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***** Tournament Results 6th March 2011 to 31st December 2012 *****



  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    Cheers for updating this thread Greg. (are you trying to get brownie points to get your chat back?)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    lol, i actually offered to cover for Gary before my ban
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Wednesday 12th October

    4k D/S

    Dumbmofo12040001£1505 + 160 League Pointsheellloooo02£903 + 152 League Pointsjdan2403£602 + 144 League Pointsrorysdad04£421.40 + 136 League Pointsmightyfram05£361.20 + 128 League PointsMoon_River06£301 + 120 League Pointstopoff207£240.80 + 112 League Pointstallytink08£180.60 + 104 League PointsTight_Rat09£120.40 + 96 League PointsHAROLI010£60.20 + 88 League PointsREDARROW61011£51.17 + 80 League PointsJIMMBOB012£51.17 + 72 League Pointsmoana013£51.17 + 64 League Pointswitsy39014£51.17 + 56 League Pointsmacapaca015£51.17 + 48 League PointsTimTimmens016£51.17 + 40 League PointsLOOPYLUCIA017£51.17 + 40 League Pointsprov1x018£51.17 + 40 League Pointscatious019£51.17 + 40 League Pointslyonsbob06020£51.17 + 40 League Pointskezzzz021£42.14 + 32 League PointsSKINDOH73022£42.14 + 32 League Pointsdrumahai05023£42.14 + 32 League Pointsrossi700024£42.14 + 32 League PointsWOLFIE33025£42.14 + 32 League Pointsjjohnny5026£42.14 + 32 League Pointssuperchipp027£42.14 + 32 League PointsMATTY1028£42.14 + 32 League PointsHANSON029£42.14 + 32 League Pointsmickjenn1030£42.14 + 32 League PointsMUNST031£39.13 + 24 League Pointsshepso1212032£39.13 + 24 League Pointshurst05033£39.13 + 24 League Pointsgrimreap25034£39.13 + 24 League Pointsfishy454035£39.13 + 24 League Pointsjoe_me036£39.13 + 24 League Pointssykwitit037£39.13 + 24 League Pointsspideryd17038£39.13 + 24 League Pointspatch75039£39.13 + 24 League PointsMariusz80040£39.13 + 24 League Points0mc041

    1k Mini D/S

    ThexMajor16520001£309.75 + 20 League Pointscleaverjim02£185.85 + 16 League PointsJamash14703£111.51 + 14 League Pointsoldrectory04£86.73 + 12 League Pointssaiman7805£68.14 + 10 League PointsISLANDER7406£49.56 + 8 League Pointsbillybrag707£37.17 + 6 League Pointsfrizog08£24.78 + 4 League Pointsromeo1409£18.59 + 3 League PointsForest1975010£12.39 + 2 League PointsIvey368011£10.53 + 1 League Pointsxceptor22012£10.53 + 1 League Pointsthompa76013£10.53 + 1 League PointsMAXALLY014£10.53 + 1 League PointsTONY509015£10.53 + 1 League Pointstopmark016£10.53 + 1 League Pointsbigclem1017£10.53 + 1 League Pointshuuuuume018£10.53 + 1 League Pointsmickjenn1019£10.53 + 1 League Pointscalvo1020£10.53 + 1 League Pointsyeahboy021£8.67Mack3m81022£8.67I3ubblejo023£8.67The_Hoof024£8.67yoyo025£8.67welshvegas026£8.67Vegas_Baby027£8.67haddock214028£8.67dazzeler01029£8.67scoobydoo1030£8.67SATAN0666031£7.43GELDY032£7.43BLUENEWT033£7.43chelseaAA034£7.43Columbo67035£7.43makerzAKQ036£7.43scrumdown037£7.43dudley04038£7.43Mizroe039£7.43woods01040£7.43TYFTM041£6.81gazcbw042£6.81MRBURNS4043£6.81mischa044£6.81emstew045£6.81UTV046£6.81FlashFlush047£6.81TheWombat048£6.81colinPB654049£6.81DJCUKKI050£6.81johnny_e051
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Thursday 13th October

    12k Sky Sports BH

    PedagogBen10060001£1810.80 + £542.66 Head Prizes + 160 League Points14 StayOrGo02£1131.75 + £254.82 Head Prizes + 152 League Points10 TONY50903£679.05 + £171.08 Head Prizes + 144 League Points10 tikay104£490.43 + £185.52 Head Prizes + 136 League Points7 snapie05£377.25 + £61.72 Head Prizes + 128 League Points3 Taffy1406£301.80 + £217.34 Head Prizes + 120 League Points10 Jimbo197007£226.35 + £88.64 Head Prizes + 112 League Points3 arthur196508£150.90 + £66.45 Head Prizes + 104 League Points4 kjd3609£113.17 + £183.73 Head Prizes + 96 League Points11 NUMBER_WAN010£75.45 + £106.35 Head Prizes + 88 League Points6 poker75757011£64.13 + £135.52 Head Prizes + 80 League Points8 WeeChicken012£64.13 + £32.53 Head Prizes + 72 League Points2 offshoot013£64.13 + £100.67 Head Prizes + 64 League Points3 Scratch36014£64.13 + £54.14 Head Prizes + 56 League Points4 SUPERSNEDD015£64.13 + £48.52 Head Prizes + 48 League Points4 dee28016£64.13 + £30.94 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 GOODTHIEF017£64.13 + £80.87 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 jamie0007t018£64.13 + £40.78 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 Darkforce019£64.13 + 40 League Points0 dunham123020£64.13 + £49.92 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 wingys021£49.04 + £154.17 Head Prizes + 32 League Points10 HUTCH_121022£49.04 + £126.40 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7 Casrat023£49.04 + £108.45 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 trevil25024£49.04 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 IcBear25025£49.04 + £131 Head Prizes + 32 League Points8 4KingPoker026£49.04 + £32.34 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 sara36dd08027£49.04 + £51.33 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 ste1722028£49.04 + £31.64 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 steelyspan029£49.04 + £47.81 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 Janana030£49.04 + £73.83 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 jjohnny5031£41.50 + £33.05 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 DAKING032£41.50 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 chisa033£41.50 + 24 League Points0 raymon1969034£41.50 + £31.65 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 CFC302035£41.50 + £50.63 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 huuuuume036£41.50 + £120.93 Head Prizes + 24 League Points9 johnny_e037£41.50 + £85.08 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 coool038£41.50 + £65.39 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 misbitch69039£41.50 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 DirectD040£41.50 + £53.44 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 Direwolf041£33.95 + £52.23 Head Prizes2 DADDYLE042£33.95 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 BigManch043£33.95 + £47.11 Head Prizes3 poker69044£33.950 81moggis045£33.95 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 Kiwini4u046£33.950 bizz234047£33.95 + £54.14 Head Prizes4 PKRPar048£33.95 + £96.42 Head Prizes7 topchip049£33.95 + £25.31 Head Prizes2 acerag83050£33.95 + £119.05 Head Prizes7 Lefty9051£30.18 + £56.25 Head Prizes5 coppull052£30.18 + £34.46 Head Prizes2 DNB-YTFC053£30.18 + £17.58 Head Prizes1 toonjat66054£30.18 + £39.38 Head Prizes3 LUCKYSAMMI055£30.18 + £39.38 Head Prizes3 jackash056£30.18 + £33.75 Head Prizes3 dantichr31057£30.18 + £56.61 Head Prizes4 H1PEK058£30.18 + £33.75 Head Prizes3 cenachav059£30.18 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 FlashFlush060£30.18 + £28.83 Head Prizes2 haugh09061£14.06 Head Prizes

