lol was gonna say ul if mattless got diddly squat, love this thread Gary and think your tops for keeping up to date defo deserve some sort of TOTTY entry or something for your troubles
lol was gonna say ul if mattless got diddly squat, love this thread Gary and think your tops for keeping up to date defo deserve some sort of TOTTY entry or something for your troubles Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Thanks to you, Scotty and everybody else who has let me know this thread is appreciated. I'd just like to point out that I maintain it because I enjoy it and I certainly don't expect any reward.
Due to my work hours I'm asleep in the evening, that's why my name never appears in this thread, but I want to know what's happening and who's doing well in the main events. Before I created this thread there was no way of finding out. I've never played in a TOTTY before and I probably never will, it's played at a very bad time for me so an entry isn't really much use. It's a bit like a person with a regular waking pattern who works a 9-00 til 5-00 getting a seat in a tournament that starts at 3-00am.
Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValueNo PlayersLoading... hammers10110100001£242.40 + 20 League Pointsgrenfish02£151.50 + 16 League Pointsmickgil7503£90.90 + 14 League PointsSoreknees04£65.65 + 12 League PointsHosss05£50.50 + 10 League Pointsberliner06£40.40 + 8 League Pointsdionysis07£30.30 + 6 League PointsTjBet08£20.20 + 4 League Pointspinder09£15.15 + 3 League PointsCHIPCHAP010£10.10 + 2 League PointsSn3ikp1t011£8.59 + 1 League PointsBainn012£8.59 + 1 League PointsScottomus0013£8.59 + 1 League Pointso_hara08014£8.59blankcheck015£8.59 + 1 League Pointshazzer016£8.59 + 1 League Points7ball22017£8.59 + 1 League Pointsfreechips1018£8.59 + 1 League PointsMV0906019£8.59 + 1 League Pointshorsebox020£8.59 + 1 League Pointsmorlspin021£6.57STEAMI022£6.57droid023£6.57bailey69024£6.57billboy025£6.57gjcheel13026£6.57marcus191027£6.57shaw07028£6.5727massive029£6.57chrissy_g030£6.57D_Chivers031£5.55aiken2001032£5.55Rex0088033£5.55tempusfuge034£5.55callumtres035£5.55murphy06036£5.55SHANXTA037£5.55gaz0001038£5.55BINNIAN039£5.55DTWBANDIT040£5.55sac06041£4.54scotty77042£4.54shipdchips043£4.54shazallin044£4.54UNCLE_PAT045£4.54daddysteve046£4.54MRJINGLES047£4.54yidette9048£4.54celtbhoy24049£4.54cdw2222050£4.54huddyg051£4.04Theredcat052£4.04ALFIE123053£4.04taz21054£4.04DOHHHHHHH055£4.04TREMAYNE056£4.04troy67057£4.04archdigger058£4.04JBuss059£4.04cohanjam12060£4.04wynne19380
JACKDAW18000001£250 + 20 League Pointsdeano196402£150 + 16 League PointsWilhelm03£90 + 14 League PointsClaire12004£70 + 12 League PointsPOKERTREV05£55 + 10 League Pointsbazbazbaz06£40 + 8 League PointsIRONZ07£30 + 6 League Pointschris-27-08£20 + 4 League Pointssaralouise09£15 + 3 League Pointspin-it010£10 + 2 League Pointspb1410011£8.50 + 1 League Pointsseaford2012£8.50 + 1 League Pointsstealth455013£8.50 + 1 League PointsGigglez014£8.50 + 1 League PointsPoKeRkId78015£8.50 + 1 League Pointshatto36016£8.50 + 1 League PointsMohican017£8.50 + 1 League Pointsmccaw03018£8.50 + 1 League PointsTELLO-210019£8.50 + 1 League PointsPeDDieee020£8.50 + 1 League Pointsweemallet021£7arcas022£7ROBBIEROTT023£7Alarm76024£7hammerant025£7gooner55026£7cmj80027£7mod74028£7tyke1965029£7DC1604030£7STOCKY8A1031£6airmax95s032£6stuart43033£6BOYDID034£6Redgemz035£6gunnersj036£6chris1953037£6DTWBANDIT038£6Invoker039£6cleverkev040£6FlyingDagg041£5.50DN34689042£5.50cardzila07043£5.50PokerPaul2044£5.50taz21045£5.50JACKBAU111046£5.50marc792047£5.50JAS01888048£5.50neal_b049£5.50Jaywhizz050£5.50POWERFULL051
£5,000 Re-buy Open
£1,500 TSP Classic
£5,000 Open
£12,500 Primo
It didn't copy across properly, but in the Survivor Final Mattless won £100 + Seat in £15K Primo.
