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***** Tournament Results 6th March 2011 to 31st December 2012 *****



  • MADMOOMADMOO Member Posts: 1,687
    edited May 2011
    Nice cash Norbit, well done!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Monday 16th May 2011

    £8,000 Bounty Hunter
    spudgun7209080001£1135 + £365.63 Head Prizes16 
    dameflop02£681 + £105.83 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6 
    LJ_Elson7203£408.60 + £167.62 Head Prizes + 144 League Points11 
    tallboy04£317.80 + £101.70 Head Prizes + 136 League Points5 
    mrbam05£249.70 + £53.44 Head Prizes + 128 League Points4 
    bar400406£181.60 + £70.90 Head Prizes + 120 League Points5 
    welshdave07£136.20 + £70.77 Head Prizes + 112 League Points7 
    Hebbie08£90.80 + £55.22 Head Prizes + 104 League Points5 
    k_boyd8009£68.10 + £76.53 Head Prizes + 96 League Points8 
    DOUBLESNO7010£45.40 + £42.08 Head Prizes + 88 League Points3 
    tallytink011£38.59 + £69.96 Head Prizes + 80 League Points8 
    penguin7012£38.59 + £53.82 Head Prizes + 72 League Points5 
    simonnatur013£38.59 + £34.69 Head Prizes + 64 League Points4 
    Janana014£38.59 + £19.22 Head Prizes + 56 League Points2 
    patmac1947015£38.59 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 48 League Points3 
    Big-J016£38.59 + £126.55 Head Prizes + 40 League Points10 
    Rosco15017£38.59 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3 
    THEROCK573018£38.59 + £52.50 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5 
    BOSS019£38.59 + £48.40 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4 
    NOGIMMICKS020£38.59 + £73.12 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6 
    HeavyrockR021£31.78 + £15 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    ChirpyChip022£31.78 + £50.64 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    jd44023£31.78 + £50.27 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4 
    michea1975024£31.78 + £58.59 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5 
    hazzer025£31.78 + £54.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    mutchey026£31.78 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1 
    pontipin04027£31.78 + £38.90 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    wurze028£31.78 + £93.29 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    michea1967029£31.78 + £63.63 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6 
    KODILEIGH030£31.78 + £19.22 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2 
    _Soap031£27.24 + £28.13 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    tez104032£27.24 + £18.75 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    FREELANCER033£27.24 + £45.01 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5 
    THETANK034£27.24 + £30.48 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3 
    paul428035£27.24 + £76.98 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6 
    mrtee036£27.24 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    welp037£27.24 + £15 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2 
    mytoto23038£27.24 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    Seasider67039£27.24 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1 
    visgrand28040£27.24 + £43.02 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4 
    DNB-YTFC041£24.97 + £21.09 Head Prizes2 
    Meeno043£24.97 + £16.88 Head Prizes2 
    JAEGERBOMB045£24.97 + £50.16 Head Prizes5 
    HYDEPCCK1046£24.97 + £12.65 Head Prizes1 
    HAILHAIL88047£24.97 + £69.86 Head Prizes7 
    Mr_Quack049£24.97 + £32.34 Head Prizes4 
    made4game050£24.97 + £41.25 Head Prizes
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    chris19532520001£340.20 + 50 League Points
    KKrippler02£197.82 + 46 League Points
    AVM8403£138.60 + 38 League Points
    JPDERRY04£113.40 + 32 League Points
    boggo05£91.98 + 28 League Points
    jawzindawz06£75.60 + 24 League Points
    maxb07£63 + 20 League Points
    drumahai0508£50.40 + 16 League Points
    Rumpy09£37.80 + 12 League Points
    mondo1985010£25.20 + 8 League Points
    CLUBCARDIA011£12.60 + 4 League Points
    Zaphod50012£12.60 + 4 League Points
    notalot013£12.60 + 4 League Points
    luckles1014£12.60 + 4 League Points
    CALRHI015£12.60 + 4 League Points
    stephe1965016£12.60 + 4 League Points
    pj_guzdz017£12.60 + 4 League Points
    martin111018£12.60 + 4 League Points
    1jaysjacks019£12.60 + 4 League Points
    Heavy22020£12.60 + 4 League Points
  • NorbitNorbit Member Posts: 490
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    Nice cash Norbit, well done!
    Posted by MADMOO
    Thanks Moo! :)

    Also great job on this thread gary, i like seeing the results and you've done a cracking job on keeping it updated.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread *****:
    In Response to Re: ***** The tournament results thread ***** : Thanks Moo! :) Also great job on this thread gary, i like seeing the results and you've done a cracking job on keeping it updated.
    Posted by Norbit
    Thanks for the feedback Norbit, and big congrats to you for your amazing score on Sunday.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Tuesday 17th May 2011

