We are now just a week away from the end of the January - March qualification period for Team Sky Poker. Three new names will be added to the Team once that process has reached it's conclusion.
When we reached this stage of the October - December qualifying period, & into the weeks which followed, & particularly the "Play Offs", many players seemed to be confused by the qualification process.
This was bit disappointing, from every side of the fence.
The info had been up on the Site since the very start, & players only had to press a tab to view it, & then ask any questions.
Equally, I think Sky Poker must share some of the blame. It became clear - belatedly - that many players did not understand the rules & criteria, so some blame sits there, too.
Never mind who was or was not to blame, I think we need to get it out there clearer, better, & earlier, this time.
So, if you have any questions about the current qualification for Team Sky Poker, stick them on this Thread, please.
I'll be Posting a few Links & rules excerpts shortly, too.
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The main TSP Page is, I hope, HERE
...and the League Details are HERE
Please note, that TSP League is "sortable" via Cash, MTT, or SNG, simply by clicking the Tabs at the top of the League.
So, if I read it right, the Qualifying Tourneys will be on Sunday 10th April. I think......
Are we all agreed on that?
Or will you drop some players?
If so how would you go about doing so?
Least rake earnt?
Mr Orford is indeed scheduled to make his TSP-GUKPT appearance at Walsall in April. A large Rail is expected at Walsall for that. Orford Railers are not advised to book an overnight Room in readiness for Day Two, though.
Q2 What time do they start on 10 April?
Q3 Do you like saveloys?
No point grinding away getting SPT and THEN finding out you have no chance staying in after 3 months.