billtackle2700001£1620 + 40 League Pointssikas02£1080 + 36 League PointsNutter593203£756 + 28 League PointsCormach04£540 + 22 League Pointsjoesman105£432 + 18 League Points0mc06£378 + 14 League PointsJibbz07£324 + 10 League PointsIH8PALACE08£270 + 6 League PointsMaur1ce09
ME BH edmoon10240001£1843.20 + £714.64 Head Prizes + 160 League Points17 jackash02£1152 + £331.76 Head Prizes + 152 League Points16 bladeboy0703£691.20 + £195.22 Head Prizes + 144 League Points11 boon1004£499.20 + £93.87 Head Prizes + 136 League Points5 BESTBITTER05£384 + £117.15 Head Prizes + 128 League Points6 ROBINAYR06£307.20 + £195.47 Head Prizes + 120 League Points9 1jaxonray107£230.40 + £61.48 Head Prizes + 112 League Points4 jd4408£153.60 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 104 League Points2 moseleyboy09£115.20 + £49.22 Head Prizes + 96 League Points2 onevermind010£76.80 + £43.42 Head Prizes + 88 League Points2 ashey011£65.28 + £104.41 Head Prizes + 80 League Points7 WELLPLAYED012£65.28 + £164.71 Head Prizes + 72 League Points9 rst19013£65.28 + £106.87 Head Prizes + 64 League Points6 berba640014£65.28 + £123.76 Head Prizes + 56 League Points7 flatfeet3015£65.28 + 48 League Points0 Stevlar016£65.28 + £50.05 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 J0NSEY017£65.28 + £31.69 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 PeteLTFC018£65.28 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1 Mat10019£65.28 + £53.97 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 oxogravy020£65.28 + £52.04 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 speedboat021£49.92 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 rortonjibe022£49.92 + £91.41 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 PODGEY023£49.92 + £33.04 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 Dr-Lecter024£49.92 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 WALLA025£49.92 + £81.56 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 nervesof026£49.92 + £78.75 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 icnoships027£49.92 + £70.31 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 edgeworth7028£49.92 + 32 League Points0 DSHIZZZZY029£49.92 + 32 League Points0 ALBOB030£49.92 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 D_Legend031£42.24 + £52.03 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 bazbazbaz032£42.24 + £125.04 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 johnny_e033£42.24 + £42.02 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 bungle72034£42.24 + £30.94 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 cross035£42.24 + £108.99 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 xxnocalmxx036£42.24 + £106.87 Head Prizes + 24 League Points9 jdan24037£42.24 + £78.09 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 ScottMo1038£42.24 + £56.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 KingDean7039£42.24 + £48.52 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 LilDevil040£42.24 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 Taffy14041£34.56 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 druzza1042£34.56 + £36.74 Head Prizes2 hauling043£34.56 + £30.94 Head Prizes2 Shafty91044£34.560 ZiggaZagga045£34.56 + £30.41 Head Prizes1 mightyfram046£34.56 + £37.13 Head Prizes2 healss047£34.560 __BRAD____048£34.56 + £50.62 Head Prizes4 J1MSAM049£34.56 + £68.21 Head Prizes5 lilzane050£34.56 + £16.88 Head Prizes1 kikikolt2051£30.72 + £61.88 Head Prizes4 sommo102052£30.72 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 augean01053£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 KERI054£30.72 + £22.50 Head Prizes2 FLASHJONNY055£30.72 + £109.87 Head Prizes5 binnsy056£30.72 + £53.44 Head Prizes4 HILTON1969057£30.72 + £47.11 Head Prizes3 the_nosher058£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 andrew1947059£30.72 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 payday78060£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 Spartan735061£64.69 Head Prizes5
