Does exactly what it says on the tin, time to actually start taking this seriously instead of doing eratic things in a few weeks going to start a fresh by depositing a fair amount and start things seriously but this time no cash tables as that has what has got me in trouble in the past lol
so if anyone has any tips that may help me with building a decent bankroll please feel free to add as I would appreciate the advice.
Ps. i know cash tables is where the money is but i'm in it for the long haul now not worried about making a crazy amount as quick as possible.
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2p/4p cash is the way forward to grind up a roll. Also I believe that Doh/Gregghogg, amoung others, have had some considerable success in the DYM games at the £5/10 level. While that may be out of your roll at the moment, I'm sure if you pick their brains/stalk their post history for tips then there styles can be easily transfered to the £1/2 DYM games.
Good luck.
i need the same help as you delaney, maybe we can sponsor each other like a couple of addicts
it is more of a mental thing, when i deposit that cash i am in my mind spending it..i am slowly learning my lesson though..a few weeks ago i ran great and got my 25 quid up to 340 in about 3 days, went onto master c ash 300 tables and had my aa cracked, NED OF ROLL..
it was there that i discovered variance...i played well, as good as i could but the poker gods were teaching me a lesson...if i ever get up to 300 quid again its dyms, small tourneys and micro cash for me!!!!
well that last option is just stupid!!!!
I find my thread helps but I still get tempted to buy into MTT's I can't really afford, just in the hope of landing the big one. It defo helps in terms of my cash play as shown in my results.
trebor can i have a link to your thread
Jesus don't know how to do links, but oput in diary and Trebor 68 in search and you will find 'diary of a losing recreational player' Hope you enjoy.
LOL scouse that was just mad last night A3 diamonds took me out twice then appeared in the final table of the TOTY and took someone out lol and robbie said he had a3 and took someone out with it lol