Me and Tikay are back on your screens at 9pm with a sick edition of Master Cash, featuring Top of the Pots. It's gonna be epic. We can expect some brutal nlhe interwebz cash action. Plus, the old man's analysis will get crushed by our studio guest: Team Sky Poker's ROBBIEROTT. Innit.
(I'm sure Robbie will be happy to answer your questions, so get e-mailing, or post away in this forum thread.)
As you can probably tell, my opening paragraph was designed to ruffle Kendall's feathers, because the theme of tonight's show is...
Yes, I want you to write e-mails and forum posts that will upset my co-host, whether it be horrific abuses of the English language, praise for the likes of Davina McCall and Sir Richard Branson, hero-worshiping of bankroll busters, or random movie trivia. Let's see if we can make Tikay turn purple with ire! Ladies and gentlemen of the Sky Poker community, it's over to you 
It's not something I've ever contemplated before but having had AA beaten the other night it made me think. I was just wondering TK's opinion?
2. Can Tikay recommend a good staking site?
3. Two of my favourite trains are the Mallard and Tornado.
4. Katie Price is on the cover of The Sun newspaper this morning, discuss.
Guess alot of people think that's his first name.
Who is he anyway, can't find his stats on Hendon mob database. Has he ever won the main event?
Have a Great Show Robbie
Tikays Specialist subject for Orfords Disastermind has to be Big Brother & Branstons Pickle
I sent him a Message "get a life" once, but he replied "what does that mean?". Bright guy, him.
Let me get this clear. He is not good enough to build a $300 'roll, & now he has to GIVE AWAY 50% of everything he wins? Lol, there's one born every minute. Bet he moans about high Reg Fees & rakeback, too. Bless.
I had originally assumed it was you, JJ, but I credit you with more intelligence.
Re-arrange these words into a well-known phrase or saying......
Minute born one there's every
"Ooh, I got a great deal"
"You did?"
"Yup, I get to give away half my winnings".......
"Ooh, well done you".
"Breakfast at Days Inn Luton" is far & away the worst, I get tilted just thinking about it even now.
Take my money at 9.45am, then explain away the total lack of food, crockery, & cutlery by saying "well yes, we close at 10am".
"So why did you accept my money at 9.45am?"
"Because you wanted breakfast"......
And as to Hartigan, or anyone else who begins a sentennce ""me & tikay" or "me & anything", I shall never ever reply to them. Never. Ever.
It's the absolute height of ignorance & bad manners.
Please, show just a modicum of class, not to mention intelligence.
ZOMG! He's achieved "Hulk-like rage status" - more than three hours before we even go on-air!!!