    £4,000 Open
    aiken20015280001£1425.60 + 160 League Points
    bustout4402£818.40 + 152 League Points
    arniesarmy03£554.40 + 144 League Points
    Deldog04£422.40 + 136 League Points
    K2fg3205£369.60 + 128 League Points
    rae197206£316.80 + 120 League Points
    andrew194707£211.20 + 112 League Points
    __PK__08£158.40 + 104 League Points
    Runwood09£105.60 + 96 League Points
    quidpro010£52.80 + 88 League Points
    jakally011£44.88 + 80 League Points
    leach123012£44.88 + 72 League Points
    LnarinOO014£44.88 + 56 League Points
    TommyD015£44.88 + 48 League Points
    thebear704016£44.88 + 40 League Points
    LADYGUNS017£44.88 + 40 League Points
    FILIPSEBO018£44.88 + 40 League Points
    trebor22019£44.88 + 40 League Points
    Ray38020£44.88 + 40 League Points
    pressious021£39.60 + 32 League Points
    dianejayn022£39.60 + 32 League Points
    WOLFIE33023£39.60 + 32 League Points
    FOREX024£39.60 + 32 League Points
    trebor10025£39.60 + 32 League Points
    style2737026£39.60 + 32 League Points
    klaw65027£39.60 + 32 League Points
    LJ_Elson72028£39.60 + 32 League Points
    horsebox029£39.60 + 32 League Points
    chandler13030£39.60 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    coxy1302£207.24 + 46 League Points
    unbpower03£145.20 + 38 League Points
    awhiteviol04£118.80 + 32 League Points
    J0NSEY05£96.36 + 28 League Points
    tallytink06£79.20 + 24 League Points
    fgr5207£66 + 20 League Points
    EMILYB08£52.80 + 16 League Points
    D4yk1n4t0r09£39.60 + 12 League Points
    Stevlar010£26.40 + 8 League Points
    owtfornowt011£13.20 + 4 League Points
    KKrippler012£13.20 + 4 League Points
    merkadys013£13.20 + 4 League Points
    HITMAN_RV014£13.20 + 4 League Points
    THETANK015£13.20 + 4 League Points
    beaky016£13.20 + 4 League Points
    JnnyBwrs017£13.20 + 4 League Points
    MAW1990018£13.20 + 4 League Points
    clivie019£13.20 + 4 League Points
    fisheater2020£13.20 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Wednesday 18th May 2011

    £4,000 Double Stack
    palla8810320001£1393.20 + 160 League Points
    NIHIGHGUN02£799.80 + 152 League Points
    WYLIEBOB03£541.80 + 144 League Points
    1jaysjacks04£412.80 + 136 League Points
    pilgrim52906£309.60 + 120 League Points
    fastedd13707£206.40 + 112 League Points
    POKERMAM08£154.80 + 104 League Points
    DEL_SOL09£103.20 + 96 League Points
    peg1010£51.60 + 88 League Points
    kwd011£43.86 + 80 League Points
    plantgirl012£43.86 + 72 League Points
    arc2arc013£43.86 + 64 League Points
    mewillows014£43.86 + 56 League Points
    GELDY015£43.86 + 48 League Points
    DOHHHHHHH016£43.86 + 40 League Points
    stacie85017£43.86 + 40 League Points
    duluxdav26018£43.86 + 40 League Points
    ERBW10019£43.86 + 40 League Points
    HeavyrockR020£43.86 + 40 League Points
    kimpet021£38.70 + 32 League Points
    bromley04022£38.70 + 32 League Points
    Francis65023£38.70 + 32 League Points
    chrisbhoy024£38.70 + 32 League Points
    nervesof025£38.70 + 32 League Points
    moni4nufin026£38.70 + 32 League Points
    JETSON887027£38.70 + 32 League Points
    Hanks98028£38.70 + 32 League Points
    Hoykbidder029£38.70 + 32 League Points
    evilfsh1030£38.70 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    Hebbie2420001£326.70 + 50 League Points
    DW141402£189.97 + 46 League Points
    deanom124503£133.10 + 38 League Points
    trundle04£108.90 + 32 League Points
    declan198405£88.33 + 28 League Points
    juangarcon06£72.60 + 24 League Points
    eatmywig1907£60.50 + 20 League Points
    boycs36508£48.40 + 16 League Points
    _Cesc_09£36.30 + 12 League Points
    chappers12010£24.20 + 8 League Points
    roberto123011£12.10 + 4 League Points
    Stick66012£12.10 + 4 League Points
    acerob5006013£12.10 + 4 League Points
    TheDart014£12.10 + 4 League Points
    IRONZ015£12.10 + 4 League Points
    moondanser016£12.10 + 4 League Points
    ELGIN017£12.10 + 4 League Points
    Olicon87018£12.10 + 4 League Points
    scotty77019£12.10 + 4 League Points
    smartca627020£12.10 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Thursday 19th May 2011

