Good afternoon,
After a hectic night on the Omaha Hi-Lo Tables last night, it's back to Texas Tourneys for me tonight.
Here's my schedule......
7pm - "tikay Sleepstack", £11, 10 seater, 5,000 chips.
8pm - "Doublestack Main Event", £4,000 Guaranteed, £22, 4,000 chips.
8.30pm, "Take-on-tikay", £5.50, 2,500 chips.
9pm - "TSP Classic", £11, 2,000 chips.
A long evening in prospect. I hope........
See you later.
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Ooh, nearly forgot.
Free Forum DTD seats on offer?
How to enter?
Here's the deal.
Spurs are playing their Champions League 2nd leg tonight.
For every goal scored in that match tonight - including, if it goes to penalties (not even sure it can or does, but no matter), extra-time, whatever - ALL "allowed" goals in tonight's Spurs home match v A C Milan will count.
And for EVERY goal scored, Sky Poker will award ONE £2.20 FORUM DTD Entry, which is for next Monday's 7.15pm £2.20 Forum DTD.
No catch, no nothing, just sit back & hope there are plenty of goals tonight. One free Forum DTD entry next Monday for every single goal in that match tonight.
If there are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 Goals, & thus the same number of Free Entries, who will get them?
No idea. Because I will ask Chris, aka "Scouse Red", to nominate who he wants them awarded to. Simple. No catch, nothing up my sleeve.
It would be kind of nice if the DTD Forum regulars Posted on this Thread, just to show Sky Poker that you notice these things.
Post what?
Why not Post your score prediction, tomorrow's weather, the price of fish, how bad Orford is, or when you were last glued to a yak? Anything, it does not matter.
If the Thread runs to 4 or 5 pages, I might be able to repeat the trick, another night. And if it does not, well, maybe not.
Fingers crossed for 0-0, here......
I've sent a PM to Scouse Red to make him aware, so he can mobilise his "Posting Crew", but in case he misses it, perhaps other Forum DTD Regulars will spread the word.
2-1 spurs, i'll go for rain and freezing cold cause we do live in england, very bad ?? yak ???
But thanks to Murdoch and co.
10-0 Milan please :P
I'll go 2-2
And thank you very much Tikay you are a legend
PS Scouse im a massive liverpool fan if it helps?
Thanks Tikay
I'm predicting 2-1 to spurs in tonights leg, spurs go into the leg with an away goal advantage, so if its 0-0 tonight do away goals count towards a free entry tikay? lol.
Thanks for the free entry offer to the Forum DTD - Not sure if I will win it, but I will deffinately be entering the Forum DTD as always (Can't run much worse than last week lol)
The Forum DTD is great value for money and the banter makes for a great nights entertainment.
Good Luck Spurs - See you tonight peeps.
Nice gesture by Sky in putting up a few free entries , nice to see scouse & co getting something back for all the work they do organising and keeping score on a Monday not to mention the extra players they are attracting as numbers are well up on what they used to be.Nice of Tikay to part every now and then (even managed to take some chips of him the other week).Give the freebies to the guys who have been in it from the start they got the Monday night thing going in the first place.
I've got a brilliant hand for you too see take a look in the clinic under where did i go wrong lol
Will play this DTD religiously once the All Rounders League has finished, the HiLo last night had me 5 tabling and that is a little too much for my wee brain.
Haddock and Chips from thompsons on the A64 is a snip at £5