Mini bh oeblack1010980001£197.64 + £51.54 Head Prizes + 20 League Points11 dannyboy302£123.53 + £18.88 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 trevil2503£74.11 + £16.29 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7 stickz1904£53.53 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 chelz105£41.17 + £41.83 Head Prizes + 10 League Points19 DN3468906£32.94 + £7.76 Head Prizes + 8 League Points5 alanstew07£24.70 + £3.44 Head Prizes + 6 League Points2 MRBURNS408£16.47 + £13.83 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5 w4rlock09£12.35 + £4.65 Head Prizes + 3 League Points3 wizz58010£8.23 + £8.48 Head Prizes + 2 League Points5 duluxdav26011£7 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 Jimbobadob012£7 + £4.57 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 meanmach20013£7 + £4.87 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 SoftTaff014£7 + £6.48 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 Chester85015£7 + £14.73 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 jamie167016£7 + £7.01 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 dylan07017£7 + £3.09 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 GEORGE21018£7 + £8.23 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 itistalion019£7 + £14.73 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 Mr_Deef020£7 + £4.93 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 OLLY135021£5.35 + £9.89 Head Prizes6 Huck_Nall022£5.35 + £4.48 Head Prizes3 echoman023£5.35 + £8.66 Head Prizes5 SoLack024£5.35 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 parsfan430025£5.35 + £5.06 Head Prizes4 HOLLYWHIT026£5.35 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 ciaran1964027£5.35 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 TheBossAK028£5.35 + £13.73 Head Prizes7 healss029£5.35 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 jimifloyd030£5.35 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 dubmaster031£4.53 + £10.81 Head Prizes5 BLOOMIN032£4.53 + £12.62 Head Prizes7 bazbazbaz033£4.53 + £6.72 Head Prizes4 bigsid034£4.53 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 lewbob035£4.53 + £13.93 Head Prizes7 Shafty91036£4.53 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 gwood84037£4.53 + £3.09 Head Prizes2 JimmyWigle038£4.53 + £9.57 Head Prizes6 BIGREG039£4.53 + £4.65 Head Prizes3 smgmcbride040£4.53 + £5.25 Head Prizes4<td styl
Sky Poker Tour 2011/12 Leg 1 - £220 6-max 1 Mariusz Srok £12,675 2 Basharat Mahmood £7,410 3 Paul Green £4,446 4 Shaun King £3,120 5 Benjamin Nuttall £2,340 6 Richard Horton £1,755 7 Matt Russell £1,365 8 Kyriacos Dionysiou £975 9 Johnathan Parker £780 10 Liam Batey £546 11 Steven Ball £546 12 Ian Morgan £546 13 Patrick Costello £546 14 Mark Mccluskey £390 15 Grant Smith £390 16 David Nisbet £390 17 Colin Goldsmith £390 18 Richard Bristow £390
BENNY692450001£3920 + 30 League PointsLOL_RAISE02£2450 + 26 League Points1478963203£1470 + 18 League PointsSUPERSNEDD04£1078 + 12 League PointsCIM7205£882 + 6 League Pointsaussie0906 £12,500 Primo HeadsValue fozi5580001£3766.50 + 160 League Pointskidgrimsby02£2162.25 + 152 League Points1478963203£1464.75 + 144 League Pointstroyg04£1116 + 136 League PointsD_Legend05£976.50 + 128 League Pointsmackarel2106£837 + 120 League Pointssam198607£558 + 112 League Pointschriscardy08£418.50 + 104 League PointsBOOBOO8109£279 + 96 League Pointshigz010£139.50 + 88 League Pointsbigwelshy011£118.58 + 80 League Pointsbustout44012£118.58 + 72 League PointsJiiimbo013£118.58 + 64 League PointsShafty91014£118.58 + 56 League PointsMRBURNS4015£118.58 + 48 League PointsBeecham016£118.58 + 40 League Pointsagame017£118.58 + 40 League PointsL_LNeilio018£118.58 + 40 League Pointsbeefy777019£118.58 + 40 League PointsEasylife09020£118.58 + 40 League PointsCAPTAIN11021£104.62 + 32 League Pointsrocky1285022£104.62 + 32 League PointsBLADES849023£104.62 + 32 League