If you want to tilt Tikay all you have to do is text him during his sleeping hours which is anytime between 10pm and 10am. Also in his words "ping" him on "messy messenger thingy" his words not mine!
In all seriousness Tikay is a great sport and him blandy, claire, rich and camera man dan all did a great job in London putting up with my moans and groans after getting possibly owned by some double wsop bracelet holder can't remember his name Prez Bonzai or something!
Goodluck to Wayne I've been railing all day and been keeping in touch with him hoping he can take it down for the team he deserves it!
ul Doh but w tee f at that raise size with set? And tommy just insta shipping when Doh is never folding after making it 105...I only just turned on did these two have a hand earlier or something? Posted by pryce6
Did it not work soooooooo perfectly?
He thinks Im raising to take it down, he knows its "scared money" and he knows he can take me off alot of hands!
So f -king sick.
This is why I dont play higher, this is why I grind 30nl, and this is why I'm gonna be staked.
ul Doh but w tee f at that raise size with set? And tommy just insta shipping when Doh is never folding after making it 105...I only just turned on did these two have a hand earlier or something? Posted by pryce6
There was previous history with Dohhhh over betting. I'm going to mull over my own play in the hand for a while after this session. I did have my reasoning for the ship but don't want to pick over the bones of it right now after Dohhh was on the wrong side of that hand. Might post it in the clinic at some point. The key element was at the time, I didn't agree he was never folding. Reasons yes; correct reasons, I'm going to have to think about it.
In Response to Re: Master Cash - with TSP's ROBBIEROTT & Tikay on tilt! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Did it not work soooooooo perfectly?He thinks Im raising to take it down, he knows its "scared money" and he knows he can take me off alot of hands!So f -king sick. This is why I dont play higher, this is why I grind 30nl, and this is why I'm gonna be staked. Unreal. P.S - at least i got 40 quid off lol raise Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Glad you posted this sir. You played it very well and got very unlucky. I knew you had one bullet and totally misread you. I will say one thing there though, I'm unlikely to do that to you in that spot with a pure bluff. I'm either going to have equity as it was in this case, top two or the over set.
RE: that last hand shown you have to be shoving every time on that river with no straight or flush draws, or running through your head they could have a set of 8s,Js,Ks cause even though the call was right this time and he saved £71 if it turned out his trip 6s would of been good he has lost £71 of value that Hursty probably would of snapped off with no major scare cards on the board..... overtime just flatting the river with a set on a non scary board = so much value lost
The answer can only be, "We done it".
And tommy just insta shipping when Doh is never folding after making it 105...I only just turned on did these two have a hand earlier or something?
People delving through a women's (or Tikay's) handbag without permission.
Glad you posted this sir. You played it very well and got very unlucky. I knew you had one bullet and totally misread you. I will say one thing there though, I'm unlikely to do that to you in that spot with a pure bluff. I'm either going to have equity as it was in this case, top two or the over set.