    1.2k Mini B/H

    dodgydice9800001£183.75 + £42.78 Head Prizes + 20 League Points10 pistol71002£110.25 + £10.42 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 Doubtful03£66.15 + £5.60 Head Prizes + 14 League Points3 zepredator04£51.45 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 12 League Points8 electroace05£40.42 + £16.82 Head Prizes + 10 League Points6 rizla11106£29.40 + £2.53 Head Prizes + 8 League Points2 chelz107£22.05 + £20.77 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 Carpology08£14.70 + 4 League Points0 gadgerno109£11.03 + £7.64 Head Prizes + 3 League Points3 dollybird010£7.35 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 2 League Points1 bentley147011£6.25 + £8.01 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 beryl1941012£6.25 + £10.31 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 dundee_p013£6.25 + £5.93 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 cheryl1967014£6.25 + £16.45 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 SATAN0666015£6.25 + £12.94 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 gerrard9016£6.25 + £15.73 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 duonross017£6.25 + £3.93 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 Monkey402018£6.25 + £5.48 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 jambo88019£6.25 + £12.14 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 Jibbz020£6.25 + £4.64 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 touchwood021£5.14 + £3.44 Head Prizes2 BNJ022£5.14 + £7.11 Head Prizes5 TheSaw023£5.14 + £12.09 Head Prizes7 Maj024£5.14 + £8.20 Head Prizes5 GixerGuy025£5.14 + £4.71 Head Prizes3 SKINDOH73026£5.14 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 nemo8967027£5.14 + £5.06 Head Prizes4 hanmore08028£5.14 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 chunky76029£5.14 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 the-mad-ox030£5.14 + £7.09 Head Prizes4 CHRIS770031£4.41 + £16.22 Head Prizes10 Lensson032£4.41 + £7.69 Head Prizes6 RyanRio115033£4.41 + £1.76 Head Prizes1 JerseyPhil034£4.41 + £10.66 Head Prizes7 choc_john035£4.41 + £1.82 Head Prizes1 Hutchy73036£4.41 + £4.88 Head Prizes4 pnut198327037£4.41 + £8.52 Head Prizes6 blondy45038£4.41 + £2.68 Head Prizes2 butcher18039£4.41 + £10.60 Head Prizes7 steve63040£4.41 + £6.05 Head Prizes4 snake9009041£4.04 + £1.82 Head Prizes1 splashies042£4.04 + £1.68 Head Prizes1 shorrock09043£4.04 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 seaford2044£4.04 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 wilson0596045£4.04 + £4.90 Head Prizes2 PokerPaul2046£4.04 + £2.62 Head Prizes2 Mflint1982047£4.04 + £7.41 Head Prizes6 wanturmo28048£4.040 Hansolo78049£4.04 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 dantichr31050£4.04 + £7.94 Head Prizes5 sjw87051£5.56 Head Prizes4
    5k Sky Roller

    scotty773050001£1830 + 40 League Pointsoffshoot02£1220 + 36 League PointsShotscott03£854 + 28 League Pointscandyking704£610 + 22 League Pointswaller0205£488 + 18 League Pointsgadgerno106£427 + 14 League PointsTimTimmens07£366 + 10 League Pointshurst0508£305 + 6 League Points126709

    £500 Mini Roller

    ChirpyChip2100001£200 + 30 League Pointssikas02£125 + 26 League Pointsmartoni003£75 + 18 League Pointsfreechips104£55 + 12 League Pointsjolie05£45 + 6 League Pointsalbania06

    Great results for Pryce6 (finally winning the roller! WP sir!) and also WD to Brownndog for winning the mini roller:)

    Also a creditable 4th in the main 12k BH to Richard Orford :)

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Friday 14th October

    5k Rebuy Open
    leftarmove14950001£1680 + 160 League Points
    cincin6202£1008 + 152 League Points
    LIONS6203£672 + 144 League Points
    Mat1004£470.40 + 136 League Points
    mondo198505£403.20 + 128 League Points
    TheSaw06£336 + 120 League Points
    KINGERIC07£268.80 + 112 League Points
    DrMarbles08£201.60 + 104 League Points
    sykwitit09£134.40 + 96 League Points
    Yaris010£67.20 + 88 League Points
    johnny_e011£57.12 + 80 League Points
    oldrectory012£57.12 + 72 League Points
    Turb00013£57.12 + 64 League Points
    bar4004014£57.12 + 56 League Points
    FARMER418015£57.12 + 48 League Points
    DEKKER5207016£57.12 + 40 League Points
    hazzer017£57.12 + 40 League Points
    peg1018£57.12 + 40 League Points
    1dirtydog019£57.12 + 40 League Points
    acerag83020£57.12 + 40 League Points
    kwd021£47.04 + 32 League Points
    matisback022£47.04 + 32 League Points
    macapaca023£47.04 + 32 League Points
    rorysdad024£47.04 + 32 League Points
    phil12uk025£47.04 + 32 League Points
    mrwardy1026£47.04 + 32 League Points
    mightyfram027£47.04 + 32 League Points
    makelty028£47.04 + 32 League Points
    SAS10029£47.04 + 32 League Points
    aloette52030£47.04 + 32 League Points
    bungle72031£43.68 + 24 League Points
    henners10032£43.68 + 24 League Points
    nedrub033£43.68 + 24 League Points
    FROSTI_JAK034£43.68 + 24 League Points
    GrimmDark035£43.68 + 24 League Points
    icnoships036£43.68 + 24 League Points
    aiken2001037£43.68 + 24 League Points
    MonkeyF038£43.68 + 24 League Points
    MAGICmagic039£43.68 + 24 League Points
    tornadofoz040£43.68 + 24 League Points
    1k Mini Open

    1jaxonray17480001£280.50 + 20 League PointsBUILT4SIN02£168.30 + 16 League PointsDODZ03£112.20 + 14 League Pointspeon04£78.54 + 12 League PointsTop-Taffy05£67.32 + 10 League PointsBananaDog06£56.10 + 8 League PointsSCHOF7807£44.88 + 6 League PointsTIS-DUD08£33.66 + 4 League Pointsdont-ask09£22.44 + 3 League PointsAM_HERE010£11.22 + 2 League PointsPokerPaul2011£9.54 + 1 League Pointssupersuper012£9.54 + 1 League Pointsbentley147013£9.54 + 1 League PointsEMIR8S014£9.54 + 1 League Pointsbungle72015£9.54 + 1 League Pointswingys016£9.54 + 1 League PointsCountess13017£9.54 + 1 League Pointschrisx2525018£9.54 + 1 League PointsMAXALLY019£9.54 + 1 League PointsDebz0020£9.54 + 1 League Pointsmaleangel8021£7.85Fiveof7022£7.85wesser023£7.85THE_KID676024£7.85Bilo025£7.85EBBERDON026£7.85BluBamboo027£7.85graveworm028£7.85FORTCH17029£7.85jgn030£7.85Jimbon1960031£7.29vegasman032£7.29Vegas_Baby033£7.29ISLANDER74034£7.29scorpio13035£7.29MT_HAND036£7.29grandad_3037£7.29Slicky038£7.29shammyboy039£7.29samantha25040£7.29ThexMajor041
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Saturday 15th October

    8k Super B/H

    rorysdad9540001£1193.25 + £243.70 Head Prizes + 80 League Points8 CASVAGAS02£715.95 + £143.25 Head Prizes + 76 League Points9 dunno_who03£477.30 + £99.85 Head Prizes + 72 League Points7 brimicombe04£334.11 + £173.35 Head Prizes + 68 League Points7 apollo22905£286.38 + £63.33 Head Prizes + 64 League Points6 joey69006£238.65 + £37.98 Head Prizes + 60 League Points4 daviehay2407£190.92 + £80.17 Head Prizes + 56 League Points7 asclatty08£143.19 + £18.76 Head Prizes + 52 League Points2 rentisdue09£95.46 + £98.93 Head Prizes + 48 League Points8 AA1111a010£47.73 + £132.67 Head Prizes + 44 League Points10 mutchey011£40.57 + £29.67 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 wilko92012£40.57 + £128.89 Head Prizes + 36 League Points13 loukas865013£40.57 + £37.88 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 biggerb014£40.57 + £41.85 Head Prizes + 28 League Points4 wullieman015£40.57 + £26.26 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 AlanM74016£40.57 + £73.35 Head Prizes + 20 League Points6 accccer03017£40.57 + £29.77 Head Prizes + 20 League Points2 Darkforce018£40.57 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 20 League Points2 tadpole240019£40.57 + £38.54 Head Prizes + 20 League Points3 flamingo020£40.57 + £54.49 Head Prizes + 20 League Points5 Niilex021£33.41 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 superchipp022£33.41 + £58.13 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 TONY509023£33.41 + £95.17 Head Prizes + 16 League Points8 grimreap25024£33.41 + £102.41 Head Prizes + 16 League Points9 THEJMAN1025£33.41 + £50.80 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 arthur1965026£33.41 + £52.97 Head Prizes + 16 League Points6 candyking7027£33.41 + £38.90 Head Prizes + 16 League Points4 MUNST028£33.41 + £46.54 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 B00TSY978029£33.41 + £64.22 Head Prizes + 16 League Points6 bromley04030£33.41 + £20.63 Head Prizes + 16 League Points2 made4game031£31.02 + £60.48 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7 FRANKEL123032£31.02 + £82.03 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7 BOSTON04033£31.02 + £51.56 Head Prizes + 12 League Points6 0mc034£31.02 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 versatyle035£31.02 + £23.09 Head Prizes + 12 League Points2 rhyspect036£31.02 + £30.72 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 chrisg79037£31.02 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 gadgerno1038£31.02 + £52.51 Head Prizes + 12 League Points6 Tony123039£31.02 + £15 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 Leonard77040£31.02 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 12 League Points2 daddysteve041£16.88 Head Prizes