PointsAaaces3024£104.62 + 32 League PointsHAYSIE025£104.62 + 32 League Pointsjuliomcfly026£104.62 + 32 League Pointsefc_1985027£104.62 + 32 League PointsDirectD028£104.62 + 32 League Pointsmizzo029£104.62 + 32 League Pointschopper99030£104.62 + 32 League Pointsthebabe031 £1,500 Mini Primo HeadsValue sirklk067200001£450 + 40 League PointsFINGERS41702£270 + 36 League Pointsbigmint12303£180 + 32 League PointsM_Tutte04£126 + 28 League Pointschipper8805£108 + 24 League Pointschris-27-06£90 + 20 League PointsLightwood07£72 + 16 League Pointsstatto_2308£54 + 12 League Pointsdelboy2109£36 + 8 League Pointswenelinho010£18 + 4 League Pointsn1x0n011£15.30 + 2 League Pointsharper007012£15.30 + 2 League PointsOperative013£15.30 + 2 League Pointsgez_bear014£15.30 + 2 League Pointsthe_gibb015£15.30 + 2 League PointsPOKEY2011016£15.30 + 2 League Pointspensi017£15.30 + 2 League Pointscoolal20018£15.30 + 2 League Pointssam1986019£15.30 + 2 League PointsZINGARI020£15.30 + 2 League Pointskidwizzz78021£12.60Wes1022£12.60rainbow_x_023£12.60latics111024£12.60jimjoe326025£12.60D_Legend026£12.60M4VERICK027£12.60trutta14028£12.60Jansenrove029£12.60chris1953030£12.60beerwolf83031£11.70BADBAZ032£11.70Trawlerman033£11.70Direwolf034£11.70kz24035£11.70raymon1969036£11.70saiman78037£11.70copley11038£11.70mastahead039£11.70Chizd18040£11.70Shafty91041
BENNY692450001£3920 + 30 League PointsLOL_RAISE02£2450 + 26 League Points1478963203£1470 + 18 League PointsSUPERSNEDD04£1078 + 12 League PointsCIM7205£882 + 6 League Pointsaussie0906 £12,500 Primo HeadsValue fozi5580001£3766.50 + 160 League Pointskidgrimsby02£2162.25 + 152 League Points1478963203£1464.75 + 144 League Pointstroyg04£1116 + 136 League PointsD_Legend05£976.50 + 128 League Pointsmackarel2106£837 + 120 League Pointssam198607£558 + 112 League Pointschriscardy08£418.50 + 104 League PointsBOOBOO8109£279 + 96 League Pointshigz010£139.50 + 88 League Pointsbigwelshy011£118.58 + 80 League Pointsbustout44012£118.58 + 72 League PointsJiiimbo013£118.58 + 64 League PointsShafty91014£118.58 + 56 League PointsMRBURNS4015£118.58 + 48 League PointsBeecham016£118.58 + 40 League Pointsagame017£118.58 + 40 League PointsL_LNeilio018£118.58 + 40 League Pointsbeefy777019£118.58 + 40 League PointsEasylife09020£118.58 + 40 League PointsCAPTAIN11021£104.62 + 32 League Pointsrocky1285022£104.62 + 32 League PointsBLADES849023£104.62 + 32 League PointsAaaces3024£104.62 + 32 League PointsHAYSIE025£104.62 + 32 League Pointsjuliomcfly026£104.62 + 32 League Pointsefc_1985027£104.62 + 32 League PointsDirectD028£104.62 + 32 League Pointsmizzo029£104.62 + 32 League Pointschopper99030£104.62 + 32 League Pointsthebabe031 £1,500 Mini Primo HeadsValue sirklk067200001£450 + 40 League PointsFINGERS41702£270 + 36 League Pointsbigmint12303£180 + 32 League PointsM_Tutte04£126 + 28 League Pointschipper8805£108 + 24 League Pointschris-27-06£90 + 20 League PointsLightwood07£72 + 16 League Pointsstatto_2308£54 + 12 League Pointsdelboy2109£36 + 8 League Pointswenelinho010£18 + 4 League Pointsn1x0n011£15.30 + 2 League Pointsharper007012£15.30 + 2 League PointsOperative013£15.30 + 2 League Pointsgez_bear014£15.30 + 2 League Pointsthe_gibb015£15.30 + 2 League PointsPOKEY2011016£15.30 + 2 League Pointspensi017£15.30 + 2 League Pointscoolal20018£15.30 + 2 League Pointssam1986019£15.30 + 2 League PointsZINGARI020£15.30 + 2 League Pointskidwizzz78021£12.60Wes1022£12.60rainbow_x_023£12.60latics111024£12.60jimjoe326025£12.60D_Legend026£12.60M4VERICK027£12.60trutta14028£12.60Jansenrove029£12.60chris1953030£12.60beerwolf83031£11.70BADBAZ032£11.70Trawlerman033£11.70Direwolf034£11.70kz24035£11.70raymon1969036£11.70saiman78037£11.70copley11038£11.70mastahead039£11.70Chizd18040£11.70Shafty91041
Wow some really nice Money to made for winning these. i hope they do more UKops Posted by shaun09
It looks to me that the UKOPS is turning into a resounding success. I'm sure they'll be back, perhaps even bigger and better in the future. Happy times on Sky Poker.