    £12,000 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
    Monkey4029100001£1706.25 + £684.05 Head Prizes + 160 League Points16£44.07
    adair33302£1023.75 + £102.35 Head Prizes + 152 League Points5£38.44
    sunnyhil0303£614.25 + £203.91 Head Prizes + 144 League Points8£33.75
    UPTOYOU04£477.75 + £147.73 Head Prizes + 136 League Points6£35.63
    forFREEE05£375.38 + £157.38 Head Prizes + 128 League Points8£18.75
    visgrand2806£273 + £101.46 Head Prizes + 120 League Points6£24.37
    redlace6407£204.75 + £138.78 Head Prizes + 112 League Points9£26.25
    hammers10108£136.50 + £268.64 Head Prizes + 104 League Points12£26.25
    makelty09£102.38 + £40.08 Head Prizes + 96 League Points3£18.75
    karm010£68.25 + £95.61 Head Prizes + 88 League Points5£23.44
    fizzy32011£58.01 + £45.71 Head Prizes + 80 League Points3£22.50
    pink_moon012£58.01 + £33.75 Head Prizes + 72 League Points3£18.75
    baz22258013£58.01 + £36.56 Head Prizes + 64 League Points3£27.19
    drewjew014£58.01 + 56 League Points0£15.00
    joonier1015£58.01 + £47.99 Head Prizes + 48 League Points3£19.69
    REDARROW61016£58.01 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1£18.75
    Jibbz017£58.01 + 40 League Points0£30.00
    EasyTiger018£58.01 + £14.77 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1£19.69
    breezalong019£58.01 + £53.43 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4£22.50
    hazzer020£58.01 + £39.55 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2£18.75
    limitpoker021£47.77 + £118.14 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7£18.75
    corn_rat22022£47.77 + £87.37 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6£30.94
    longjob023£47.77 + £76.64 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5£22.50
    HATTERBOY024£47.77 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£18.75
    grenfish025£47.77 + £110.39 Head Prizes + 32 League Points7£26.25
    Lunnie026£47.77 + £36.56 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£19.69
    LADYGUNS027£47.77 + £68.91 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£18.75
    MerlinUK028£47.77 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1£26.25
    boby54029£47.77 + £59.07 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£22.50
    masheder01030£47.77 + £37.27 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£22.50
    made4game031£40.95 + £115.31 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8£20.86
    gadge69032£40.95 + £83.16 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£18.75
    TheEvilMIN033£40.95 + £73.12 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6£18.75
    dodd08034£40.95 + £14.06 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1£15.00
    acerag83035£40.95 + £152.58 Head Prizes + 24 League Points11£18.75
    sarge2009036£40.95 + £56.96 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3£15.00
    Burgernips037£40.95 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3£15.00
    lolufold038£40.95 + £104.07 Head Prizes + 24 League Points7£22.50
    hoyle12039£40.95 + £50.98 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£18.75
    lyonsbob06040£40.95 + £54.14 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£15.00
    INK041£37.54 + £45 Head Prizes4£30.00
    jws3333042£37.54 + £33.75 Head Prizes3£22.50
    CAFU043£37.54 + £65.39 Head Prizes5£22.50
    bar4004044£37.54 + £33.75 Head Prizes2£15.00
    MrSHussh046£37.54 + £39.38 Head Prizes3£18.75
    marshall11047£37.54 + £28.13 Head Prizes2£23.44
    smithy5111048£37.54 + £14.06 Head Prizes1£22.50
    badbyrne1049£37.54 + £11.25 Head Prizes1£22.50
    bazs_wife050£37.54 + £33.75 Head Prizes3£15.00

    £5,000 Sky Roller
    brainos2450001£2000 + 30 League Points
    ElRupert02£1250 + 26 League Points
    beardyjohn04£550 + 12 League Points
    billtackle05£450 + 6 League Points
    £12,000 TSP Classic
    mewillows2340001£324 + 50 League Points
    richie1002£188.40 + 46 League Points
    ChirpyChip03£132 + 38 League Points
    HAGGER8504£108 + 32 League Points
    TheDart05£87.60 + 28 League Points
    YouKnowsIt06£72 + 24 League Points
    ninjangsta07£60 + 20 League Points
    timeforbed08£48 + 16 League Points
    andyAA8909£36 + 12 League Points
    igimc010£24 + 8 League Points
    sara36dd08011£12 + 4 League Points
    kosb14012£12 + 4 League Points
    wynne1938013£12 + 4 League Points
    johnreid014£12 + 4 League Points
    Dale981015£12 + 4 League Points
    reuben333016£12 + 4 League Points
    thedirk017£12 + 4 League Points
    Massoud10018£12 + 4 League Points
    bethebeat019£12 + 4 League Points
    Slimm020£12 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Friday 20th May 2011