    1.2k Mini B/H

    freechips112760001£240 + £75.66 Head Prizes + 20 League Points16 pool5302£144 + £19.71 Head Prizes + 16 League Points9 LunarTyke03£86.40 + £21.52 Head Prizes + 14 League Points10 frizog04£67.20 + £15.94 Head Prizes + 12 League Points8 made4game05£52.80 + £10.98 Head Prizes + 10 League Points5 Bear_Proof06£38.40 + £8.10 Head Prizes + 8 League Points4 CagSher07£28.80 + £11.17 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 Jeno208£19.20 + £13.77 Head Prizes + 4 League Points6 PMG21509£14.40 + £23.95 Head Prizes + 3 League Points12 pensi010£9.60 + £10.42 Head Prizes + 2 League Points6 lurcha011£8.16 + £4.59 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 bluemoo967012£8.16 + £18.28 Head Prizes + 1 League Points10 jambo88013£8.16 + £5.26 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 HOLLYWHIT014£8.16 + £1.40 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 moana015£8.16 + £7.26 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 maserat1016£8.16 + £2.26 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 dojones017£8.16 + £16.87 Head Prizes + 1 League Points9 bluetoffee018£8.16 + £6.74 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 bailey121019£8.16 + £13.17 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 THEKOP7020£8.16 + £9.40 Head Prizes + 1 League Points6 kidpoker69021£6.72 + £9.16 Head Prizes5 nicknat118022£6.72 + £6.19 Head Prizes5 Moon_River023£6.72 + £9.57 Head Prizes4 mightyfram024£6.72 + £5.14 Head Prizes4 bromley04025£6.72 + £8.28 Head Prizes6 Royces026£6.72 + £3.94 Head Prizes3 -LEON-027£6.72 + £5.12 Head Prizes3 OXBOWLER028£6.72 + £4.08 Head Prizes3 robert1946029£6.72 + £10.64 Head Prizes6 pnut198327030£6.72 + £9.29 Head Prizes7 albaking031£5.76 + £10.81 Head Prizes7 grimreemin032£5.76 + £2.24 Head Prizes1 kakasi033£5.76 + £9.70 Head Prizes6 flash35034£5.76 + £6.66 Head Prizes5 nigbenn035£5.76 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 canarycole036£5.76 + £6.82 Head Prizes4 timeforbed037£5.76 + £9.81 Head Prizes5 nd666038£5.760 scorpio13039£5.76 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 butt55y040£5.76 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 ZiggaZagga041£5.28 + £5.33 Head Prizes3 Scratch36042£5.28 + £4.48 Head Prizes3 turnz64043£5.28 + £5.07 Head Prizes4 Cahill125044£5.28 + £4.95 Head Prizes3 Jibbz045£5.28 + £2.03 Head Prizes1 rich211046£5.28 + £13.07 Head Prizes9 EBBERDON047£5.28 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 Bleedchips048£5.28 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 CT049£5.28 + £4.87 Head Prizes4 Debz0050£5.28 + £3.72 Head Prizes2 arniesarmy051£1.68 Head Prizes1
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Sunday 16th October

    12.5k Primo

    lojolu635120001£3456 + 160 League Pointspeg102£1984 + 152 League PointsFlumps03£1344 + 144 League PointsL_LNeilio04£1024 + 136 League Pointsw4rlock05£896 + 128 League Pointsluke2472306£768 + 120 League Pointsmewillows07£512 + 112 League Pointsjohnny_e08£384 + 104 League PointsPP2209£256 + 96 League Points67Bhoys010£128 + 88 League Pointshenners10011£108.80 + 80 League PointsBatkin88012£108.80 + 72 League Pointsterrell08013£108.80 + 64 League Pointsscotty77014£108.80 + 56 League PointsPeteLTFC015£108.80 + 48 League PointsDemiguise016£108.80 + 40 League Pointsjamie0007t017£108.80 + 40 League Pointssteadyed11018£108.80 + 40 League Points1267019£108.80 + 40 League PointsSharksbite020£108.80 + 40 League PointsHammer79021£96 + 32 League Pointsthe_gibb022£96 + 32 League PointsGREENIENO_023£96 + 32 League Points1dirtydog024£96 + 32 League Pointsbromley04025£96 + 32 League Pointsmondo1985026£96 + 32 League Pointsjagodog027£96 + 32 League Pointspumpkin23028£96 + 32 League Pointsrhyspect029£96 + 32 League Pointsdantb10030£96 + 32 League Pointsbestie0703124 League Points

    1.5k Mini Primo

    Jeffter6720001£420 + 40 League PointsANGELF1SHH02£252 + 36 League PointsJibbz03£168 + 32 League Points0mc04£117.60 + 28 League PointsCarpology05£100.80 + 24 League PointsMSTUART06£84 + 20 League PointsBO07£67.20 + 16 League Pointsgould0808£50.40 + 12 League PointsSUPERSNEDD09£33.60 + 8 League Pointssafc20010£16.80 + 4 League PointsHYPETING011£14.28 + 2 League Pointspenn012£14.28 + 2 League Pointsironmanuk013£14.28 + 2 League Pointssara36dd08014£14.28 + 2 League PointsJazzydog015£14.28 + 2 League Pointswitsy39016£14.28 + 2 League PointsLee_Boy017£14.28 + 2 League PointsOnlyOneCT018£14.28 + 2 League PointsBMAC638019£14.28 + 2 League Pointsliamboi11020£14.28 + 2 League Pointskoshka021£11.76MAGICmagic022£11.76MAXMAX123023£11.76mappokid024£11.76asif1989025£11.76cottweiler026£11.76friedslice027£11.76Mummysboy028£11.76MAXALLY029£11.76ZEON49030£11.76RICKY401031£10.92ronnieb032£10.92robAA3004033£10.92DELTA034£10.92kidpoker69035£10.92ian1976036£10.92heellloooo037£10.92maxall038£10.92xceptor22039£10.92drbob1111040£10.92bentley147041

    8k Sunday Roller

    DirectD2700001£3240 + 40 League PointsBoonicon02£2160 + 36 League PointsSoulcrush03£1512 + 28 League Pointsmickjenn104£1080 + 22 League Points1478963205£864 + 18 League Pointshazzer06£756 + 14 League PointsStayOrGo07£648 + 10 League Pointstyger08£540 + 6 League Pointsdirtyrot09

    1k Mini Roller

    AshLUFC2650001£318 + 40 League Pointssubsnw02£212 + 36 League Pointssikas03£148.40 + 28 League PointsFlashFlush04£106 + 22 League Pointsskybadgers05£84.80 + 18 League Pointssofadude06£74.20 + 14 League Pointsroy195207£63.60 + 10 League Pointsmrlogic08£53 + 6 League PointsBENLLECH09

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Monday 17th October

    8k Bounty Hunter

    Fat_Uncle10540001£1264.80 + £239.66 Head Prizes + 160 League Points9 SoLack02£790.50 + £219.72 Head Prizes + 152 League Points12 tyger03£474.30 + £139.62 Head Prizes + 144 League Points9 witsy3904£342.55 + £109.74 Head Prizes + 136 League Points6 Benalman05£263.50 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 128 League Points2 bawheid9806£210.80 + £130.10 Head Prizes + 120 League Points7 NAILS0119707£158.10 + £104.23 Head Prizes + 112 League Points7 HILTON196908£105.40 + £39.48 Head Prizes + 104 League Points3 ANDY1309£79.05 + £90.71 Head Prizes + 96 League Points7 JAKOBOY010£52.70 + £48.75 Head Prizes + 88 League Points6 wadelumm06011£44.80 + £180.87 Head Prizes + 80 League Points13 Rknowlez012£44.80 + £43.24 Head Prizes + 72 League Points4 J1MSAM013£44.80 + £143.60 Head Prizes + 64 League Points10 bigal36903014£44.80 + £39.84 Head Prizes + 56 League Points5 SKIT120015£44.80 + £41.72 Head Prizes + 48 League Points5 MrFish2010016£44.80 + £58.60 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 AIRWAVE017£44.80 + 40 League Points0 ozrizza82018£44.80 + £52.96 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 sandhu05019£44.80 + £65.64 Head Prizes + 40 League Points7 BG92020£44.80 + £34.23 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 brimicombe021£34.26 + £28.60 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 matth147022£34.26 + £102.26 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7 tomwrx023£34.26 + £39.14 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 Scratch36024£34.26 + £15 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 Tikay10025£34.26 + £31.75 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 nedrub026£34.26 + £87.79 Head Prizes + 32 League Points9 paperboy25027£34.26 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 sandris028£34.26 + £43.59 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 JohnnyF029£34.26 + £37.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 BENLLECH030£34.26 + £31.87 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 superchipp031£28.99 + £10.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 boyce032£28.99 + £21.68 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 tallboy033£28.99 + £15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 candyking7034£28.99 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 AKdanAK035£28.99 + £20.63 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 CASVAGAS036£28.99 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 rentisdue037£28.99 + £63.99 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 felly11038£28.99 + £79.34 Head Prizes + 24 League Points7 albaking039£28.99 + £45.47 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 DUBAIMAN040£28.99 + 24 League Points0 NOBIGBETS041£23.71 + £60.47 Head Prizes7 Hutchy73042£23.71 + £55.72 Head Prizes6 gtx11043£23.71 + £81.12 Head Prizes8 J0NSEY044£23.71 + £24.38 Head Prizes3 maley045£23.71 + £37.50 Head Prizes4 TheDart046£23.71 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 boyle1987047£23.71 + £18.75 Head Prizes2 larneleg29048£23.71 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 munk8707049£23.71 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 shipley315050£23.71 + £21.09 Head Prizes2 jjohnny5051£21.08 + £17.34 Head Prizes2 denty765052£21.08 + £15 Head Prizes2 shazcanwin053£21.08 + £33.75 Head Prizes4 poker1054£21.08 + £15 Head Prizes2 K2fg32055£21.08 + £25.43 Head Prizes3 cyberdog056£21.080 WORSIE10057£21.08 + £20.39 Head Prizes2 ScottMo1058£21.08 + £26.72 Head Prizes3 bustout44059£21.08 + £39.39 Head Prizes4 babyhing060£21.080