Hi Gary!! The lobby link for UKOPS 6 is the wrong one, sry, I work off this to add the cash& runners, can i find it elsewhere?? PS great work as usual!! ta Posted by HITMAN_RV
sorry i didnt get the lobby details for this day if anyone played in the BH the mini BH or the roller, please feel free to post the results.
billtackle2700001£1620 + 40 League Pointssikas02£1080 + 36 League PointsNutter593203£756 + 28 League PointsCormach04£540 + 22 League Pointsjoesman105£432 + 18 League Points0mc06£378 + 14 League PointsJibbz07£324 + 10 League PointsIH8PALACE08£270 + 6 League PointsMaur1ce09
edmoon10240001£1843.20 + £714.64 Head Prizes + 160 League Points17 jackash02£1152 + £331.76 Head Prizes + 152 League Points16 bladeboy0703£691.20 + £195.22 Head Prizes + 144 League Points11 boon1004£499.20 + £93.87 Head Prizes + 136 League Points5 BESTBITTER05£384 + £117.15 Head Prizes + 128 League Points6 ROBINAYR06£307.20 + £195.47 Head Prizes + 120 League Points9 1jaxonray107£230.40 + £61.48 Head Prizes + 112 League Points4 jd4408£153.60 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 104 League Points2 moseleyboy09£115.20 + £49.22 Head Prizes + 96 League Points2 onevermind010£76.80 + £43.42 Head Prizes + 88 League Points2 ashey011£65.28 + £104.41 Head Prizes + 80 League Points7 WELLPLAYED012£65.28 + £164.71 Head Prizes + 72 League Points9 rst19013£65.28 + £106.87 Head Prizes + 64 League Points6 berba640014£65.28 + £123.76 Head Prizes + 56 League Points7 flatfeet3015£65.28 + 48 League Points0 Stevlar016£65.28 + £50.05 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 J0NSEY017£65.28 + £31.69 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2 PeteLTFC018£65.28 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1 Mat10019£65.28 + £53.97 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 oxogravy020£65.28 + £52.04 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 speedboat021£49.92 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 rortonjibe022£49.92 + £91.41 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 PODGEY023£49.92 + £33.04 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 Dr-Lecter024£49.92 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 WALLA025£49.92 + £81.56 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 nervesof026£49.92 + £78.75 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 icnoships027£49.92 + £70.31 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 edgeworth7028£49.92 + 32 League Points0 DSHIZZZZY029£49.92 + 32 League Points0 ALBOB030£49.92 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 D_Legend031£42.24 + £52.03 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 bazbazbaz032£42.24 + £125.04 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 johnny_e033£42.24 + £42.02 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 bungle72034£42.24 + £30.94 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 cross035£42.24 + £108.99 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8 xxnocalmxx036£42.24 + £106.87 Head Prizes + 24 League Points9 jdan24037£42.24 + £78.09 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 ScottMo1038£42.24 + £56.