
    mastahead021£93.75 + 32 League Points
    ljb1989022£93.75 + 32 League Points
    brucelee1023£93.75 + 32 League Points
    hurst05024£93.75 + 32 League Points
    colley02025£93.75 + 32 League Points
    SoLack026£93.75 + 32 League Points
    BIG_RIDE027£93.75 + 32 League Points
    FROSTYJACK028£93.75 + 32 League Points
    TONY509029£93.75 + 32 League Points
    bromley04030£93.75 + 32 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Roller
    PeteLTFC3850001£431.20 + 40 League Points
    gazever02£261.80 + 36 League Points
    zit03£184.80 + 28 League Points
    moondanser04£154 + 22 League Points
    ERBW1005£123.20 + 18 League Points
    swordsyboy06£107.80 + 14 League Points
    stukojak107£92.40 + 10 League Points
    mickjenn108£77 + 6 League Points
    £1,500 Mini Primo
    pilgrim5297800001£487.50 + 40 League Points
    Benalman02£292.50 + 36 League Points
    IRONS_198403£195 + 32 League Points
    corbett0404£136.50 + 28 League Points
    IamCEZ05£117 + 24 League Points
    steve160206£97.50 + 20 League Points
    J0NSEY07£78 + 16 League Points
    lions8608£58.50 + 12 League Points
    catejay09£39 + 8 League Points
    Goldtia010£19.50 + 4 League Points
    WilliamG011£16.57 + 2 League Points
    blackbeltb012£16.57 + 2 League Points
    Top-Taffy013£16.57 + 2 League Points
    Iinthesky014£16.57 + 2 League Points
    AJ_Rockets015£16.57 + 2 League Points
    howesyboy016£16.57 + 2 League Points
    DJ_LOON_E017£16.57 + 2 League Points
    kidgrimsby018£16.57 + 2 League Points
    rentisdue019£16.57 + 2 League Points
    splashies020£16.57 + 2 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Monday 5th September 2011

    £8,000 Bounty Hunter
    dunham12310040001£1204.80 + £302.11 Head Prizes + 160 League Points11£83.02
    jimifloyd02£753 + £126.63 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6 
    goodfell2803£451.80 + £83.73 Head Prizes + 144 League Points7 
    HAPPYPOSH04£326.30 + £145.91 Head Prizes + 136 League Points9 
    Wacko9005£251 + £56.71 Head Prizes + 128 League Points5 
    JohnConnor06£200.80 + £48.55 Head Prizes + 120 League Points3 
    LOUBOBS07£150.60 + £26.25 Head Prizes + 112 League Points3 
    SIR_108£100.40 + £55.31 Head Prizes + 104 League Points4 
    corbett0409£75.30 + £132.17 Head Prizes + 96 League Points9 
    squisheee010£50.20 + £65.74 Head Prizes + 88 League Points5 
    1PUDD011£42.67 + £32.84 Head Prizes + 80 League Points2 
    RogueCell012£42.67 + £60.02 Head Prizes + 72 League Points5 
    mcg899013£42.67 + £110.01 Head Prizes + 64 League Points10 
    PeteLTFC014£42.67 + £41.25 Head Prizes + 56 League Points5 
    Mariusz80015£42.67 + £47.35 Head Prizes + 48 League Points5 
    doyouwanti016£42.67 + £99.50 Head Prizes + 40 League Points10 
    nsc01017£42.67 + £59.29 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 
    beefy777018£42.67 + £39.02 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 
    menace01019£42.67 + £133.53 Head Prizes + 40 League Points9 
    _Milhouse_020£42.67 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 
    Direwolf021£32.63 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    scotty77022£32.63 + £60.48 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    TheDart023£32.63 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 
    pr1nnyraid024£32.63 + £36.80 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    BearsBest025£32.63 + £28.70 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    thetram026£32.63 + £45.01 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    kyp1961027£32.63 + £124.45 Head Prizes + 32 League Points12 
    K2fg32028£32.63 + £28.51 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    berni029£32.63 + £27.80 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    White_Boar030£32.63 + £44.18 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    Runwood031£27.61 + £15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    rorysdad032£27.61 + £39.85 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    poker1033£27.61 + £33.75 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    LnarinOO034£27.61 + £41.72 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 
    Benalman035£27.61 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    Darkforce036£27.61 + £43.60 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    18AND5TIME037£27.61 + 24 League Points0 
    TIMBER038£27.61 + £15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    waspy77039£27.61 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    jokev10040£27.61 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    arniesarmy041£22.59 + £18.75 Head Prizes2 
    gadge69042£22.59 + £36.09 Head Prizes4 
    Ozzie08043£22.59 + £43.60 Head Prizes5 
    wudibluff044£22.59 + £15 Head Prizes2 
