Great Gesture by Sky Poker for donating Forum DTD Seats & to Tikay & Scouse_red (Chris ) for Promoting it Great Job. Well Done to the winners of the Seats & Good Luck on Monday
When i started the Forum DTD i wasn't sure if it would take off or not & am glad that peeps are enjoying it a big Thank You to Chris for taking the time to do the updates & also Thanks to Merenovice for helping myself & chris in the 1st few weeks.
The thread for this weeks Forum DTD will be up tomorrow
mmmmmm jaegerbombs FTW
Thank you Scouse, Tikay and Sky.
Great Gesture by Sky Poker for donating Forum DTD Seats & to Tikay & Scouse_red (Chris ) for Promoting it Great Job. Well Done to the winners of the Seats & Good Luck on Monday
When i started the Forum DTD i wasn't sure if it would take off or not & am glad that peeps are enjoying it a big Thank You to Chris for taking the time to do the updates & also Thanks to Merenovice for helping myself & chris in the 1st few weeks.
The thread for this weeks Forum DTD will be up tomorrow