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 KingDean7039£42.24 + £48.52 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 LilDevil040£42.24 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 Taffy14041£34.56 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 druzza1042£34.56 + £36.74 Head Prizes2 hauling043£34.56 + £30.94 Head Prizes2 Shafty91044£34.560 ZiggaZagga045£34.56 + £30.41 Head Prizes1 mightyfram046£34.56 + £37.13 Head Prizes2 healss047£34.560 __BRAD____048£34.56 + £50.62 Head Prizes4 J1MSAM049£34.56 + £68.21 Head Prizes5 lilzane050£34.56 + £16.88 Head Prizes1 kikikolt2051£30.72 + £61.88 Head Prizes4 sommo102052£30.72 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 augean01053£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 KERI054£30.72 + £22.50 Head Prizes2 FLASHJONNY055£30.72 + £109.87 Head Prizes5 binnsy056£30.72 + £53.44 Head Prizes4 HILTON1969057£30.72 + £47.11 Head Prizes3 the_nosher058£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 andrew1947059£30.72 + £14.06 Head Prizes1 payday78060£30.72 + £11.25 Head Prizes1 Spartan735061£64.69 Head Prizes5
Mini bh
oeblack1010980001£197.64 + £51.54 Head Prizes + 20 League Points11 dannyboy302£123.53 + £18.88 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7 trevil2503£74.11 + £16.29 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7 stickz1904£53.53 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 chelz105£41.17 + £41.83 Head Prizes + 10 League Points19 DN3468906£32.94 + £7.76 Head Prizes + 8 League Points5 alanstew07£24.70 + £3.44 Head Prizes + 6 League Points2 MRBURNS408£16.47 + £13.83 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5 w4rlock09£12.35 + £4.65 Head Prizes + 3 League Points3 wizz58010£8.23 + £8.48 Head Prizes + 2 League Points5 duluxdav26011£7 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 1 League Points1 Jimbobadob012£7 + £4.57 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 meanmach20013£7 + £4.87 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 SoftTaff014£7 + £6.48 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 Chester85015£7 + £14.73 Head Prizes + 1 League Points8 jamie167016£7 + £7.01 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 dylan07017£7 + £3.09 Head Prizes + 1 League Points2 GEORGE21018£7 + £8.23 Head Prizes + 1 League Points4 itistalion019£7 + £14.73 Head Prizes + 1 League Points7 Mr_Deef020£7 + £4.93 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 OLLY135021£5.35 + £9.89 Head Prizes6 Huck_Nall022£5.35 + £4.48 Head Prizes3 echoman023£5.35 + £8.66 Head Prizes5 SoLack024£5.35 + £3.39 Head Prizes3 parsfan430025£5.35 + £5.06 Head Prizes4 HOLLYWHIT026£5.35 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 ciaran1964027£5.35 + £1.40 Head Prizes1 TheBossAK028£5.35 + £13.73 Head Prizes7 healss029£5.35 + £2.26 Head Prizes2 jimifloyd030£5.35 + £1.13 Head Prizes1 dubmaster031£4.53 + £10.81 Head Prizes5 BLOOMIN032£4.53 + £12.62 Head Prizes7 bazbazbaz033£4.53 + £6.72 Head Prizes4 bigsid034£4.53 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 lewbob035£4.53 + £13.93 Head Prizes7 Shafty91036£4.53 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 gwood84037£4.53 + £3.09 Head Prizes2 JimmyWigle038£4.53 + £9.57 Head Prizes6 BIGREG039£4.53 + £4.65 Head Prizes3 smgmcbride040£4.53 + £5.25 Head Prizes4<td styl