    1k Mini B/H

    1MINDMAN9460001£177.38 + £43.57 Head Prizes + 20 League Points11 SMOKINJOE02£106.42 + £19.28 Head Prizes + 16 League Points10 barry197003£63.85 + £25.35 Head Prizes + 14 League Points10 steve160204£49.66 + £15.42 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7 hazzer05£39.02 + £17.76 Head Prizes + 10 League Points9 DmC7706£28.38 + £4.87 Head Prizes + 8 League Points2 lucky_itch07£21.29 + £8.76 Head Prizes + 6 League Points5 kirsti197708£14.19 + £10.54 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5 machine12109£10.64 + £9.45 Head Prizes + 3 League Points6 geoffm3010£7.09 + £16.93 Head Prizes + 2 League Points10 yoyo011£6.03 + £13.75 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 moods012£6.03 + £22.88 Head Prizes + 1 League Points12 lions86013£6.03 + £6.95 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 angie55014£6.03 + £3.66 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 BOYDID015£6.03 + £9.99 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 DB123016£6.03 + £6.03 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 jambonharv017£6.03 + £1.96 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 LnarinOO018£6.03 + £9.09 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 Zeo019£6.03 + £2.03 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 BigTop603020£6.03 + £5.97 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 ScottMo1021£4.97 + £5.35 Head Prizes4 arthur1965022£4.97 + £6.60 Head Prizes4 TELLO-210023£4.970 taylor79024£4.97 + £8.23 Head Prizes6 lfirk025£4.97 + £7.86 Head Prizes4 TheDart026£4.97 + £5.34 Head Prizes4 weewoker027£4.97 + £5.91 Head Prizes3 icenslice028£4.97 + £6.25 Head Prizes4 bel24029£4.97 + £5.15 Head Prizes3 Odey030£4.97 + £8.23 Head Prizes6 wiganway031£4.260 s66y032£4.26 + £6.87 Head Prizes4 gunnersj033£4.26 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 mightyfram034£4.26 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 zimboy87035£4.26 + £4.77 Head Prizes3 rizla111036£4.26 + £1.48 Head Prizes1 ToyotaMR2037£4.26 + £6.54 Head Prizes5 Jiiimbo038£4.26 + £4.45 Head Prizes3 stevew44039£4.26 + £1.96 Head Prizes1 oldgolf040£4.26 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 carro041£3.90 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 acekid405042£3.90 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 JGIBBRFC043£3.90 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 EASYFIX044£3.90 + £7.61 Head Prizes4 lead01045£3.90 + £5.06 Head Prizes4 Benji42046£3.90 + £10.19 Head Prizes6 dvy19047£3.90 + £2.03 Head Prizes1 goonerjay048£3.90 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 Reefa049£3.900 kidgrimsby050£3.90 + £6.41 Head Prizes5 tyrdax88051£1.13 Head Prizes1
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Tuesday 18th October

    4k Open

    rikclutts5800001£1566 + 160 League Points
    mickjenn102£899 + 152 League Points
    Shotscott03£609 + 144 League Points
    CHWARAEWR04£464 + 136 League Points
    dannyboy305£406 + 128 League Points
    dewy3006£348 + 120 League Points
    maserat107£232 + 112 League Points
    BO08£174 + 104 League Points
    NIHIGHGUN09£116 + 96 League Points
    lemsip010£58 + 88 League Points
    gerrard9011£49.30 + 80 League Points
    abster012£49.30 + 72 League Points
    MrLaud013£49.30 + 64 League Points
    quality1014£49.30 + 56 League Points
    joey690015£49.30 + 48 League Points
    MASSIE29016£49.30 + 40 League Points
    subsnw017£49.30 + 40 League Points
    witsy39018£49.30 + 40 League Points
    slowhors05019£49.30 + 40 League Points
    Jamash147020£49.30 + 40 League Points
    Batkin88021£43.50 + 32 League Points
    68Trebor022£43.50 + 32 League Points
    stingerbil023£43.50 + 32 League Points
    leongemmax024£43.50 + 32 League Points
    oneyedcock025£43.50 + 32 League Points
    sara36dd08026£43.50 + 32 League Points
    KINGERIC027£43.50 + 32 League Points
    snowbird028£43.50 + 32 League Points
    GREENIENO_029£43.50 + 32 League Points
    fessy030£43.50 + 32 League Points
    j3ono03124 League Points
    1k Mini Open

    bandit666980001£261.75 + 20 League Points4fingersAA02£157.05 + 16 League PointsNorthSi03£104.70 + 14 League Pointschipsta04£73.29 + 12 League PointsCINEMASHOW05£62.82 + 10 League Points50_50call06£52.35 + 8 League Pointsflydevil07£41.88 + 6 League Pointshendo7508£31.41 + 4 League Pointsosk09£20.94 + 3 League Pointsliamboi11010£10.47 + 2 League PointsTONY509011£8.90 + 1 League Pointscazzie58012£8.90 + 1 League Points68Trebor013£8.90 + 1 League PointsDougMania014£8.90 + 1 League Points5530015£8.90 + 1 League Pointstopchipy1016£8.90 + 1 League Pointsmaxmayer017£8.90 + 1 League Pointsbigclem1018£8.90 + 1 League PointsBIGBOY9999019£8.90 + 1 League PointsDebz0020£8.90 + 1 League Pointsthebil123021£7.33Marc186022£7.33brynboy13023£7.332Guys1Acct024£7.33slowroller025£7.33DODZ026£7.33sherifoo7027£7.33coolRmike028£7.33tactic029£7.33helm04030£7.33turner81031£6.81pelzer032£6.81albania033£6.81Ratboy71034£6.81CagSher035£6.81bonthron18036£6.81volcan0037£6.81SoLack038£6.81MrLaud039£6.81Doudeau040£6.81dazzler751041
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Wednesday 19th October

    4k Double Stack

    Benalman11120001£1501.20 + 160 League PointsMADPATDOTC02£861.80 + 152 League Pointsdannyboy303£583.80 + 144 League Pointsmickjenn104£444.80 + 136 League PointsSUPERSNEDD05£389.20 + 128 League Pointsbustout4406£333.60 + 120 League PointsDon_Logan07£222.40 + 112 League Pointstikay108£166.80 + 104 League PointsJ0NSEY09£111.20 + 96 League PointsHUTCH_121010£55.60 + 88 League PointsSensistar1011£47.26 + 80 League Pointsmackarel21012£47.26 + 72 League PointsMoon_River013£47.26 + 64 League PointsJPDERRY014£47.26 + 56 League PointsTIMBER015£47.26 + 48 League Pointsliverpool016£47.26 + 40 League Pointsdrumahai05017£47.26 + 40 League Pointsrhyspect018£47.26 + 40 League Pointsspudgun720019£47.26 + 40 League Pointsbentley147020£47.26 + 40 League PointsJamash147021£41.70 + 32 League Pointsrentisdue022£41.70 + 32 League PointsWoodsmoke1023£41.70 + 32 League Pointsswiggers024£41.70 + 32 League Pointsmanutd1999025£41.70 + 32 League PointsGOONER11026£41.70 + 32 League PointsLee_Boy027£41.70 + 32 League PointsBESTBITTER028£41.70 + 32 League Pointscazzie58029£41.70 + 32 League Pointskidpoker69030£41.70 + 32 League Pointscowsontilt03124 League Points