    £5,000 Rebuy Open
    Rosco1511890001£1447.20 + 160 League Points
    Massoud1002£830.80 + 152 League Points
    Buzzle1303£562.80 + 144 League Points
    themans04£428.80 + 136 League Points
    EBBERDON05£375.20 + 128 League Points
    NoFinAce06£321.60 + 120 League Points
    shawsok07£214.40 + 112 League Points
    baz___108£160.80 + 104 League Points
    safchash09£107.20 + 96 League Points
    druzza1010£53.60 + 88 League Points
    BobTiger011£45.56 + 80 League Points
    TommyD012£45.56 + 72 League Points
    Harry2106013£45.56 + 64 League Points
    SHAUNY014£45.56 + 56 League Points
    jimHFX015£45.56 + 48 League Points
    johnreid016£45.56 + 40 League Points
    mattless017£45.56 + 40 League Points
    brainos018£45.56 + 40 League Points
    tashdan79019£45.56 + 40 League Points
    cherrybank020£45.56 + 40 League Points
    flard021£40.20 + 32 League Points
    danno558022£40.20 + 32 League Points
    lyonsbob06023£40.20 + 32 League Points
    trap3024£40.20 + 32 League Points
    nigbenn025£40.20 + 32 League Points
    Hornet80026£40.20 + 32 League Points
    gooligan027£40.20 + 32 League Points
    sirklk06028£40.20 + 32 League Points
    Skys_Limit029£40.20 + 32 League Points
    angie55030£40.20 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    SHANKS4742480001£334.80 + 50 League Points
    semaj0802£194.68 + 46 League Points
    KDOG196903£136.40 + 38 League Points
    rocky6204£111.60 + 32 League Points
    Gael05£90.52 + 28 League Points
    muslu06£74.40 + 24 League Points
    goldenb23807£62 + 20 League Points
    widdyd71208£49.60 + 16 League Points
    richie1009£37.20 + 12 League Points
    CuriousKev010£24.80 + 8 League Points
    cantwell05011£12.40 + 4 League Points
    Francis65012£12.40 + 4 League Points
    tallytink013£12.40 + 4 League Points
    mossley014£12.40 + 4 League Points
    YouKnowsIt015£12.40 + 4 League Points
    jantastic016£12.40 + 4 League Points
    mischa017£12.40 + 4 League Points
    merkadys018£12.40 + 4 League Points
    MADMOO019£12.40 + 4 League Points
    doubletops020£12.40 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Saturday 22nd May 2011

    £5,000 Open
    humfrey5080001£1371.60 + 160 League Points
    mattless02£787.40 + 152 League Points
    AndyMac5503£533.40 + 144 League Points
    kosb1404£406.40 + 136 League Points
    TheWombat05£355.60 + 128 League Points
    JEFFY6906£304.80 + 120 League Points
    phil12uk07£203.20 + 112 League Points
    DEL_SOL08£152.40 + 104 League Points
    ratters09£101.60 + 96 League Points
    SPURSMAD010£50.80 + 88 League Points
    drumahai05011£43.18 + 80 League Points
    AcesSuited012£43.18 + 72 League Points
    scarce013£43.18 + 64 League Points
    WOLFIE33014£43.18 + 56 League Points
    Bergman015£43.18 + 48 League Points
    leslie1946016£43.18 + 40 League Points
    leek290017£43.18 + 40 League Points
    Woodsmoke1018£43.18 + 40 League Points
    DAVEYZZ019£43.18 + 40 League Points
    deanom1245020£43.18 + 40 League Points
    samantha25021£38.10 + 32 League Points
    bellytop23022£38.10 + 32 League Points
    trevil25023£38.10 + 32 League Points
    bandini024£38.10 + 32 League Points
    skicowboys025£38.10 + 32 League Points
    penguin7026£38.10 + 32 League Points
    witty25027£38.10 + 32 League Points
    BIGJAY028£38.10 + 32 League Points
    rush10029£38.10 + 32 League Points
    twitchtwoc030£38.10 + 32 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Sunday 23rd May 2011

    £12,500 Primo
    BAD_BLEET4720001£3375 + 160 League Points
    LThomoL02£1937.50 + 152 League Points
    peg103£1312.50 + 144 League Points
    Harry210604£1000 + 136 League Points
    JPDERRY05£875 + 128 League Points
    law0072306£750 + 120 League Points
    cclee07£500 + 112 League Points
    GiBNaDs08£375 + 104 League Points
    DAVE_T_7309£250 + 96 League Points
    andrew1947010£125 + 88 League Points
    bigdog91011£106.25 + 80 League Points
    67Bhoys012£106.25 + 72 League Points
    TheyDontNo013£106.25 + 64 League Points
    MonkeyF014£106.25 + 56 League Points
    NewZefFlow015£106.25 + 48 League Points
    boby54016£106.25 + 40 League Points
    BigNelly017£106.25 + 40 League Points
    Goldtia018£106.25 + 40 League Points
    yhtomit69019£106.25 + 40 League Points
    Pokerogue020£106.25 + 40 League Points
    gixxerk4021£93.75 + 32 League Points
    papi176022£93.75 + 32 League Points
    NoFinAce023£93.75 + 32 League Points
    bar4004024£93.75 + 32 League Points
    shady969025£93.75 + 32 League Points
    funkybunch026£93.75 + 32 League Points
    Sharksbite027£93.75 + 32 League Points
    Hebbie028£93.75 + 32 League Points
    ATCPRE029£93.75 + 32 League Points
    smartca627030£93.75 + 32 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Monday 24th May 2011