£8,000 Super Bounty Hunter
Sky Poker Tour 2011/12 Leg 1 - £220 6-max
1 Mariusz Srok £12,675
2 Basharat Mahmood £7,410
3 Paul Green £4,446
4 Shaun King £3,120
5 Benjamin Nuttall £2,340
6 Richard Horton £1,755
7 Matt Russell £1,365
8 Kyriacos Dionysiou £975
9 Johnathan Parker £780
10 Liam Batey £546
11 Steven Ball £546
12 Ian Morgan £546
13 Patrick Costello £546
14 Mark Mccluskey £390
15 Grant Smith £390
16 David Nisbet £390
17 Colin Goldsmith £390
18 Richard Bristow £390
£8,000 Sunday Roller
BENNY692450001£3920 + 30 League PointsLOL_RAISE02£2450 + 26 League Points1478963203£1470 + 18 League PointsSUPERSNEDD04£1078 + 12 League PointsCIM7205£882 + 6 League Pointsaussie0906
£12,500 Primo
HeadsValue fozi5580001£3766.50 + 160 League Pointskidgrimsby02£2162.25 + 152 League Points1478963203£1464.75 + 144 League Pointstroyg04£1116 + 136 League PointsD_Legend05£976.50 + 128 League Pointsmackarel2106£837 + 120 League Pointssam198607£558 + 112 League Pointschriscardy08£418.50 + 104 League PointsBOOBOO8109£279 + 96 League Pointshigz010£139.50 + 88 League Pointsbigwelshy011£118.58 + 80 League Pointsbustout44012£118.58 + 72 League PointsJiiimbo013£118.58 + 64 League PointsShafty91014£118.58 + 56 League PointsMRBURNS4015£118.58 + 48 League PointsBeecham016£118.58 + 40 League Pointsagame017£118.58 + 40 League PointsL_LNeilio018£118.58 + 40 League Pointsbeefy777019£118.58 + 40 League PointsEasylife09020£118.58 + 40 League PointsCAPTAIN11021£104.62 + 32 League Pointsrocky1285022£104.62 + 32 League PointsBLADES849023£104.62 + 32 League PointsAaaces3024£104.62 + 32 League PointsHAYSIE025£104.62 + 32 League Pointsjuliomcfly026£104.62 + 32 League Pointsefc_1985027£104.62 + 32 League PointsDirectD028£104.62 + 32 League Pointsmizzo029£104.62 + 32 League Pointschopper99030£104.62 + 32 League Pointsthebabe031
£1,500 Mini Primo
HeadsValue sirklk067200001£450 + 40 League PointsFINGERS41702£270 + 36 League Pointsbigmint12303£180 + 32 League PointsM_Tutte04£126 + 28 League Pointschipper8805£108 + 24 League Pointschris-27-06£90 + 20 League PointsLightwood07£72 + 16 League Pointsstatto_2308£54 + 12 League Pointsdelboy2109£36 + 8 League Pointswenelinho010£18 + 4 League Pointsn1x0n011£15.30 + 2 League Pointsharper007012£15.30 + 2 League PointsOperative013£15.30 + 2 League Pointsgez_bear014£15.30 + 2 League Pointsthe_gibb015£15.30 + 2 League PointsPOKEY2011016£15.30 + 2 League Pointspensi017£15.30 + 2 League Pointscoolal20018£15.30 + 2 League Pointssam1986019£15.30 + 2 League PointsZINGARI020£15.30 + 2 League Pointskidwizzz78021£12.60Wes1022£12.60rainbow_x_023£12.60latics111024£12.60jimjoe326025£12.60D_Legend026£12.60M4VERICK027£12.60trutta14028£12.60Jansenrove029£12.60chris1953030£12.60beerwolf83031£11.70BADBAZ032£11.70Trawlerman033£11.70Direwolf034£11.70kz24035£11.70raymon1969036£11.70saiman78037£11.70copley11038£11.70mastahead039£11.70Chizd18040£11.70Shafty91041
Sky Poker Tour 2011/12 Leg 1 - £220 6-Max