    1k Mini Deepstack

    LARGEJIM13680001£256.50 + 20 League PointsMYSHARKY02£153.90 + 16 League PointsMickyPlum03£102.60 + 14 League PointsFLASHJONNY04£71.82 + 12 League Pointstikay105£61.56 + 10 League Pointsattack9906£51.30 + 8 League Pointsrocky6207£41.04 + 6 League Pointswolley08£30.78 + 4 League PointsRICKY40109£20.52 + 3 League Pointspensi010£10.26 + 2 League Pointsdelboy1234011£8.72 + 1 League Pointssamantha25012£8.72 + 1 League Points0mc013£8.72 + 1 League Pointssofadude014£8.72 + 1 League Pointsbandit66015£8.72 + 1 League PointsDDEN016£8.72 + 1 League Pointssmashem017£8.72 + 1 League PointsMizroe018£8.72 + 1 League Pointssikas019£8.72 + 1 League Pointsjenny_IYY020£8.72 + 1 League PointsBeecham021£7.18scorpio13022£7.18K2fg32023£7.18OHMYGOD024£7.1867Bhoys025£7.18chrisg6912026£7.18DJQuak027£7.18kidpoker69028£7.18Sensistar1029£7.18cleaverjim030£7.18dog8dog031£6.67GADGETBOY1032£6.67khrist1977033£6.67aiken2001034£6.67LEEDSHX035£6.67Moon_River036£6.67mellbro037£6.67chrisbhoy038£6.67lisar83039£6.67Yobel040£6.67leek290041
  • BobWBobW Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    ok lets start with 2 of tonights                           monday 07/03/11 £8000 B/Hunter £1500 Guaranteed Team Sky Poker Classic DELTA  i dont no how long sky hold these in there database for but there would be far to many to do all so may be best just keeping to the bigger one its easy anyone can do it you dont hav to be a techno
    Posted by tony14757
    Is it possible to see the result of the £12 UKOPS Satellite from 20/10/2011, please? It's the one where first prize is into the £530 tourney, and the next 5 prizes are the £220. It ran, I think, at 9pm. Thanks.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Thursday 20th October

    12k Sky Sports B/H

    BURNShurtz9760001£1830 + £521.66 Head Prizes + 160 League Points13 boby5402£1098 + £173.57 Head Prizes + 152 League Points4 bladeboy0703£658.80 + £158.39 Head Prizes + 144 League Points6 hurst0504£512.40 + £175.80 Head Prizes + 136 League Points9 Mariusz8005£402.60 + £31.16 Head Prizes + 128 League Points1 GILLIAN06£292.80 + £67.50 Head Prizes + 120 League Points5 TheDart07£219.60 + £215.53 Head Prizes + 112 League Points12 wadelumm0608£146.40 + £183.39 Head Prizes + 104 League Points8 smith140809£109.80 + £110.03 Head Prizes + 96 League Points7 REDARROW61010£73.20 + £79.63 Head Prizes + 88 League Points4 sikas011£62.22 + £66.63 Head Prizes + 80 League Points3 bromley04012£62.22 + £144.39 Head Prizes + 72 League Points8 bigwelshy013£62.22 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 64 League Points1 malins7014£62.22 + £63.28 Head Prizes + 56 League Points4 matoliv015£62.22 + £63.28 Head Prizes + 48 League Points4 neil1970016£62.22 + £121.99 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 gadge69017£62.22 + £79.48 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 omg_u_call018£62.22 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1 welly30010019£62.22 + £78.04 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 ACEGOONER020£62.22 + £53.44 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 Easylife09021£51.24 + £36.56 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 adidaddy022£51.24 + £50.62 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 burnsy1023£51.24 + £92.24 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 skyeboy024£51.24 + £80.16 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 binnsy025£51.24 + £33.75 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 boatrace026£51.24 + £88.24 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 suffolklad027£51.24 + £118.65 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7 bustout44028£51.24 + £62.05 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 coool029£51.24 + £48.03 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 telboy121030£51.24 + £126.76 Head Prizes + 32 League Points8 EASYFIX031£43.92 + 24 League Points0 Devilwimp032£43.92 + £94.23 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 THEYOUTH033£43.92 + £43.60 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 EBBERDON034£43.92 + £50.62 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 densal035£43.92 + £51.33 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 JOXER1968036£43.92 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 DirectD037£43.92 + £20.39 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 leee038£43.92 + £45 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 nervesof039£43.92 + £35.16 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 Jackoe11is040£43.92 + £57.14 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 kidgrimsby041£40.26 + £86.49 Head Prizes5 Tight_Rat042£40.26 + £25.31 Head Prizes2 dipchip10043£40.26 + £25.31 Head Prizes2 easybaw7044£40.260 Shotscott045£40.26 + £45 Head Prizes3 piratej19046£40.26 + £27.42 Head Prizes2 Stevlar047£40.26 + £42.19 Head Prizes3 Zeo048£40.26 + £47.81 Head Prizes4 wallnutts049£40.26 + £36.56 Head Prizes2 BRUNO79050£40.26 + £25.31 Head Prizes2 Jiiimbo051£92.81 Head Prizes7

    1.2k Mini B/H

    andyhx12810740001£193.32 + £49.25 Head Prizes + 20 League Points10 smgmcbride02£120.83 + £44.36 Head Prizes + 16 League Points15 Maj03£72.50 + £17.63 Head Prizes + 14 League Points9 ar53nal04£52.36 + £24.86 Head Prizes + 12 League Points14 Leech05£40.27 + £15.33 Head Prizes + 10 League Points8 Mariusz8006£32.22 + £14.57 Head Prizes + 8 League Points5 kkevvy1007£24.16 + £20.63 Head Prizes + 6 League Points10 poker6908£16.11 + £8.73 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5 Shafty9109£12.08 + £10.80 Head Prizes + 3 League Points6 gazboy1010£8.05 + £4.07 Head Prizes + 2 League Points2 meanmach20011£6.85 + £4.89 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 jimifloyd012£6.85 + £8.12 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 4fingersAA013£6.85 + £4.85 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 EMIR8S014£6.85 + £6.04 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 Eyeman015£6.85 + £5.91 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 ziggie016£6.85 + £3.44 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 albania017£6.85 + £6 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 wilson0596018£6.85 + £11.66 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 oldrectory019£6.85 + £15.67 Head Prizes + 1 League Points10 Hannavas020£6.85 + £5.80 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 mack04021£5.24 + £4.17 Head Prizes3 notalot022£5.240 jimHFX023£5.24 + £8.72 Head Prizes5 Jameskr024£5.24 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 MarcScot025£5.24 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 trebor6106026£5.24 + £3.09 Head Prizes2 STRIPYHORS027£5.24 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 hardman07028£5.24 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 gerrard9029£5.24 + £2.80 Head Prizes2 julie1971030£5.24 + £10.88 Head Prizes7 Batkin88031£4.43 + £6.82 Head Prizes5 Fat_Uncle032£4.43 + £13.45 Head Prizes10 RICEONE033£4.43 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 AceQueen89034£4.43 + £4.79 Head Prizes4 PUALINE035£4.430 riffeasy11036£4.43 + £6.28 Head Prizes5 tie1970037£4.43 + £3.09 Head Prizes2 witsy39038£4.43 + £5.07 Head Prizes4 MANU08039£4.430 sann040£4.43 + £9.28 Head Prizes6 skyekick06041£3.62 + £6.62 Head Prizes5 eeldraw1042£3.62 + £7.42 Head Prizes4 The-Dolf043£3.62 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 tonyglfc044£3.62 + £3.16 Head Prizes2 boby54045£3.62 + £8.34 Head Prizes6 badham1981046£3.62 + £8.30 Head Prizes5 pnut198327047£3.62 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 weewoker048£3.62 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 boycs365049£3.62 + £3.93 Head Prizes3 Ubbi4820050£3.62 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 johnred888051£3.22 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 mogsy1957052£3.22 + £7.02 Head Prizes5 vegasman053£3.22 + £4.79 Head Prizes4 screwdaz054£3.22 + £5.34 Head Prizes4 chewyman055£3.22 + £7.49 Head Prizes5 Snuffer056£3.22 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 swiggers057£3.22 + £10.04 Head Prizes7 Mr_D_Gray058£3.22 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 rizla111059£3.22 + £6.01 Head Prizes5 MADMOO060£3.22 + £4.21 Head Prizes3 wolvesf474061£2.26 Head Prizes2

    5k Sky Roller

    gadgerno12500001£1500 + 40 League Points1478963202£1000 + 36 League Pointsscotty7703£700 + 28 League Pointsmondo198504£500 + 22 League PointsBenjiBuzz05£400 + 18 League Pointslolufold06£350 + 14 League Pointspeg107£300 + 10 League PointsCormach08£250 + 6 League Pointstriple0809

    £500 Mini Roller

    Andyl19862800001£168 + 40 League Pointspiana_mecz02£112 + 36 League Pointsaloette5203£78.40 + 28 League Pointssikas04£56 + 22 League Pointsluke2472305£44.80 + 18 League Pointsalbania06£39.20 + 14 League PointsPOKEY201107£33.60 + 10 League Pointsjawzindawz08£28 + 6 League PointsTheDart09