    mrlogic045£22.59 + £36.57 Head Prizes4 
    JAMJESS046£22.59 + £54.85 Head Prizes6 
    mental047£22.59 + £31.39 Head Prizes2 
    FRANKEL123048£22.59 + £24.38 Head Prizes3 
    proteas438049£22.59 + £28.12 Head Prizes2 
    Snakeman08050£22.59 + £26.15 Head Prizes2 
    ross1882051£20.08 + £47.81 Head Prizes5 
    JETSON887052£20.08 + £41.26 Head Prizes5 
    SLAVTREV053£20.08 + £15 Head Prizes2 
    safc20054£20.08 + £15 Head Prizes2 
    yoyo055£20.08 + £30 Head Prizes4 
    sjt333056£20.08 + £37.14 Head Prizes3 
    binnsy057£20.08 + £16.88 Head Prizes2 
    lewbob058£20.08 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 
    Skys_Limit059£20.08 + £15 Head Prizes2 
    CFC302060£20.08 + £52.97 Head Prizes6
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    jawzindawz2780001£375.30 + 50 League Points
    gadge6902£218.23 + 46 League Points
    Sephixxar03£152.90 + 38 League Points
    OJAY-27304£125.10 + 32 League Points
    bheallin5505£101.47 + 28 League Points
    delfunkdj06£83.40 + 24 League Points
    duluxdav2607£69.50 + 20 League Points
    Andyl198608£55.60 + 16 League Points
    jambonharv09£41.70 + 12 League Points
    jimchree24010£27.80 + 8 League Points
    brady007011£13.90 + 4 League Points
    oldrectory012£13.90 + 4 League Points
    splashies013£13.90 + 4 League Points
    healss014£13.90 + 4 League Points
    Grispino015£13.90 + 4 League Points
    SoLack016£13.90 + 4 League Points
    JammyBee017£13.90 + 4 League Points
    TIMBER018£13.90 + 4 League Points
    Thomas91019£13.90 + 4 League Points
    walk020£13.90 + 4 League Points

    £1,000 Mini Bounty Hunter

    9se7enTr3y9840001£184.50 + £35.27 Head Prizes + 20 League Points8 
    pensi02£110.70 + £19.35 Head Prizes + 16 League Points8 
    StephW03£66.42 + £27.28 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7 
    safc2004£51.66 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 
    ProgAl05£40.59 + £9.79 Head Prizes + 10 League Points6 
    stealth45506£29.52 + £10.19 Head Prizes + 8 League Points3 
    brass07£22.14 + £22.49 Head Prizes + 6 League Points12 
    elsadog08£14.76 + £13.97 Head Prizes + 4 League Points9 
    jimblue09£11.07 + £17.78 Head Prizes + 3 League Points8 
    BIGDAVE321010£7.38 + £19.53 Head Prizes + 2 League Points10 
    seaspray011£6.27 + £1.96 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 
    corbett04012£6.27 + £14.01 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 
    tiltswtch013£6.27 + £11.77 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 
    KDJ014£6.27 + £12.23 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 
    sjs76015£6.27 + £2.58 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 
    MICKAA016£6.27 + 1 League Points0 
    Yorkie74017£6.27 + £2.95 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 
    geoffm3018£6.27 + £9.13 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 
    Goldtia019£6.27 + £5.82 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    Direwolf020£6.27 + £4.52 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    GCONE021£5.17 + £13.38 Head Prizes9 
    mrlogic022£5.17 + £5.19 Head Prizes3 
    amy91023£5.17 + £4.71 Head Prizes3 
    FLASHJONNY024£5.17 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    stickz19025£5.17 + £1.48 Head Prizes1 
    SoLack026£5.17 + £10.61 Head Prizes7 
    Bullseye027£5.17 + £8.39 Head Prizes5 
    foley_3291028£5.17 + £22.18 Head Prizes12 
    alanstew029£5.17 + £5.98 Head Prizes4 
    DARKGG030£5.17 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    Columbo67031£4.43 + £3.37 Head Prizes2 
    Cannon223032£4.43 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 
    BLUENEWT033£4.43 + £1.76 Head Prizes1 
    Ynot034£4.43 + £4.01 Head Prizes3 
    lurcha035£4.43 + £2.81 Head Prizes2 
    bigjon1973036£4.43 + £11.37 Head Prizes6 
    ceebeedee037£4.43 + £8.23 Head Prizes6 
    Bailey15038£4.43 + £5.69 Head Prizes4 
    skyekick06039£4.43 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    THFC4EVA040£4.43 + £8.36 Head Prizes5 
    BIGAL118041£4.06 + £10.01 Head Prizes8 
    JAMJESS042£4.06 + £8.79 Head Prizes6 
    t1poollfc043£4.06 + £3.79 Head Prizes2 
    Tydalwave044£4.06 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    stratch463045£4.06 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 
    50bar046£4.06 + £8.01 Head Prizes5 
    haywood12049£4.06 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    loui72050£4.06 + £3.93 Head Prizes3
  • bigflop1bigflop1 Member Posts: 1,034
    edited September 2011
    an imense effort gary.. 1st thread i check every day.. well done
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,625
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    an imense effort gary.. 1st thread i check every day.. well done
    Posted by bigflop1
    Same here! 