I assume the guarantee in the Primo will have to be increased next week seeing as 3 players have now been awarded seats with a £15K guarantee!
Due to my work hours I'm asleep in the evening, that's why my name never appears in this thread, but I want to know what's happening and who's doing well in the main events. Before I created this thread there was no way of finding out. I've never played in a TOTTY before and I probably never will, it's played at a very bad time for me so an entry isn't really much use. It's a bit like a person with a regular waking pattern who works a 9-00 til 5-00 getting a seat in a tournament that starts at 3-00am.
£8,000 Bounty Hunter
£4,000 Open
I hope you dont mind me adding this one Gary. It just finished! (505 runners) The 1K MINI OPEN
Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValueNo PlayersLoading... hammers10110100001£242.40 + 20 League Pointsgrenfish02£151.50 + 16 League Pointsmickgil7503£90.90 + 14 League PointsSoreknees04£65.65 + 12 League PointsHosss05£50.50 + 10 League Pointsberliner06£40.40 + 8 League Pointsdionysis07£30.30 + 6 League PointsTjBet08£20.20 + 4 League Pointspinder09£15.15 + 3 League PointsCHIPCHAP010£10.10 + 2 League PointsSn3ikp1t011£8.59 + 1 League PointsBainn012£8.59 + 1 League PointsScottomus0013£8.59 + 1 League Pointso_hara08014£8.59blankcheck015£8.59 + 1 League Pointshazzer016£8.59 + 1 League Points7ball22017£8.59 + 1 League Pointsfreechips1018£8.59 + 1 League PointsMV0906019£8.59 + 1 League Pointshorsebox020£8.59 + 1 League Pointsmorlspin021£6.57STEAMI022£6.57droid023£6.57bailey69024£6.57billboy025£6.57gjcheel13026£6.57marcus191027£6.57shaw07028£6.5727massive029£6.57chrissy_g030£6.57D_Chivers031£5.55aiken2001032£5.55Rex0088033£5.55tempusfuge034£5.55callumtres035£5.55murphy06036£5.55SHANXTA037£5.55gaz0001038£5.55BINNIAN039£5.55DTWBANDIT040£5.55sac06041£4.54scotty77042£4.54shipdchips043£4.54shazallin044£4.54UNCLE_PAT045£4.54daddysteve046£4.54MRJINGLES047£4.54yidette9048£4.54celtbhoy24049£4.54cdw2222050£4.54huddyg051£4.04Theredcat052£4.04ALFIE123053£4.04taz21054£4.04DOHHHHHHH055£4.04TREMAYNE056£4.04troy67057£4.04archdigger058£4.04JBuss059£4.04cohanjam12060£4.04wynne19380
Wow didnt realise it would go on for so long glad i didnt make a good run, good tourney but 2am some of us work!
Congrats to you on your tourney being a big success and making the guarantee.
JACKDAW18000001£250 + 20 League Pointsdeano196402£150 + 16 League PointsWilhelm03£90 + 14 League PointsClaire12004£70 + 12 League PointsPOKERTREV05£55 + 10 League Pointsbazbazbaz06£40 + 8 League PointsIRONZ07£30 + 6 League Pointschris-27-08£20 + 4 League Pointssaralouise09£15 + 3 League Pointspin-it010£10 + 2 League Pointspb1410011£8.50 + 1 League Pointsseaford2012£8.50 + 1 League Pointsstealth455013£8.50 + 1 League PointsGigglez014£8.50 + 1 League PointsPoKeRkId78015£8.50 + 1 League Pointshatto36016£8.50 + 1 League PointsMohican017£8.50 + 1 League Pointsmccaw03018£8.50 + 1 League PointsTELLO-210019£8.50 + 1 League PointsPeDDieee020£8.50 + 1 League Pointsweemallet021£7arcas022£7ROBBIEROTT023£7Alarm76024£7hammerant025£7gooner55026£7cmj80027£7mod74028£7tyke1965029£7DC1604030£7STOCKY8A1031£6airmax95s032£6stuart43033£6BOYDID034£6Redgemz035£6gunnersj036£6chris1953037£6DTWBANDIT038£6Invoker039£6cleverkev040£6FlyingDagg041£5.50DN34689042£5.50cardzila07043£5.50PokerPaul2044£5.50taz21045£5.50JACKBAU111046£5.50marc792047£5.50JAS01888048£5.50neal_b049£5.50Jaywhizz050£5.50POWERFULL051
£4,000 Double Stack
£1,200 TSP Classic
£5,000 Sky Roller
£5,000 Rebuy Open
£5,000 Open
£12,500 Primo