    £8,000 Bounty Hunter
    goodylad218420001£1052.50 + £232.54 Head Prizes + 160 League Points7£23.90
    bdh02£631.50 + £123.09 Head Prizes + 152 League Points8£17.50
    gixxerk403£378.90 + £122.82 Head Prizes + 144 League Points7£22.50
    SLYNCH04£294.70 + £87.20 Head Prizes + 136 League Points6£21.87
    nagrom05£231.55 + £30.82 Head Prizes + 128 League Points3£12.50
    MonkeyF06£168.40 + £119.51 Head Prizes + 120 League Points9£16.40
    bazbazbaz07£126.30 + £72.67 Head Prizes + 112 League Points4£15.00
    hurst0508£84.20 + £97.13 Head Prizes + 104 League Points6£18.74
    pitty199909£63.15 + £129.42 Head Prizes + 96 League Points9£15.00
    abou010£42.10 + £69.85 Head Prizes7£16.24
    kingbodger011£35.78 + £153.43 Head Prizes + 80 League Points13£17.50
    HAPPYNIGE4012£35.78 + £113.93 Head Prizes + 72 League Points10£15.00
    DNB-YTFC013£35.78 + £28.13 Head Prizes + 64 League Points3£15.94
    fratcherma014£35.78 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 56 League Points2£13.12
    BIGJAY015£35.78 + £15.47 Head Prizes + 48 League Points1£17.50
    rortonjibe016£35.78 + £82.02 Head Prizes + 40 League Points8£12.50
    WHITMASOL017£35.78 + £34.80 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3£20.00
    GEEKYMAN018£35.78 + £15 Head Prizes + 40 League Points2£18.12
    limitpoker019£35.78 + £72 Head Prizes + 40 League Points6£10.00
    Gav29020£35.78 + £28.13 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3£12.50
    drumahai05021£29.47 + £35.15 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4£20.00
    7ball22022£29.47 + £52.04 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5£12.50
    Lex18023£29.47 + £20.63 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£20.62
    unbpower024£29.47 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1£10.00
    JIM_LAD025£29.47 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1£15.00
    frenchy9026£29.47 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£13.75
    tonyglfc027£29.47 + £29.53 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£12.50
    howkie028£29.47 + £45.01 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5£15.00
    cottlad029£29.47 + £30.69 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£17.50
    andrew1947030£29.47 + £48.76 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6£15.62
    PVFC_fan031£25.26 + £62.81 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6£15.00
    whalen032£25.26 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£17.50
    fosdyke033£25.26 + £51.58 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5£10.00
    Sharksbite034£25.26 + £31.88 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£18.28
    pyeman2007035£25.26 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1£17.50
    minty11036£25.26 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1£12.50
    ooderthunk037£25.26 + £24.96 Head Prizes3£20.00
    smartca627038£25.26 + £18.75 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2£12.50
    SHESTE039£25.26 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2£17.50
    baz22258040£25.26 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3£15.00
    nige44041£23.16 + £41.26 Head Prizes4£15.62
    stinkypeet042£23.16 + £7.50 Head Prizes1£12.50
    kosb14043£23.16 + £24.38 Head Prizes3£12.50
    CAPTAIN11044£23.16 + £13.13 Head Prizes1£20.00
    belfast69045£23.16 + £34.22 Head Prizes4£12.50
    redeye77046£23.16 + £34.22 Head Prizes4£10.00
    Heavy22047£23.16 + £22.50 Head Prizes3£15.00
    jd44048£23.16 + £18.28 Head Prizes2£12.50
    Hanks98050£23.16 + £9.38 Head Prizes1£10.00
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    DOHHHHHHH2340001£324 + 50 League Points
    gixxerk402£188.40 + 46 League Points
    DDEN03£132 + 38 League Points
    TAURUS6704£108 + 32 League Points
    LJ_Elson7205£87.60 + 28 League Points
    boggo06£72 + 24 League Points
    hammers10107£60 + 20 League Points
    MackemX08£48 + 16 League Points
    richie1009£36 + 12 League Points
    mmmpizza010£24 + 8 League Points
    steadyed11011£12 + 4 League Points
    ratbag012£12 + 4 League Points
    Browny563013£12 + 4 League Points
    keels1014£12 + 4 League Points
    DEKKER5207015£12 + 4 League Points
    merkadys016£12 + 4 League Points
    BENDOG40017£12 + 4 League Points
    blacksack018£12 + 4 League Points
    mag70019£12 + 4 League Points
    goodylad21020£12 + 4 League Points
  • nagromnagrom Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2011
    Nice win DOHHHHHH and incredible finishes from my Scottish compatriot gixxerk4! Shame I didn't stick around as long on the FT of the BH :(
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Wow, I handn't noticed that Gixxer got 2nd and 3rd. Not a bad evenings work by anybody's standards, well played that man.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Tuesday 24th May 2011