  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited September 2011
    For those who think the jackpot will never go - look at PeteLTFC on Sunday - he won the wrong 2 tournaments.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Tuesday 6th September 2011

    £4,000 Open
    sikas4840001£1306.80 + 160 League Points
    GELDY02£750.20 + 152 League Points
    bolla03£508.20 + 144 League Points
    mondo198504£387.20 + 136 League Points
    potters05£338.80 + 128 League Points
    matisback06£290.40 + 120 League Points
    Uzi_lover07£193.60 + 112 League Points
    jawzindawz08£145.20 + 104 League Points
    smoknace0209£96.80 + 96 League Points
    cookie83010£48.40 + 88 League Points
    EBBERDON011£41.14 + 80 League Points
    jambonharv012£41.14 + 72 League Points
    Deldog013£41.14 + 64 League Points
    KINGERIC014£41.14 + 56 League Points
    POKEOFFU015£41.14 + 48 League Points
    FROSTYJACK016£41.14 + 40 League Points
    TommyD017£41.14 + 40 League Points
    JCDC018£41.14 + 40 League Points
    BOUNCY497019£41.14 + 40 League Points
    penguin7020£41.14 + 40 League Points
    djbarney32021£36.30 + 32 League Points
    extraman022£36.30 + 32 League Points
    Ice_Coach023£36.30 + 32 League Points
    angie55024£36.30 + 32 League Points
    tinytellah025£36.30 + 32 League Points
    DREAMHUNTE026£36.30 + 32 League Points
    bustout44027£36.30 + 32 League Points
    kidgirlgy028£36.30 + 32 League Points
    Libster378029£36.30 + 32 League Points
    shaun84030£36.30 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    coyle122820001£380.70 + 50 League Points
    FlashFlush02£221.37 + 46 League Points
    unbpower03£155.10 + 38 League Points
    martinwbc04£126.90 + 32 League Points
    sam198605£102.93 + 28 League Points
    FloppinHel06£84.60 + 24 League Points
    pryce607£70.50 + 20 League Points
    NAILS0119708£56.40 + 16 League Points
    Garvey09£42.30 + 12 League Points
    hurst05010£28.20 + 8 League Points
    jambonharv011£14.10 + 4 League Points
    blackbeltb012£14.10 + 4 League Points
    Hanks98013£14.10 + 4 League Points
    Snakeman08014£14.10 + 4 League Points
    8NOO015£14.10 + 4 League Points
    karlluke016£14.10 + 4 League Points
    OJAY-273017£14.10 + 4 League Points
    sparrow04018£14.10 + 4 League Points
    nosiva969019£14.10 + 4 League Points
    kosb14020£14.10 + 4 League Points
    Thews at 10
    scotty773320001£300 + 40 League Points
    Deldog02£200 + 36 League Points
    ndbb899003£140 + 28 League Points
    NEPHILIM04£100 + 22 League Points
    Roebuck05£80 + 18 League Points
    TommyD06£70 + 14 League Points
    sikas07£60 + 10 League Points
    unbpower08£50 + 6 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Open
    trevil256200001£250 + 20 League Points
    aussie0902£150 + 16 League Points
    NoFinAce03£100 + 14 League Points
    pryce604£70 + 12 League Points
    Ludovician05£60 + 10 League Points
    ZINGARI06£50 + 8 League Points
    chrissy_g07£40 + 6 League Points
    acesall22108£30 + 4 League Points
    NIPJAK09£20 + 3 League Points
    wingwizard010£10 + 2 League Points
    GCONE011£8.50 + 1 League Points
    timeforbed012£8.50 + 1 League Points
    gigagod101013£8.50 + 1 League Points
    wez12014£8.50 + 1 League Points
    richford015£8.50 + 1 League Points
    TheDart016£8.50 + 1 League Points
    Mac247017£8.50 + 1 League Points
    Peachfuzz018£8.50 + 1 League Points
    rancid019£8.50 + 1 League Points
    Frankie83020£8.50 + 1 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Wednesday 7th September 2011

    £4,000 Double Stack
    SHYTALK11840001£1598.40 + 160 League Points
    DAIBOOT02£917.60 + 152 League Points
    rocky6203£621.60 + 144 League Points
    Tuffty04£473.60 + 136 League Points
    binnsy05£414.40 + 128 League Points
    jordibhx06£355.20 + 120 League Points
    jawzindawz07£236.80 + 112 League Points
    teetoo08£177.60 + 104 League Points
    Ice_Coach09£118.40 + 96 League Points
    bosswite010£59.20 + 88 League Points
    MacMonster011£50.32 + 80 League Points
    CODMAN392012£50.32 + 72 League Points
    HAPPYNIGE4013£50.32 + 64 League Points
    Fat_Uncle014£50.32 + 56 League Points
    jarrah12015£50.32 + 48 League Points
    veal05016£50.32 + 40 League Points
    Andyl1986017£50.32 + 40 League Points
    Y4JAK018£50.32 + 40 League Points
    TheDart019£50.32 + 40 League Points
    bed_head020£50.32 + 40 League Points
    jdan24021£44.40 + 32 League Points
    PP22022£44.40 + 32 League Points
    bromley04023£44.40 + 32 League Points
    sam1986024£44.40 + 32 League Points
    wdcman69025£44.40 + 32 League Points
    HITMAN_RV026£44.40 + 32 League Points
    bigmacca73027£44.40 + 32 League Points
    aub028£44.40 + 32 League Points
    TIMBER029£44.40 + 32 League Points
    eltuffnut030£44.40 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    hepburn3460001£467.10 + 50 League Points
    Runwood02£271.61 + 46 League Points
    FlashFlush03£190.30 + 38 League Points
