Many of you know that "scouse red" has run the Forum DTD for a while now.
He works incredibly hard at it, too, promoting it in advance every week, "running" round all the Tables to say "Hi" on the rail each night, organising the Final Table Railing Party, getting the Spreadsheets & stuff organised, publishing the results. It's a huge task.
About a month ago, seeing all this, I dropped him a note & said I'd send him a couple of little free entries by way of a "thank you" on behalf of the Community.
This morning, (just after 1am, in fact), Chris wrote me an e-Mail.
In it, he requested that those free entries I had promised to him should in fact be given to two other players, who had run badly all month, & not won much recently.
I think that was a tremendous & typically self-less gesture.
I get really down sometimes, when the trolls & haters are out in full force, & the last few days they have seen them at their very worst, but it's guys like Chris who set an example to all, & I doubt I'd be here without them. He never causes a spot of bother, is 100% low-maintenance, & if he ever has any problems with Sky Poker, or the Community, he drops me a polite note.
He wrote to me yesterday, in fact, about a player with a seriously offensive Screen-alias, & we got it changed instantly. He could have splashed it all over the Forum, but instead, he did it quietly & efficiently, no fuss, no bother.
What a top bloke.
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I'd like to say i agree with everything tikay has to say.
Not many of you will be aware but i had a couple of months away from sky over christmas as really wasn't enjoying the game and had been losing quite a lot of money, plus being made redundant didn't help.
Kept checking the forum out and notice DTW and Chris doing this DTD, thought it's cheap and seems like it's a laugh, so joined one week in feb and The banter i had, made the poker seem irrelavant, ok it's nice winning, but got me back into playing again, now fully enjoying it once more.
So a huge thanks to chris, he emails me through the forum each week about the DTD, replies to any questions you ask, and seems a very genuine top guy...
I tried the DTD for a couple of weeks recently after Lea116311 told me it was so much fun, I enjoyed it immensely but unfortunately it was incompatible with my body clock (I usually sleep from 7-00pm to 1-00am) so I've stopped participating. However, in those two weeks I saw what a super event the DTD is and what a great job Chris does. Top bloke.
Well shizzle ma Blandy is familiar with E-40, & my main man. I'm impressed.
I then decided to take a look and liked what I saw, then during that evenings play in one of the DS tournies I bumped into Chris and a few other DTDers and they all encouraged me to take part in it the following week.
I have to say it's a good laugh, if you run well you can get 5 hours of entertainment for £5. Even if you don't last that long it's good to rail the final tables.
Nice to see even after all his hard work and late monday evenings doing the league tables that he's still thinking about other people being rewarded rather than himself.
LOL at sky_daves photoshop.
A few months ago I was having problems with the download and I was messaging CC and SKY ADAM and tried different things to get it sorted.
I received a pm from Chris with his mobile number suggesting I call him and he would talk me through the procedure to cure my problems. Then the following Saturday afternoon, I called Chris and he talkd me thru everything and before too long he had sorted it.
Now, bearing in mind, I had neither met nor even talked to the guy before this, it was an incredible gesture by a genuine top bloke.
We are now good mates, chat all the time on the tables and enjoy each others craic. I look forwrad to the day when we meet
PS I know he will be the last person to look for any thanks or praise for what he does, that's why he deserves it heaped on top of him..
There's still a good community spirit in general Tikay but I'm with you in what you say about reading peoples posts who are constantly spouting off their vile abuse.
There's a lot of varied threads which I really like to read on here and the wit & humour displayed by the community is a joy to behold.............certainly cheers me up (in fact I get so engrossed by it all I actually forget to play poker).
Financially I'm very much a low stakes & purely for leisure poker player and keeping my head above water so to speak is all I can reallistically hope to achieve (I work shifts and find it difficult to get too involved with the big tournies bcoz of time constraints etc.) - but I always try to improve my game and this site, from Top to Bottom, are so willing to share their knowledge and experiences.
I/we can all see and read the 'Trolls & haters' who post on here and it must be very tiresome for your good self, with these people you can never do the right thing by them..........unfortunately for you, and I would take this as a compliment btw, are seen as 'Mr Sky Poker'.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this, but if it wasn't for you and the sky poker t.v. ch,..... I would never have got into poker.
Sorry to have waffled on but I think it was really nice that you took your time to give well deserved recognition to Chris but I saw a window of opportunity to give just a little back in your direction as well............I know of many who have a lot of respect for what you do on here and no doubt the trolls and haters are ready and waiting to shoot me down in flames,...........bring 'em on I chin-up and have a good day Sir....Billy
Apparently (being a scouser) he does a fine line in motors as well. (only requirement is u have to get your own wheels - still a great deal though)
Don't understand this bit though....
"I get really down sometimes, when the trolls & haters are out in full force, & the last few days they have seen them at their very worst"
Where Tikay? If it was the LML thread it doesn't take much to get you down does it. If your going to continue posting on 2plus2 I'd toughen up fella.