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Friday 21st October

    5k Rebuy Open

    makelty15630001£1752.50 + 160 League PointsBarrie2602£1051.50 + 152 League Pointsplantgirl03£701 + 144 League PointsMonkey40204£490.70 + 136 League Pointsbluemoo96705£420.60 + 128 League Pointsspudgun72006£350.50 + 120 League Pointsdez11381907£280.40 + 112 League PointsSUPERSNEDD08£210.30 + 104 League PointsIDPJ09£140.20 + 96 League PointsADEY1984010£70.10 + 88 League PointsSHO147011£59.59 + 80 League PointsJiggysaw012£59.59 + 72 League Pointsaiken2001013£59.59 + 64 League Pointsxbeer014£59.59 + 56 League PointsNIHIGHGUN015£59.59 + 48 League Pointstikay1016£59.59 + 40 League PointsIrishRose017£59.59 + 40 League PointsTONYTATS018£59.59 + 40 League Pointsgemy019£59.59 + 40 League Pointspaul10020£59.59 + 40 League PointsMRBURNS4021£49.07 + 32 League PointsTomsey022£49.07 + 32 League PointsPOKEY2011023£49.07 + 32 League Pointschriscardy024£49.07 + 32 League Pointssmiler26025£49.07 + 32 League PointsIcBear25026£49.07 + 32 League Pointsacerag83027£49.07 + 32 League PointsChip_Munch028£49.07 + 32 League Pointslwchef08029£49.07 + 32 League Pointsmrwardy1030£49.07 + 32 League Pointsgrantos888031£45.56 + 24 League PointsAtomsmash032£45.56 + 24 League PointsRaymanic033£45.56 + 24 League Pointsalbaking034£45.56 + 24 League Pointshazzer035£45.56 + 24 League Pointsfreechips1036£45.56 + 24 League Pointsfrasd1037£45.56 + 24 League Pointsbentley147038£45.56 + 24 League PointsD_Legend039£45.56 + 24 League Pointsveal05040£45.56 + 24 League Pointsmischa041

    1k Mini Open

    schechter7620001£285.75 + 20 League Pointsracing38002£171.45 + 16 League PointschelseaAA03£114.30 + 14 League Pointstallytink04£80.01 + 12 League Pointsbudgirl05£68.58 + 10 League Pointsbigfree06£57.15 + 8 League PointsMADMOO07£45.72 + 6 League Pointslok12308£34.29 + 4 League Pointstiti198109£22.86 + 3 League Pointsruzhk010£11.43 + 2 League PointsoxoBEN011£9.72 + 1 League Pointsandrew2188012£9.72 + 1 League PointsCOFFEENCRM013£9.72 + 1 League Pointsbillyboots014£9.72 + 1 League PointsJestMan015£9.72 + 1 League PointsMELfeaAYR016£9.72 + 1 League Pointskenny205017£9.72 + 1 League Pointsscorpio13018£9.72 + 1 League Pointssky_high019£9.72 + 1 League PointsHOLLYWHIT020£9.72 + 1 League PointsBIGBOY9999021£8jgn022£8JMH7023£8heapey0015024£8alan1506025£8NIHIGHGUN026£8RTABERNER8027£8dipchip10028£8POKEY2011029£8CINEMASHOW030£8Wilhelm031£7.43Jimbobadob032£7.43JRH2424033£7.43haywood12034£7.43sascha2026035£7.43cbar919036£7.43JamDa037£7.43The_Don90038£7.43MAXALLY039£7.43tom1946040£7.43Gadgey041 YOUNG_GUN042
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread ***** : Is it possible to see the result of the £12 UKOPS Satellite from 20/10/2011, please? It's the one where first prize is into the £530 tourney, and the next 5 prizes are the £220. It ran, I think, at 9pm. Thanks.
    Posted by BobW
    Sry Bob, i cant do that without the tournament ID

    If you were in the tournie, it should be on your list of finished tables under the My tables tab. If you have the ID, ill happily paste the results for u
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Saturday 22nd October

    8k Super Bounty Hunter

    NIHIGHGUN9960001£1245.84 + £316.58 Head Prizes + 80 League Points12 Poker_Fail02£747.50 + £183.10 Head Prizes + 76 League Points10 mackarel2103£498.34 + £78.34 Head Prizes + 72 League Points4 ziggy0104£348.84 + £121.66 Head Prizes + 68 League Points12 Fat_Uncle05£299 + £133.92 Head Prizes + 64 League Points9 xbeer06£249.17 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 60 League Points2 Ace2Base07£199.33 + £149.83 Head Prizes + 56 League Points11 jamie0007t08£149.50 + £79.14 Head Prizes + 52 League Points7 Flumps09£99.67 + £72.66 Head Prizes + 48 League Points5 dunham123010£49.83 + £39.56 Head Prizes + 44 League Points3 duluxdav26011£42.36 + £22.39 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 poker69012£42.36 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 36 League Points3 I3ubblejo013£42.36 + £96.57 Head Prizes + 32 League Points9 robert1978014£42.36 + £80.89 Head Prizes + 28 League Points6 solman015£42.36 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 wudibluff016£42.36 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 20 League Points1 cromwell13017£42.36 + £52.20 Head Prizes + 20 League Points3 oliver1515018£42.36 + £78.39 Head Prizes + 20 League Points6 oneil10019£42.36 + £58.24 Head Prizes + 20 League Points7 DAKING020£42.36 + £79.46 Head Prizes + 20 League Points7 IrishRose021£34.88 + £94.45 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 RUNITSRANN022£34.88 + £41.72 Head Prizes + 16 League Points4 tomwrx023£34.88 + £53.90 Head Prizes + 16 League Points6 Dazzel024£34.88 + £26.96 Head Prizes + 16 League Points3 jules007025£34.88 + £44.99 Head Prizes + 16 League Points4 FlashFlush026£34.88 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 16 League Points2 paul10027£34.88 + £46.05 Head Prizes + 16 League Points5 smith1408028£34.88 + £66.68 Head Prizes + 16 League Points6 laura11029£34.88 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 16 League Points1 leftarmove030£34.88 + £19.22 Head Prizes + 16 League Points2 HILTON1969031£32.39 + £27.30 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 rikclutts032£32.39 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 bungle72033£32.39 + £30.50 Head Prizes + 12 League Points3 WALLA034£32.39 + £47.34 Head Prizes + 12 League Points6 seantheman035£32.39 + £15.47 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 LIONS62036£32.39 + £20.63 Head Prizes + 12 League Points2 oaksie037£32.39 + £12.33 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 AndyMac55038£32.39 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 pokerw1tch039£32.39 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 gerrard9040£32.39 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 12 League Points2 Rafa73041 0
    sorry didnt get the mini BH results, if anyone has the lobby details please pm me them thanks
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Sunday 23rd October

    12.5k Primo

    KINGERIC4820001£3375 + 160 League Pointspryce602£1937.50 + 152 League PointsACOZUBI03£1312.50 + 144 League PointsALBOB04£1000 + 136 League Pointsuncles0905£875 + 128 League Pointstxswoody06£750 + 120 League PointsFat_Uncle07£500 + 112 League Pointsheellloooo08£375 + 104 League Pointscorbett0409£250 + 96 League Pointsshazcanwin010£125 + 88 League PointsDirectD011£106.25 + 80 League Pointstallytink012£106.25 + 72 League Pointsbromley04013£106.25 + 64 League PointsDirewolf014£106.25 + 56 League Pointsgerrard9015£106.25 + 48 League Pointssubsnw016£106.25 + 40 League PointsBenalman017£106.25 + 40 League Pointspager018£106.25 + 40 League Pointswizardk019£106.25 + 40 League Pointshurst05020£106.25 + 40 League PointsPullin01021£93.75 + 32 League Pointsriver1022£93.75 + 32 League Pointsscotty77023£93.75 + 32 League PointsJeno2024£93.75 + 32 League PointsFlashFlush025£93.75 + 32 League PointsGLifUlose026£93.75 + 32 League PointsTHEROCK573027£93.75 + 32 League Pointschops69028£93.75 + 32 League Pointskirbsuk83029£93.75 + 32 League Pointsbustout44030£93.75 + 32 League PointsLOL_RAISE03124 League Points