    SamJay04£155.70 + 32 League Points
    royalfl46305£126.29 + 28 League Points
    kosb1406£103.80 + 24 League Points
    dubmaster07£86.50 + 20 League Points
    mrpoker91908£69.20 + 16 League Points
    jan195609£51.90 + 12 League Points
    MonkeyF010£34.60 + 8 League Points
    PeteLTFC011£17.30 + 4 League Points
    maxb012£17.30 + 4 League Points
    100thidiot013£17.30 + 4 League Points
    JAEGERBOMB014£17.30 + 4 League Points
    MikeGR015£17.30 + 4 League Points
    arc2arc016£17.30 + 4 League Points
    grancas31017£17.30 + 4 League Points
    Belana018£17.30 + 4 League Points
    Deldog019£17.30 + 4 League Points
    jimifloyd020£17.30 + 4 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Deepstack
    dtm7515520001£291 + 20 League Points
    AAMICK02£174.60 + 16 League Points
    eaturchips03£116.40 + 14 League Points
    Aaaces304£81.48 + 12 League Points
    MRBURNS405£69.84 + 10 League Points
    ORANGESWAN06£58.20 + 8 League Points
    drumahai0507£46.56 + 6 League Points
    chrisbhoy08£34.92 + 4 League Points
    Hanks9809£23.28 + 3 League Points
    ADY77010£11.64 + 2 League Points
    walden05011£9.89 + 1 League Points
    bonnylad012£9.89 + 1 League Points
    guttaz013£9.89 + 1 League Points
    BigFace888014£9.89 + 1 League Points
    POKERBHOY0015£9.89 + 1 League Points
    sam1986016£9.89 + 1 League Points
    CANDYSUX_1017£9.89 + 1 League Points
    Lee_Boy018£9.89 + 1 League Points
    findy019£9.89 + 1 League Points
    baker43020£9.89 + 1 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011

    Thursday 8th September 2011

    £5,000 Sky Roller

    Wacko903550001£1988 + 40 League Points
    SUPERSNEDD02£1207 + 36 League Points
    Monkey40203£852 + 28 League Points
    Claytov04£710 + 22 League Points
    HITMAN_RV05£568 + 18 League Points
    SoLack06£497 + 14 League Points
    MAXALLY07£426 + 10 League Points
    Audster08£355 + 6 League Points
    £12,000 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
    aloette5210180001£1832.40 + £519.69 Head Prizes + 160 League Points12 
    goldfoxdom02£1145.25 + £192.68 Head Prizes + 152 League Points9 
    winging3803£687.15 + £245.71 Head Prizes + 144 League Points10 
    OCD_man04£496.27 + £174.20 Head Prizes + 136 League Points8 
    SCALLION05£381.75 + £199.11 Head Prizes + 128 League Points10 
    style273706£305.40 + £94.21 Head Prizes + 120 League Points4 
    DivsDreams07£229.05 + £64.91 Head Prizes + 112 League Points2 
    fergie4408£152.70 + £68.91 Head Prizes + 104 League Points4 
    PokerPicks09£114.53 + £98.08 Head Prizes + 96 League Points7 
    wakey67010£76.35 + £112.15 Head Prizes + 88 League Points8 
    BAGGIE_13011£64.90 + £30.94 Head Prizes + 80 League Points2 
    rentisdue012£64.90 + £159.19 Head Prizes + 72 League Points8 
    thuse013£64.90 + £153.30 Head Prizes + 64 League Points6 
    BODIE160014£64.90 + £92.51 Head Prizes + 56 League Points5 
    Eyeman015£64.90 + £191.60 Head Prizes + 48 League Points12 
    cauleyboy016£64.90 + £77 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 
    clubber224017£64.90 + £108.98 Head Prizes + 40 League Points7 
    POKEOFFU018£64.90 + £39.68 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 
    saints01019£64.90 + £61.87 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 
    welshdave020£64.90 + £54.15 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 
    royalfl463021£49.63 + £92.68 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    pr1nnyraid022£49.63 + £68.21 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    sainsbo29023£49.63 + £68.74 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 
    bromley04024£49.63 + £61.36 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 
    Wacko90025£49.63 + £169.64 Head Prizes + 32 League Points10 
    nervesof026£49.63 + £74.71 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    IGUANAKID027£49.63 + £60.46 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 
    bustout44028£49.63 + £36.56 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    Baggies71029£49.63 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 
    jason885030£49.63 + £87.54 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    DonGaz031£41.99 + £47.81 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    jakally032£41.99 + £45 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    JONONZIE033£41.99 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    GREENIENO_034£41.99 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    PODGEY035£41.99 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    mondo1985036£41.99 + £54.85 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    9se7enTr3y037£41.99 + £100.94 Head Prizes + 24 League Points7 
    Lex18038£41.99 + £49.92 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    scouse1234039£41.99 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    Bossman180040£41.99 + 24 League Points0 