1Mariusz Srok£12,6752Basharat Mahmood£7,4103Paul Green£4,4464Shaun King£3,1205Benjamin Nuttall£2,3406Richard Horton£1,7557Matt Russell£1,3658Kyriacos Dionysiou£9759Johnathan Parker£78010Liam Batey£54611Steven Ball£54612Ian Morgan£54613Patrick Costello£54614Mark Mccluskey£39015Grant Smith£39016David Nisbet£39017Colin Goldsmith£39018Richard Bristow£390
£8,000 Sunday Roller
BENNY692450001£3920 + 30 League PointsLOL_RAISE02£2450 + 26 League Points1478963203£1470 + 18 League PointsSUPERSNEDD04£1078 + 12 League PointsCIM7205£882 + 6 League Pointsaussie0906
£12,500 Primo
HeadsValue fozi5580001£3766.50 + 160 League Pointskidgrimsby02£2162.25 + 152 League Points1478963203£1464.75 + 144 League Pointstroyg04£1116 + 136 League PointsD_Legend05£976.50 + 128 League Pointsmackarel2106£837 + 120 League Pointssam198607£558 + 112 League Pointschriscardy08£418.50 + 104 League PointsBOOBOO8109£279 + 96 League Pointshigz010£139.50 + 88 League Pointsbigwelshy011£118.58 + 80 League Pointsbustout44012£118.58 + 72 League PointsJiiimbo013£118.58 + 64 League PointsShafty91014£118.58 + 56 League PointsMRBURNS4015£118.58 + 48 League PointsBeecham016£118.58 + 40 League Pointsagame017£118.58 + 40 League PointsL_LNeilio018£118.58 + 40 League Pointsbeefy777019£118.58 + 40 League PointsEasylife09020£118.58 + 40 League PointsCAPTAIN11021£104.62 + 32 League Pointsrocky1285022£104.62 + 32 League PointsBLADES849023£104.62 + 32 League PointsAaaces3024£104.62 + 32 League PointsHAYSIE025£104.62 + 32 League Pointsjuliomcfly026£104.62 + 32 League Pointsefc_1985027£104.62 + 32 League PointsDirectD028£104.62 + 32 League Pointsmizzo029£104.62 + 32 League Pointschopper99030£104.62 + 32 League Pointsthebabe031
£1,500 Mini Primo
HeadsValue sirklk067200001£450 + 40 League PointsFINGERS41702£270 + 36 League Pointsbigmint12303£180 + 32 League PointsM_Tutte04£126 + 28 League Pointschipper8805£108 + 24 League Pointschris-27-06£90 + 20 League PointsLightwood07£72 + 16 League Pointsstatto_2308£54 + 12 League Pointsdelboy2109£36 + 8 League Pointswenelinho010£18 + 4 League Pointsn1x0n011£15.30 + 2 League Pointsharper007012£15.30 + 2 League PointsOperative013£15.30 + 2 League Pointsgez_bear014£15.30 + 2 League Pointsthe_gibb015£15.30 + 2 League PointsPOKEY2011016£15.30 + 2 League Pointspensi017£15.30 + 2 League Pointscoolal20018£15.30 + 2 League Pointssam1986019£15.30 + 2 League PointsZINGARI020£15.30 + 2 League Pointskidwizzz78021£12.60Wes1022£12.60rainbow_x_023£12.60latics111024£12.60jimjoe326025£12.60D_Legend026£12.60M4VERICK027£12.60trutta14028£12.60Jansenrove029£12.60chris1953030£12.60beerwolf83031£11.70BADBAZ032£11.70Trawlerman033£11.70Direwolf034£11.70kz24035£11.70raymon1969036£11.70saiman78037£11.70copley11038£11.70mastahead039£11.70Chizd18040£11.70Shafty91041
UKOPS Event 1 £20,000 Gtd. Bounty Hunter
UKOPS Event 2 £10,000 Gtd PLO
UKOPS Event 3 - £10,000 Gtd. Double Stack
UKOPS Event 4 - £25,000 Gtd. High Roller
UKOPS Event 5 - £15,000 Gtd, Rebuy
(to follow)
£1,500 Mini Open
UKOPS Event 6 - £10,000 Speed Rebuy
The lobby link for UKOPS 6 is the wrong one, sry, I work off this to add the cash& runners, can i find it elsewhere??
PS great work as usual!! ta
Well done sir. Glad you put the chiplead to such good use after raisecalling A5o utg out of 20bb
£8,000 Bounty Hunter