    £4,000 Open
    andrew19474720001£1274.40 + 160 League Points
    __BAZ__02£731.60 + 152 League Points
    JohnConnor03£495.60 + 144 League Points
    tallytink04£377.60 + 136 League Points
    rooster2205£330.40 + 128 League Points
    enigma1206£283.20 + 120 League Points
    EBBERDON07£188.80 + 112 League Points
    Ice_Coach08£141.60 + 104 League Points
    XYZMALCOLM09£94.40 + 96 League Points
    munk8707010£47.20 + 88 League Points
    gemy011£40.12 + 80 League Points
    budgirl012£40.12 + 72 League Points
    winner5603013£40.12 + 64 League Points
    aiken2001014£40.12 + 56 League Points
    rorysdad015£40.12 + 48 League Points
    PORKO016£40.12 + 40 League Points
    Cardbeater017£40.12 + 40 League Points
    RAMBOY018£40.12 + 40 League Points
    sara36dd08019£40.12 + 40 League Points
    kelsey01020£40.12 + 40 League Points
    pudney021£35.40 + 32 League Points
    nagrom022£35.40 + 32 League Points
    unbpower023£35.40 + 32 League Points
    WORWOLF59024£35.40 + 32 League Points
    mag70025£35.40 + 32 League Points
    codman30026£35.40 + 32 League Points
    daz29027£35.40 + 32 League Points
    MacMonster028£35.40 + 32 League Points
    Emdee53029£35.40 + 32 League Points
    alexsdad030£35.40 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    moorey62800001£378 + 50 League Points
    kay1202£219.80 + 46 League Points
    bladeboy0703£154 + 38 League Points
    B14KEY04£126 + 32 League Points
    law0072305£102.20 + 28 League Points
    bar400406£84 + 24 League Points
    lyneffect07£70 + 20 League Points
    mag7008£56 + 16 League Points
    razorlight09£42 + 12 League Points
    Machina010£28 + 8 League Points
    I_8_ALLINS011£14 + 4 League Points
    RIVERDALE012£14 + 4 League Points
    kimpet013£14 + 4 League Points
    xIRBABOONx014£14 + 4 League Points
    johnreid015£14 + 4 League Points
    EBBERDON016£14 + 4 League Points
    bexlex4424017£14 + 4 League Points
    SUPERNOVA018£14 + 4 League Points
    Dale981019£14 + 4 League Points
    GLDLADYLUC020£14 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Wednesday 25th May 2011

    £4,000 Double Stack
    Jubei9840001£1328.40 + 160 League Points
    jakally02£762.60 + 152 League Points
    THFCBear03£516.60 + 144 League Points
    MackemX04£393.60 + 136 League Points
    SoLack05£344.40 + 128 League Points
    0mc06£295.20 + 120 League Points
    JUJU207£196.80 + 112 League Points
    jimbob123508£147.60 + 104 League Points
    bladeboy0709£98.40 + 96 League Points
    VILLAINS010£49.20 + 88 League Points
    KKrippler011£41.82 + 80 League Points
    beee012£41.82 + 72 League Points
    mogsy1957013£41.82 + 64 League Points
    19MTR82014£41.82 + 56 League Points
    r1badboy17015£41.82 + 48 League Points
    THEKOP7016£41.82 + 40 League Points
    Doudeau017£41.82 + 40 League Points
    mutchey018£41.82 + 40 League Points
    gixxerk4019£41.82 + 40 League Points
    Uzi_lover020£41.82 + 40 League Points
    FL0WTIGHT021£36.90 + 32 League Points
    Angel_19022£36.90 + 32 League Points
    ward11023£36.90 + 32 League Points
    rorysdad024£36.90 + 32 League Points
    MonkeyF025£36.90 + 32 League Points
    ZZCop026£36.90 + 32 League Points
    BENDOG40027£36.90 + 32 League Points
    RUNITSRANN028£36.90 + 32 League Points
    eatmyset029£36.90 + 32 League Points
    Mrs-Mullet030£36.90 + 32 League Points
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    gixxerk42260001£324 + 50 League Points
    brady00702£188.40 + 46 League Points
    MISTERWIN03£132 + 38 League Points
    susie2pink04£108 + 32 League Points
    corbett0405£87.60 + 28 League Points
    allystar06£72 + 24 League Points
    EMILYB07£60 + 20 League Points
    Machina08£48 + 16 League Points
    enigma1209£36 + 12 League Points
    pokarito010£24 + 8 League Points
    tuppie15011£12 + 4 League Points
    Stuy012£12 + 4 League Points
    mrs_balti013£12 + 4 League Points
    Nogger69014£12 + 4 League Points
    hugobang015£12 + 4 League Points
    Panyatna01016£12 + 4 League Points
    GAZZY017£12 + 4 League Points
    cane018£12 + 4 League Points
    POKERTREV019£12 + 4 League Points
    peg1020£12 + 4 League Points
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Thursday 26th May 2011