    Darkforce041£34.36 + £37.44 Head Prizes3 
    JAEGERBOMB042£34.36 + £14.77 Head Prizes1 
    alias367043£34.36 + £47.81 Head Prizes4 
    MonkeyF044£34.36 + £47.81 Head Prizes4 
    birdhead045£34.36 + £30.94 Head Prizes2 
    brozzy74046£34.36 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 
    cowsontilt047£34.36 + £68.91 Head Prizes5 
    GIVEITSOME048£34.36 + £67.50 Head Prizes5 
    howesyboy049£34.36 + £39.37 Head Prizes3 
    scw050£34.36 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 
    Jammyjarvo051£30.54 + £17.58 Head Prizes1 
    kiki797936052£30.54 + £33.75 Head Prizes3 
    krstov053£30.54 + £30.94 Head Prizes2 
    MissG88054£30.54 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 
    REDARROW61055£30.54 + £14.77 Head Prizes1 
    jamiep007056£30.54 + £78.57 Head Prizes5 
    steve63057£30.54 + £36.56 Head Prizes3 
    NIPJAK058£30.54 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 
    mackers18059£30.54 + £36.56 Head Prizes3 
    WORWOLF59060£30.54 + £33.05 Head Prizes2
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    Rweasley13240001£437.40 + 50 League Points
    squintpaps02£254.34 + 46 League Points
    Lucia103£178.20 + 38 League Points
    B14KEY04£145.80 + 32 League Points
    BLADES84905£118.26 + 28 League Points
    mewillows06£97.20 + 24 League Points
    scouse_red07£81 + 20 League Points
    sprinter7308£64.80 + 16 League Points
    madeyeII09£48.60 + 12 League Points
    JCDC010£32.40 + 8 League Points
    manasa1011£16.20 + 4 League Points
    pryce6012£16.20 + 4 League Points
    rentisdue013£16.20 + 4 League Points
    PeteLTFC014£16.20 + 4 League Points
    Hanks98015£16.20 + 4 League Points
    grancas31016£16.20 + 4 League Points
    splashies017£16.20 + 4 League Points
    brady007018£16.20 + 4 League Points
    GELDY019£16.20 + 4 League Points
    Pierre77020£16.20 + 4 League Points
    £5,000 Mini Roller
    jambonharv2700001£162 + 40 League Points
    GREENIENO_02£108 + 36 League Points
    tie197003£75.60 + 28 League Points
    ctg17404£54 + 22 League Points
    ncafc05£43.20 + 18 League Points
    timeforbed06£37.80 + 14 League Points
    Redge07£32.40 + 10 League Points
    SUPERSNEDD08£27 + 6 League Points
    £1,200 Mini Bounty Hunter
    imaaking10500001£189 + £64.35 Head Prizes + 20 League Points17 
    EASYFIX02£118.12 + £3.93 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    samantha2503£70.88 + £12.26 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7 
    2Guys1Acct04£51.19 + £22.96 Head Prizes + 12 League Points9 
    mewillows05£39.38 + £4.43 Head Prizes + 10 League Points3 
    BLUFFKILLA06£31.50 + £19.19 Head Prizes + 8 League Points8 
    GIFTER07£23.62 + £15.92 Head Prizes + 6 League Points9 
    MissG8808£15.75 + £6.96 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5 
    bustout4409£11.81 + £9.11 Head Prizes + 3 League Points4 
    Ashes2Aces010£7.88 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 2 League Points1 
    Jimbob30011£6.69 + £7.36 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    rizla111012£6.69 + £8.97 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    ziggy01013£6.69 + £15.89 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 
    cruimh15014£6.69 + £9.19 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 
    POKERBHOY0015£6.69 + £16.94 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 
    L1TTLELEGS016£6.69 + £3.08 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 
    MOP72017£6.69 + £12.06 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 
    STOCKY8A1018£6.69 + £3.39 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    3barrels019£6.69 + £22.35 Head Prizes + 1 League Points12 
    LINSTA020£6.69 + £5.34 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    sweetylady021£5.12 + £2.56 Head Prizes1 
    UNCLE_PAT022£5.12 + £2.81 Head Prizes2 
    SKINDOH73023£5.12 + £13.40 Head Prizes8 
    BAD_BLEET024£5.12 + £8.39 Head Prizes5 
    DIVAK025£5.12 + £6.17 Head Prizes4 
    kidgrimsby026£5.12 + £6.33 Head Prizes4 
    TAZ5001027£5.12 + £11.39 Head Prizes7 
    sherifoo7028£5.12 + £5.34 Head Prizes4 
    MADMOO029£5.12 + £4.52 Head Prizes4 
    maximus66030£5.12 + £1.96 Head Prizes1 
    BOSTON04031£4.33 + £7.02 Head Prizes4 
    Doudeau032£4.33 + £9.76 Head Prizes6 
    POKEOFFU033£4.33 + £4.04 Head Prizes3 
    k9kym034£4.33 + £14.43 Head Prizes8 
    baker43035£4.33 + £5.92 Head Prizes5 
    Giggler32036£4.33 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 
    Yorkie74037£4.33 + £4.93 Head Prizes3 
    monkinsane038£4.33 + £12.62 Head Prizes8 
    brushman039£4.33 + £5.76 Head Prizes4 
    foxyyy040£4.33 + £1.68 Head Prizes1 
    glencoelad041£3.54 + £4.01 Head Prizes2 
    bheallin55042£3.54 + £2.62 Head Prizes2 
    tomwrx043£3.54 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 
    Shaneshark044£3.54 + £4.02 Head Prizes3 
    Deldog045£3.54 + £4.84 Head Prizes3 