    1.5k Mini Primo

    Cowgomoo6420001£401.25 + 40 League PointsFAKE_I_D02£240.75 + 36 League Pointslumpy3403£160.50 + 32 League Pointsgerrard904£112.35 + 28 League Points18AND5TIME05£96.30 + 24 League Pointsbluffu32806£80.25 + 20 League Pointssuedehead707£64.20 + 16 League Points666bumpy08£48.15 + 12 League Pointstopchip09£32.10 + 8 League PointsITFC-ROSS010£16.05 + 4 League Pointsspohc011£13.64 + 2 League PointsWORWOLF59012£13.64 + 2 League Pointsmattless013£13.64 + 2 League PointsTommyG142014£13.64 + 2 League PointsDollie015£13.64 + 2 League Pointsoli77016£13.64 + 2 League Pointshammerant017£13.64 + 2 League Pointslyonsbob06018£13.64 + 2 League PointsSUPERSNEDD019£13.64 + 2 League Pointsallinsim3020£13.64 + 2 League Pointsdubmaster021£11.23oldrectory022£11.23kosb14023£11.23wiganway024£11.23lions86025£11.23beejay775026£11.23k1ngstu027£11.23MO55Y028£11.23MaxwellD0c029£11.23bahh030£11.23shortares031£10.43saiman78032£10.43EBBERDON033£10.43Capt_Hook034£10.43skimmercfc035£10.43ANDER666036£10.43jawzindawz037£10.43pay2cme74038£10.43mac_grumps039£10.43jaketasker040£10.43kidpoker69041

    8k Sunday Roller

    AlPrince1800001£3200 + 30 League Pointssimuk02£2000 + 26 League PointsLOL_RAISE03£1200 + 18 League Pointsbladeboy0704£880 + 12 League PointsShotscott05£720 + 6 League Pointsbeaneh06

    1k Mini Roller

    SUPERSNEDD2850001£342 + 40 League Pointscookie8302£228 + 36 League Pointssubsnw03£159.60 + 28 League Pointsjdan2404£114 + 22 League PointsShotscott05£91.20 + 18 League Pointspoker106£79.80 + 14 League Pointsalter0207£68.40 + 10 League PointsIDPJ08£57 + 6 League Pointsgrantos88809

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2011

    Wd greggers top man for updating

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Monday 24th October

    8k Bounty Hunter

    visgrand2810340001£1240.80 + £340.36 Head Prizes + 160 League Points13 jackl02£775.50 + £124.91 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6 dog196903£465.30 + £70.10 Head Prizes + 144 League Points5 flatfeet304£336.05 + £79.52 Head Prizes + 136 League Points5 dabler05£258.50 + £259.47 Head Prizes + 128 League Points15 dewy3006£206.80 + £22.51 Head Prizes + 120 League Points2 brady00707£155.10 + £68.12 Head Prizes + 112 League Points4 Tikay1008£103.40 + 104 League Points0 TheDent09£77.55 + £58.70 Head Prizes + 96 League Points6 cupofcha010£51.70 + £145.02 Head Prizes + 88 League Points11 morfeusz05011£43.95 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 80 League Points4 BOSS012£43.95 + £87.54 Head Prizes + 72 League Points8 cane013£43.95 + £41.83 Head Prizes + 64 League Points3 MATTALEX57014£43.95 + £124.87 Head Prizes + 56 League Points10 eirrabs04015£43.95 + 48 League Points0 Peter_Kay016£43.95 + £120.03 Head Prizes + 40 League Points9 sailor017£43.95 + £87.20 Head Prizes + 40 League Points9 southward018£43.95 + £94.27 Head Prizes + 40 League Points9 boogsboy019£43.95 + £45.47 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 LucyGucy020£43.95 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 a1962021£33.60 + £15 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 Y4JAK022£33.60 + £71.93 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 JJMCKAY023£33.60 + £34.22 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 jimchree24024£33.60 + £30 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 01977025£33.60 + £30 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 willie026£33.60 + £91.59 Head Prizes + 32 League Points9 OJAY-273027£33.60 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 SAXX1028£33.60 + £52.22 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 DOREEN029£33.60 + £37.97 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 jjohnny5030£33.60 + £29.07 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 MrSHussh031£28.44 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 ar53nal032£28.44 + £74.07 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 Shotscott033£28.44 + £15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 _SPORTIF034£28.44 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 smith1408035£28.44 + £43.60 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 tongi036£28.44 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 penguin7037£28.44 + £37.15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 nass038£28.44 + £37.03 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 albania039£28.44 + £55.33 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 haywood12040£28.44 + 24 League Points0 gazblue041£23.270 IRISHRICKY042£23.27 + £16.88 Head Prizes2 txswoody043£23.27 + £19.46 Head Prizes2 seaford2044£23.27 + £30.47 Head Prizes3 scotty77045£23.27 + £33.75 Head Prizes4 maylane046£23.27 + £11.72 Head Prizes1 echoman047£23.27 + £16.88 Head Prizes2 dannyboy3048£23.27 + £20.63 Head Prizes2 spohc049£23.270 majdnem050£23.27 + £37.03 Head Prizes4 kidgrimsby051£20.68 + £49.22 Head Prizes6 arthur1965052£20.68 + £51.10 Head Prizes5 Garbster88053£20.68 + £17.81 Head Prizes2 Fiveof7054£20.68 + £24.38 Head Prizes3 ads50055£20.68 + £36.10 Head Prizes4 nellyboy79056£20.68 + £18.75 Head Prizes2 Jeno2057£20.68 + £31.88 Head Prizes4 Cattle79058£20.68 + £7.50 Head Prizes1 rentisdue059£20.68 + £50.63 Head Prizes6 BigCes060£20.68 + £20.63 Head Prizes2 icnoships061£28.13 Head Prizes3
    1k Mini B/H

    ZOED8900001£166.88 + £30.26 Head Prizes + 20 League Points6 Wandie02£100.12 + £16.47 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 SILKY197803£60.08 + £34.19 Head Prizes + 14 League Points14 flatfeet304£46.73 + £10.51 Head Prizes + 12 League Points5 timeforbed05£36.71 + £21.18 Head Prizes + 10 League Points7 Batkin8806£26.70 + £16 Head Prizes + 8 League Points7 robobella07£20.02 + £11.49 Head Prizes + 6 League Points7 CINEMASHOW08£13.35 + £6.20 Head Prizes + 4 League Points4 147Potter09£10.01 + £12.79 Head Prizes + 3 League Points6 dannyboy3010£6.67 + £8.14 Head Prizes + 2 League Points6 Marc186011£5.67 + £7.28 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 Ed_Banger012£5.67 + £6.19 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 Maur1ce013£5.67 + £4.92 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 heellloooo014£5.67 + £11.66 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 bigdaveys015£5.67 + £11.32 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 D60LPS016£5.67 + £4.56 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 saiman78017£5.67 + £4.39 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 WYLIEBOB018£5.67 + £15.50 Head Prizes + 1 League Points11 penguin7019£5.67 + £7.95 Head Prizes + 1 League Points5 baggie09020£5.67 + £4.03 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 PEGSY021£4.67 + £6.74 Head Prizes5 coolal20022£4.67 + £5.90 Head Prizes4 gisawinplz023£4.67 + £8.26 Head Prizes5 rentisdue024£4.67 + £10.22 Head Prizes7 paul428025£4.67 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 EBBERDON026£4.67 + £8.48 Head Prizes4 wiganway027£4.67 + £6.31 Head Prizes4 Tommo07028£4.67 + £12.90 Head Prizes6 scootbag29029£4.67 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 witsy39030£4.67 + £9.01 Head Prizes7 pokerwin10031£4 + £14.61 Head Prizes11 frankspen1032£4 + £6.59 Head Prizes4 Mariusz80033£40 WATTIE68034£4 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 mum26035£4 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 Yorkie74036£4 + £4.03 Head Prizes3 Chaos77037£4 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 mrweeve038£4 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 xayn039£4 + £3.66 Head Prizes3 Shotscott040£40 aceacebabe041£3.67 + £7.02 Head Prizes5 SKINDOH73042£3.67 + £5.42 Head Prizes4 92boi043£3.67 + £4.56 Head Prizes3 PKRPar044£3.67 + £8.57 Head Prizes6 rhyspect045£3.67 + £2.61 Head Prizes2 Jiiimbo046£3.67 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 bonthron18047£3.670 MickyPlum048£3.67 + £1.48 Head Prizes1 hellasher049£3.67 + £2.39 Head Prizes1 swordsyboy050£3.670 RyanRio115051£1.83 Head Prizes1

