Imagine for some bizarre reason No Limit Hold'em didn't exist in the world of poker. Which other version of poker would you play and why? Would you play it because it was most enjoyable or because you think it would be most profitable? Post your thoughts on this thread and let's see which other forms of poker float our boats...
If I didn't play No Limit Hold'em I'd play....Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo.
The game is incredibly chilled in comparison to NLHE, pretty easy to go from beginner to very competent provided to stick to some basic fundamentals in the game, and it's always good to see so many people bomb the pot with A-2 while you have the nut high all wrapped up.

PLO for me, can't handle hi-lo.
Started playing 5 card draw which i'm enjoying. 2-7 draw n badugi just mess with my head, i need alot more reading up on those.
I voted for hi-lo, I enjoy playing hi-lo mtt's notso much playing cash.
Am brilliant at that !!
Ahhh its been a while since i played HORSE could have sworn it was no limit, ill go grab my coat..
£2.25 for the cheapest DYM will put a lot of low stakes players off having a go.
Noticed there are three £1 hi-lo tourneys but they are all in the daytime, when lots of folk are at work.
If they put one or two of these on in the evening, you would probably get more people starting to understand and play the game.
Razz for me have played it a few times & enjoy it
I assume there can be limit or no limit versions of Omaha Hi-Lo although no limit Omaha Hi-Lo sound like the sort of mental game you'd set up at an SPT event!