    lions86046£3.54 + £3.36 Head Prizes2 
    witsy39047£3.54 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 
    hayter06048£3.54 + £5.97 Head Prizes4 
    skyekick06049£3.54 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    johnsq1052£3.15 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    profman15053£3.15 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    andsoitis7054£3.15 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    milkman90055£3.15 + £9.71 Head Prizes7 
    13Silly056£3.15 + £4.72 Head Prizes3 
    moooey057£3.15 + £10.41 Head Prizes8 
    amy91058£3.15 + £7.88 Head Prizes6 
    artful83059£3.15 + £4.58 Head Prizes3 
    BESTBITTER060£3.15 + £2.45 Head Prizes1
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Please note that the posting of this Friday/Saturday/Sundays results will be delayed somewhat due to my attendance at the SPT final in Nottingham.
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    Please note that the posting of this Friday/Saturday/Sundays results will be delayed somewhat due to my attendance at the SPT final in Nottingham.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    And the very best of luck to you in it , run gd xx
  • bigflop1bigflop1 Member Posts: 1,034
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    Please note that the posting of this Friday/Saturday/Sundays results will be delayed somewhat due to my attendance at the SPT final in Nottingham.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    simply not good enough gary.. this is the 1st thread i check every morning.. i rely on these!!! u must pay for wifi in your room and sort this out!!

    only kidding mate.. have a great time.. wish i was going to be honest but couldnt due to work commitments. give me a wave though i be watching the stream sat night in the rail!!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Friday 9th September 2011

    £5,000 Rebuy Open
    rentisdue12880001£1563.30 + 160 League Points
    bergkamp0402£897.45 + 152 League Points
    bazbazbaz03£607.95 + 144 League Points
    THEPUPPY04£463.20 + 136 League Points
    varney05£405.30 + 128 League Points
    DivsDreams06£347.40 + 120 League Points
    kikikolt207£231.60 + 112 League Points
    deanom124508£173.70 + 104 League Points
    zarig09£115.80 + 96 League Points
    Uzi_lover010£57.90 + 88 League Points
    Strangey011£49.22 + 80 League Points
    1964ever16012£49.22 + 72 League Points
    Buzzzzzzzi013£49.22 + 64 League Points
    gerrard9014£49.22 + 56 League Points
    sara36dd08015£49.22 + 48 League Points
    mondo1985016£49.22 + 40 League Points
    stanslad21017£49.22 + 40 League Points
    heellloooo018£49.22 + 40 League Points
    drumahai05019£49.22 + 40 League Points
    _DAC_020£49.22 + 40 League Points
    PokerStarr021£43.42 + 32 League Points
    bar4004022£43.42 + 32 League Points
    RogueCell023£43.42 + 32 League Points
    BACKFOOT024£43.42 + 32 League Points
    hammerdave025£43.42 + 32 League Points
    FILIPSEBO026£43.42 + 32 League Points
    dunkyg027£43.42 + 32 League Points
    joshi028£43.42 + 32 League Points
    Bombadier029£43.42 + 32 League Points
    69winsalot030£43.42 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    diamond0142800001£378 + 50 League Points
    TheOAP02£219.80 + 46 League Points
    gazscoop03£154 + 38 League Points
    FROSTI_JAK04£126 + 32 League Points
    woosa05£102.20 + 28 League Points
    lion1701006£84 + 24 League Points
    scraghead07£70 + 20 League Points
    Lee_Boy08£56 + 16 League Points
    moz24809£42 + 12 League Points
    smoknace02010£28 + 8 League Points
    potters011£14 + 4 League Points
    bluemacaw012£14 + 4 League Points
    squintpaps013£14 + 4 League Points
    PCCRUISER014£14 + 4 League Points
    igor1966015£14 + 4 League Points
    swindon569016£14 + 4 League Points
    ORANGESWAN017£14 + 4 League Points
    superchipp018£14 + 4 League Points
    roghelz019£14 + 4 League Points
    brady007020£14 + 4 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Open
    bromley047380001£276.75 + 20 League Points
    ryansy112202£166.05 + 16 League Points
    canarycole03£110.70 + 14 League Points
    EVY04£77.49 + 12 League Points
    salz731205£66.42 + 10 League Points
    CURTIS606£55.35 + 8 League Points
    harper00707£44.28 + 6 League Points
    WilliamG08£33.21 + 4 League Points
    dunkyg09£22.14 + 3 League Points
    drumahai05010£11.07 + 2 League Points
    oldrectory011£9.41 + 1 League Points
    WEEDSTER012£9.41 + 1 League Points
    leek290013£9.41 + 1 League Points
    hodgin77014£9.41 + 1 League Points
    RUSTY30015£9.41 + 1 League Points
    excelsior016£9.41 + 1 League Points
    lloydyfc10017£9.41 + 1 League Points
    squisheee018£9.41 + 1 League Points
    Binawhile019£9.41 + 1 League Points
    gaza559020£9.41 + 1 League Points
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited September 2011
    Who won the Premiership free rolls?