    £8,000 Sky Sports Deep Stack
    Uzi_lover2000001£3000 + 40 League Points
    CoxyLboro02£2000 + 36 League Points
    offshoot03£1400 + 28 League Points
    CrazyBen2304£1000 + 22 League Points
    LOL_RAISE05£800 + 18 League Points
    billtackle06£700 + 14 League Points
    0mc07£600 + 10 League Points
    Leyster08£500 + 6 League Points
    £12,000 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
    1boarder9420001£1766.25 + £463.80 Head Prizes + 160 League Points9£36.57
    masheder0102£1059.75 + £92.82 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6£43.13
    River_Fox03£635.85 + £297.66 Head Prizes + 144 League Points11£42.19
    teetoo04£494.55 + £185.52 Head Prizes + 136 League Points7£27.19
    adair33305£388.57 + £102.40 Head Prizes + 128 League Points5£39.38
    SLAVTREV06£282.60 + £71.41 Head Prizes + 120 League Points4£35.63
    yeahbutnob07£211.95 + £115.12 Head Prizes + 112 League Points6£34.69
    mackers1808£141.30 + £128.68 Head Prizes + 104 League Points8£30.00
    TWISTED29009£105.97 + £143.53 Head Prizes + 96 League Points8£31.88
    tornadofoz010£70.65 + £42.19 Head Prizes + 88 League Points3£35.86
    ALBOB011£60.05 + £99.93 Head Prizes + 80 League Points4£22.50
    goodgirluk012£60.05 + £131.45 Head Prizes + 72 League Points6£33.75
    staford03013£60.05 + £103.02 Head Prizes + 64 League Points5£24.84
    saints01014£60.05 + £74.88 Head Prizes + 56 League Points3£27.19
    Squeeks14015£60.05 + £57.13 Head Prizes + 48 League Points4£29.30
    winner5603016£60.05 + £25.31 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1£22.50
    dog_tired017£60.05 + £64.68 Head Prizes + 40 League Points5£26.25
    t1poollfc018£60.05 + £91.93 Head Prizes + 40 League Points4£27.42
    Direwolf019£60.05 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 40 League Points1£30.00
    rentisdue020£60.05 + £36.56 Head Prizes + 40 League Points3£30.00
    joepro021£49.45 + £71.02 Head Prizes + 32 League Points5£28.13
    MacMonster022£49.45 + £43.77 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£25.31
    Monkey402023£49.45 + £73.12 Head Prizes + 32 League Points6£15.00
    neil1970024£49.45 + 32 League Points0£23.44
    offshoot025£49.45 + £65.03 Head Prizes + 32 League Points4£26.25
    sherifoo7026£49.45 + 32 League Points0£33.75
    poolie08027£49.45 + £14.06 Head Prizes + 32 League Points1£27.42
    BLADES849028£49.45 + £39.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3£21.56
    UCANTFOLD029£49.45 + £118.83 Head Prizes + 32 League Points9£18.75
    TheDart030£49.45 + £30.94 Head Prizes + 32 League Points2£21.56
    badbyrne1031£42.39 + £29 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2£26.25
    THEKOP7032£42.39 + £94.58 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6£18.75
    JIM_LAD033£42.39 + £153.47 Head Prizes + 24 League Points10£18.75
    Dutch7034£42.39 + £77.35 Head Prizes + 24 League Points5£23.44
    hfdbull29035£42.39 + £50.10 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3£24.37
    __BAZ__036£42.39 + £33.23 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2£18.75
    xbootneck2037£42.39 + £11.25 Head Prizes + 24 League Points1£30.00
    HAILHAIL88038£42.39 + £85.07 Head Prizes + 24 League Points6£25.31
    CALLANIE039£42.39 + £56.95 Head Prizes + 24 League Points4£23.90
    CBuk040£42.39 + £37.27 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3£22.50
    harbin1970041£38.86 + £84.37 Head Prizes6£19.69
    J0NSEY042£38.86 + £59.06 Head Prizes5£22.50
    jakally043£38.86 + £19.16 Head Prizes1£22.50
    dipchip10044£38.86 + £26.72 Head Prizes2£22.50
    aussie09045£38.86 + £56.25 Head Prizes5£18.75
    plantgirl046£38.86 + £28.13 Head Prizes2£22.50
    BIGNORM08047£38.86 + £31.64 Head Prizes2£18.75
    pablodon15048£38.86 + £81.90 Head Prizes5£22.50
    brainos050£38.86 + £22.50 Head Prizes2£22.50
    £1,200 TSP Classic
    artifice72720001£367.20 + 50 League Points
    made4game02£213.52 + 46 League Points
    CrouchAce03£149.60 + 38 League Points
    hitmansin04£122.40 + 32 League Points
    zooloo379705£99.28 + 28 League Points
    samantha2506£81.60 + 24 League Points
    hector4507£68 + 20 League Points
    karlluke08£54.40 + 16 League Points
    forFREEE09£40.80 + 12 League Points
    stuart1979010£27.20 + 8 League Points
    Lizthebiz011£13.60 + 4 League Points
    law00723012£13.60 + 4 League Points
    sephton04013£13.60 + 4 League Points
    Albrecht01014£13.60 + 4 League Points
    bob12345015£13.60 + 4 League Points
    allystar016£13.60 + 4 League Points
    kay12017£13.60 + 4 League Points
    bova018£13.60 + 4 League Points
    drumahai05019£13.60 + 4 League Points
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2011
    Uzi lover is on fire atm!