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Tuesday 25th October

    4k Open

    olliepokr16300001£1575 + 160 League Pointscupofcha02£945 + 152 League PointsGINGKING03£630 + 144 League Pointssara36dd0804£441 + 136 League PointsPoker_Fail05£378 + 128 League Pointsbilltackle06£315 + 120 League PointsMUNST07£252 + 112 League PointsTONYTATS08£189 + 104 League PointsDAVIE21109£126 + 96 League Pointsshaun84010£63 + 88 League PointsSKIT120011£53.55 + 80 League Pointshurst05012£53.55 + 72 League Pointsbazbazbaz013£53.55 + 64 League PointsShep27014£53.55 + 56 League Pointswitsy39015£53.55 + 48 League PointsAllyD90016£53.55 + 40 League PointsCiders1d017£53.55 + 40 League Pointsbustout44018£53.55 + 40 League PointsDEL_SOL019£53.55 + 40 League PointsSKUNKY020£53.55 + 40 League PointsHILTON1969021£44.10 + 32 League Pointsriver1022£44.10 + 32 League PointsJeffter023£44.10 + 32 League Pointspenguin7024£44.10 + 32 League Pointsjasondav1025£44.10 + 32 League PointsCHWARAEWR026£44.10 + 32 League PointsD_Legend027£44.10 + 32 League Pointsdunno_who028£44.10 + 32 League Pointsncafc029£44.10 + 32 League Pointstyger030£44.10 + 32 League Pointsmattless031£40.95 + 24 League Pointsplater032£40.95 + 24 League Pointsayass81033£40.95 + 24 League PointsSHANKS474034£40.95 + 24 League PointsEBBERDON035£40.95 + 24 League PointsBLADES849036£40.95 + 24 League Pointsicnoships037£40.95 + 24 League Pointsacemike038£40.95 + 24 League Pointssmartca627039£40.95 + 24 League Pointswudibluff040£40.95 + 24 League PointsGLifUlose041

    1k Open

    Lucretia87100001£266.25 + 20 League PointsStephW02£159.75 + 16 League Points-LEON-03£106.50 + 14 League PointsSCHOF7804£74.55 + 12 League Pointsmc23505£63.90 + 10 League Pointspenguin706£53.25 + 8 League Pointsspudefc07£42.60 + 6 League PointsDebz008£31.95 + 4 League Pointsmag7009£21.30 + 3 League PointsDEL_SOL010£10.65 + 2 League PointsDiggerMan011£9.05 + 1 League PointsSerge77012£9.05 + 1 League Pointsredrose21013£9.05 + 1 League Pointssizzling014£9.05 + 1 League PointsSoLack015£9.05 + 1 League PointsJ0NSEY016£9.05 + 1 League PointsCJ_London017£9.05 + 1 League PointsTIMBER018£9.05 + 1 League PointsLIAM5KING019£9.05 + 1 League PointsJameskr020£9.05 + 1 League Points12347021£7.46hurst05022£7.46subsnw023£7.46Jibbz024£7.46albaking025£7.46maine026£7.46EBBERDON027£7.46GIFTER028£7.46marshall12029£7.46jacque1970030£7.46pokerchix031£6.92scootbag29032£6.92Marc186033£6.92wudibluff034£6.92drumahai05035£6.92dTONYb036£6.92TuckSlack037£6.92VIRTIGO038£6.92Ratout22039£6.92aiken2001040£6.92bazbazbaz041
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2011
    I'd like to say a big thank-you to Greg Hogg for updating this thread wehile I've been away on holiday.

    Friday 28th October 2011

    £5,000 Rebuy Open
    milkman9014620001£1647.50 + 160 League Points
    deanom124502£988.50 + 152 League Points
    goodylad2103£659 + 144 League Points
    budgirl04£461.30 + 136 League Points
    RENTY05£395.40 + 128 League Points
    TheOldBull06£329.50 + 120 League Points
    Raymanic07£263.60 + 112 League Points
    laura1108£197.70 + 104 League Points
    phil12uk09£131.80 + 96 League Points
    Poshbird010£65.90 + 88 League Points
    0mc011£56.02 + 80 League Points
    Jibbz012£56.02 + 72 League Points
    ODIERIP013£56.02 + 64 League Points
    bar4004014£56.02 + 56 League Points
    CoreyB015£56.02 + 48 League Points
    starboy016£56.02 + 40 League Points
    BAD4U017£56.02 + 40 League Points
    sean-og018£56.02 + 40 League Points
    joshua02019£56.02 + 40 League Points
    shawsok020£56.02 + 40 League Points
    cracked021£46.13 + 32 League Points
    made4game022£46.13 + 32 League Points
    Leonard77023£46.13 + 32 League Points
    gerrard9024£46.13 + 32 League Points
    STOGSNO1025£46.13 + 32 League Points
    Owen25026£46.13 + 32 League Points
    manc83027£46.13 + 32 League Points
    mickgil75028£46.13 + 32 League Points
    dunkyg029£46.13 + 32 League Points
    SHOGUNS030£46.13 + 32 League Points
    docherty01031£42.84 + 24 League Points
    machine121032£42.84 + 24 League Points
    blackviper033£42.84 + 24 League Points
    donni034£42.84 + 24 League Points
    KINTO15035£42.84 + 24 League Points
    EBBERDON036£42.84 + 24 League Points
    fara037£42.84 + 24 League Points
    john071107038£42.84 + 24 League Points
    chopra039£42.84 + 24 League Points
    FAS040£42.84 + 24 League Points
    £1,000 Mini Open
    JMH77000001£262.50 + 20 League Points
    Huck_Nall02£157.50 + 16 League Points
    dodgydice03£105 + 14 League Points
    D_Legend04£73.50 + 12 League Points
    jambo8805£63 + 10 League Points
    RICEONE06£52.50 + 8 League Points
    mrmez07£42 + 6 League Points
    jimchree2408£31.50 + 4 League Points
    0rAnGeMfC09£21 + 3 League Points
    lordgee12010£10.50 + 2 League Points
    Hobbes16011£8.93 + 1 League Points
    thebabe012£8.93 + 1 League Points
    rancid013£8.93 + 1 League Points
    blueberr27014£8.93 + 1 League Points
    mouser501015£8.93 + 1 League Points
    leek290016£8.93 + 1 League Points
    mm153017£8.93 + 1 League Points
    BIGBOY9999018£8.93 + 1 League Points
    PokerPaul2019£8.93 + 1 League Points
    RyanRio115020£8.93 + 1 League Points
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2011
    Wednesday 26th October

    4k Double Stack

    aloette5210280001£1387.80 + 160 League Pointslorlor02£796.70 + 152 League Pointsmackarel2103£539.70 + 144 League Pointssdrltd5504£411.20 + 136 League PointsBAD4U05£359.80 + 128 League PointsMELfeaAYR06£308.40 + 120 League Pointsgerrard907£205.60 + 112 League Pointsdameflop08£154.20 + 104 League Pointsjawzindawz09£102.80 + 96 League PointsIL0VEKITTY010£51.40 + 88 League Pointsbigwelshy011£43.69 + 80 League PointsBESTBITTER012£43.69 + 72 League PointsFlashFlush013£43.69 + 64 League Pointsjdan24014£43.69 + 56 League Pointstucshop015£43.69 + 48 League Pointseaturchips016£43.69 + 40 League PointsSHO147017£43.69 + 40 League PointsJamash147018£43.69 + 40 League PointsTopMan12019£43.69 + 40 League Pointsoaksie020£43.69 + 40 League Pointsoxogravy021£38.55 + 32 League PointsLeBruce022£38.55 + 32 League PointsPJUNIOR023£38.55 + 32 League Pointsbitesaund024£38.55 + 32 League PointsHITMAN_RV025£38.55 + 32 League Pointspumpkin23026£38.55 + 32 League Pointsvinyodo22027£38.55 + 32 League Pointsmickjenn1028£38.55 + 32 League PointsTanky99029£38.55 + 32 League Pointsswiggers030£38.55 + 32 League PointsBILKOMGS03124 League Points
    1k Mini Double Stack

    gamblerdan13800001£258.75 + 20 League Pointsgerrard902£155.25 + 16 League Pointssjt33303£103.50 + 14 League Pointsnutts69404£72.45 + 12 League PointsHOLLYWHIT05£62.10 + 10 League Pointsalbaking06£51.75 + 8 League PointsLEOBARL07£41.40 + 6 League PointsFLASHJONNY08£31.05 + 4 League Pointstallytink09£20.70 + 3 League Pointswolvers17010£10.35 + 2 League PointsPaul86011£8.80 + 1 League Pointschrisx2525012£8.80 + 1 League Pointsbigbow1507013£8.80 + 1 League Pointslead01014£8.80 + 1 League PointsSOS2109015£8.80 + 1 League Pointsgrandad83016£8.80 + 1 League PointsOHMYGOD017£8.80 + 1 League Pointsunbpower018£8.80 + 1 League Pointsdionysis019£8.80 + 1 League PointsLeftDuck020£8.80 + 1 League PointsBear_Proof021£7.252high75022£7.25Mac247023£7.25zxghostxz024£7.25subsnw025£7.25WurthersXX026£7.25walleywall027£7.25GaryQQQ028£7.25ROYALWREN029£7.25brass030£7.25jeaks031£6.73chris-27-032£6.73shawsok033£6.73aiken2001034£6.73Mizroe035£6.73harding10036£6.73scorpz037£6.73RICEONE038£6.73BOBBYBOY1039£6.73RODDERS45040£6.73sky_high041

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