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    Who won the Premiership free rolls?
    Posted by DUNMIDOSH
    Sorry, I'm unable to find those. Can anybody reading this who participated post the result?
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Saturday 10th September 2011

    £8,000 Super Bounty Hunter
    Benalman9360001£1170.23 + £189.64 Head Prizes + 80 League Points7 
    Pullin0102£702.14 + £103.01 Head Prizes + 76 League Points4 
    springman103£468.09 + £113.89 Head Prizes + 72 League Points6 
    JackyD04£327.67 + £77.37 Head Prizes + 68 League Points4 
    jcb36005£280.86 + £23.44 Head Prizes + 64 League Points2 
    doyouwanti06£234.05 + £98.52 Head Prizes + 60 League Points6 
    jay196607£187.24 + £139.39 Head Prizes + 56 League Points9 
    yougomuck08£140.43 + £178.22 Head Prizes + 52 League Points11 
    klutz09£93.62 + £58.59 Head Prizes + 48 League Points6 
    bawheid98010£46.81 + £78.28 Head Prizes + 44 League Points7 
    zit011£39.79 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 
    supersafc012£39.79 + £97.75 Head Prizes + 36 League Points9 
    Roebuck013£39.79 + £41.72 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    seaford2014£39.79 + £59.93 Head Prizes + 28 League Points4 
    rubbertoes015£39.79 + £52.13 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 
    PhilAny2_Q016£39.79 + £79.05 Head Prizes + 20 League Points6 
    LePonch017£39.79 + £98.79 Head Prizes + 20 League Points9 
    jazzyj018£39.79 + £74.64 Head Prizes + 20 League Points7 
    zzr019£39.79 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 20 League Points2 
    Snakeman08020£39.79 + £26.72 Head Prizes + 20 League Points2 
    JEFFY69021£32.77 + £57.89 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 
    trevor1948022£32.77 + £24.14 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 
    newbs23023£32.77 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    jordibhx024£32.77 + £17.23 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 
    The_House025£32.77 + £37.51 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    meyer12026£32.77 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 
    ziggy01027£32.77 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 
    shanter028£32.77 + £50.15 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 
    moose3008029£32.77 + £37.51 Head Prizes + 16 League Points4 
    smartca627030£32.77 + 16 League Points0 
    DARKGG031£30.43 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 
    nicknat118032£30.43 + £59.99 Head Prizes + 12 League Points6 
    KnoReed033£30.43 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 
    bbyfaceace034£30.43 + £32.81 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    BLUUEEYES1035£30.43 + 12 League Points0 
    dunni18036£30.43 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 
    HANSON037£30.43 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 
    PP22038£30.43 + £33.75 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    alias367039£30.43 + £35.63 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 
    roscopec040£30.43 + £33.76 Head Prizes + 12 League Points
    £1,000 Survivor Final
    £1,200 Mini Bounty Hunter
    UP4ITRUTWO9440001£177.50 + £51.01 Head Prizes + 20 League Points12 
    wingwizard02£106.50 + £17.76 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 
    fatboydave03£71 + £22.12 Head Prizes + 14 League Points9 
    stepsman104£49.70 + £17.46 Head Prizes + 12 League Points8 
    mikey197205£42.60 + £6.03 Head Prizes + 10 League Points4 
    drumahai0506£35.50 + £13.09 Head Prizes + 8 League Points6 
    geoffm307£28.40 + £9.26 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 
    POMPEY200708£21.30 + £2.26 Head Prizes + 4 League Points2 
    shawsok09£14.20 + £14.45 Head Prizes + 3 League Points8 
    JAMROCK010£7.10 + £7.60 Head Prizes + 2 League Points6 
    salz7312011£6.04 + £13.44 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 
    sally247012£6.04 + £2.53 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 
    flatfeet3013£6.04 + £3.66 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
    winnie29014£6.04 + £13.70 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    TAZ5001015£6.04 + £6.11 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    gerrard9016£6.04 + £15.45 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 
    sara36dd08017£6.04 + £2.72 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 
    PKNO1018£6.04 + £7.86 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 