    Sky plz doom switch him before Sundays VLV Final plz ty ty ty xxxo
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Leyster deseves a special mention for taking 8th place in a tough field of MTT sharks in the Sky Sports Double Stack last night and winning £500. Leyster is a reg on the site who usually only plays in low-stakes Double-Your-Money tournaments, he his seat in the double stack via the League Stars Freeroll. Congrats to you Leyster.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011

    lol we had this debate on the tables last night, he obviously done very well so credit given re this

    although from around 10 people left he wouldn't stop moaning on both tables mainly due to be card dead and was trying to tempt people to call by saying looks weak to any shove, now if he handled himself better i may have even set up a thread for him. but again Very well played to him he obviously played a blinder

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2011
    Friday 27th May 2011

    £5,000 Rebuy Open
    andrew194712870001£1560.60 + 160 League Points
    tallytink02£895.90 + 152 League Points
    Ivey36803£606.90 + 144 League Points
    nozz3r04£462.40 + 136 League Points
    harrison2505£404.60 + 128 League Points
    RANGERSCHA06£346.80 + 120 League Points
    pizzled107£231.20 + 112 League Points
    Dooney08£173.40 + 104 League Points
    REDARROW6109£115.60 + 96 League Points
    hazzer010£57.80 + 88 League Points
    IRONZ011£49.13 + 80 League Points
    DARCIE012£49.13 + 72 League Points
    daveshep013£49.13 + 64 League Points
    nervesof014£49.13 + 56 League Points
    plantgirl015£49.13 + 48 League Points
    dodgydice016£49.13 + 40 League Points
    lyonsbob06017£49.13 + 40 League Points
    seaford2018£49.13 + 40 League Points
    THEROCK573019£49.13 + 40 League Points
    PokerStarr020£49.13 + 40 League Points
    ITCHYBALLS021£43.35 + 32 League Points
    jakally022£43.35 + 32 League Points
    Wayne_B73023£43.35 + 32 League Points
    johnreid024£43.35 + 32 League Points
    cane025£43.35 + 32 League Points
    LJ_Elson72026£43.35 + 32 League Points
    MerlinUK027£43.35 + 32 League Points
    treemarie028£43.35 + 32 League Points
    heellloooo029£43.35 + 32 League Points
    dionysis030£43.35 + 32 League Points
    £12,000 TSP Classic
    DOHHHHHHH2540001£342.90 + 50 League Points
    bubuvale02£199.39 + 46 League Points
    naseem03£139.70 + 38 League Points
    stokefc04£114.30 + 32 League Points
    kosb1405£92.71 + 28 League Points
    semaj0806£76.20 + 24 League Points
    sammy55007£63.50 + 20 League Points
    IGUANAKID08£50.80 + 16 League Points
    spideryd1709£38.10 + 12 League Points
    SPARKEY999010£25.40 + 8 League Points
    UDDER034011£12.70 + 4 League Points
    skn18012£12.70 + 4 League Points
    ratbag013£12.70 + 4 League Points
    borderfox014£12.70 + 4 League Points
    salty22015£12.70 + 4 League Points
    simonnatur016£12.70 + 4 League Points
    TheDart017£12.70 + 4 League Points
    scarce018£12.70 + 4 League Points
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