    CLOWNFI5H019£6.04 + £5.90 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 
    nottybay020£6.04 + £7.52 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 
    HeronsGhyl021£4.97 + £5.34 Head Prizes4 
    smartca627022£4.97 + £4.98 Head Prizes3 
    elsworth02023£4.97 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    MARIE025£4.97 + £3.08 Head Prizes2 
    carravagio026£4.97 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 
    kashmir027£4.97 + £9.35 Head Prizes7 
    CATASTROPH028£4.97 + £4.91 Head Prizes3 
    stan_still029£4.97 + £9.08 Head Prizes6 
    DIVAK030£4.97 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 
    dilligaf07031£4.62 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 
    NoFinAce032£4.62 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    ET1033£4.62 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    MOP72034£4.62 + £6.06 Head Prizes4 
    DILLEN035£4.62 + £18.43 Head Prizes14 
    stibnufc036£4.62 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 
    SirGoldy037£4.62 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 
    Shotter038£4.62 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 
    adzey039£4.62 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 
    kazmac040£4.62 + £5.65 Head Prizes
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2011
    Sunday 11th September 2011

    £8,000 Sunday Roller
    TheWombat2050001£3280 + 30 League Points
    leeroy102£2050 + 26 League Points
    beaneh03£1230 + 18 League Points
    style273704£902 + 12 League Points
    Wacko9005£738 + 6 League Points
    £12,500 Primo
    kevcoke695020001£3388.50 + 160 League Points
    pr1nnyraid02£1945.25 + 152 League Points
    1478963203£1317.75 + 144 League Points
    winner560304£1004 + 136 League Points
    tinytellah05£878.50 + 128 League Points
    TC197006£753 + 120 League Points
    ALBOB07£502 + 112 League Points
    THETANK08£376.50 + 104 League Points
    FROSTI_JAK09£251 + 96 League Points
    JONONZIE010£125.50 + 88 League Points
    gadgerno1011£106.67 + 80 League Points
    Benalman012£106.67 + 72 League Points
    OOOOOOOOOO013£106.67 + 64 League Points
    moana014£106.67 + 56 League Points
    RemyMartin015£106.67 + 48 League Points
    rio76016£106.67 + 40 League Points
    GISYRDOSH017£106.67 + 40 League Points
    Rumpy018£106.67 + 40 League Points
    ChirpyChip019£106.67 + 40 League Points
    corbett04020£106.67 + 40 League Points
    maximus66021£94.12 + 32 League Points
    eirrabs04022£94.12 + 32 League Points
    lammin023£94.12 + 32 League Points
    gazshep024£94.12 + 32 League Points
    Danwon025£94.12 + 32 League Points
    pizzled1026£94.12 + 32 League Points
    spartan123027£94.12 + 32 League Points
    albania028£94.12 + 32 League Points
    gez_bear029£94.12 + 32 League Points
    Jubei030£94.12 + 32 League Points

    £1,000 Mini Roller
    jdan243300001£396 + 40 League Points
    peg102£264 + 36 League Points
    deecoy03£184.80 + 28 League Points
    anjie197004£132 + 22 League Points
    sara36dd0805£105.60 + 18 League Points
    monkey12306£92.40 + 14 League Points
    pidd507£79.20 + 10 League Points
    howellzee08£66 + 6 League Points
    £1,500 Mini Primo
    BO7220001£451.25 + 40 League Points
    swordsyboy02£270.75 + 36 League Points
    2Puck03£180.50 + 32 League Points
    Jimbobadob04£126.35 + 28 League Points
    mum2605£108.30 + 24 League Points
    minty1106£90.25 + 20 League Points
    AArodAA07£72.20 + 16 League Points
    REDHOTP08£54.15 + 12 League Points
    tyler8809£36.10 + 8 League Points
    BIGAL118010£18.05 + 4 League Points
    vicunass11011£15.34 + 2 League Points
    dubmaster012£15.34 + 2 League Points
    forest31013£15.34 + 2 League Points
    rob26b014£15.34 + 2 League Points
    EBBERDON015£15.34 + 2 League Points
    meatO016£15.34 + 2 League Points
    Jibbz017£15.34 + 2 League Points
    Pokemon3018£15.34 + 2 League Points
    jlj17019£15.34 + 2 League Points
    blondy45020£15.34 + 2 League Points

    League Stars Freeroll
    oregon5430001£8k Sunday Roller
    PeteLTFC02£8k Sunday Roller
    poker6903£8k Sunday Roller
    paul1004£8k Sunday Roller
    martin11105£8k Sunday Roller
    skicowboys06£5,000 Sky Roller
    sjb1000007£5,000 Sky Roller
    made4game08£5,000 Sky Roller
    penguin709£5,000 Sky Roller
    PjPirate010£5,000 Sky Roller
    kelly05011£5,000 Sky Roller
    ALFIE123012£5,000 Sky Roller
    dampdemon013£5,000 Sky Roller
    adamw1ns014£5,000 Sky Roller
    mahonedog015£5,000 Sky Roller
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