I only met chris though the dtd, what a top bloke he is, he goes out of his to way to come and see all of the dtders while were playing to encourage us all and have a laugh at the same time plus his updates though the evening are spot on.....such a likable guy!!!
Scouse Red is a top fella My hands also come together for DTW Bandit who I believe started the whole Forum DTD tourny along with the help of Scouse. As many of you may be aware DTWBandit has been in and out of hospital lately and ScouseRed has taken on what is a heck of a lot of work to keep things running smoothly.
Mondays are a night of poker to look forward to, The rail, the banter and the updates is 2nd to none, so a big thanks to Scouse for keeping things moving in the right direction.
I must admit, it was very rare that I used to rail the final few tables unless it was in a main event, but the Forum DTD has taught me that poker is not just a game of cards, its also about socialising and enjoying yourself and having good nights entertainment, which is exactly what happens on a Monday Night and all for a very small fee.
Well Done Scousey and DTW, also thanks to Sky and Tikay for supporting a top community.
Scouse Red is a top fella My hands also come together for DTW Bandit who I believe started the whole Forum DTD tourny along with the help of Scouse. As many of you may be aware DTWBandit has been in and out of hospital lately and ScouseRed has taken on what is a heck of a lot of work to keep things running smoothly. Mondays are a night of poker to look forward to, The rail, the banter and the updates is 2nd to none, so a big thanks to Scouse for keeping things moving in the right direction. I must admit, it was very rare that I used to rail the final few tables unless it was in a main event, but the Forum DTD has taught me that poker is not just a game of cards, its also about socialising and enjoying yourself and having good nights entertainment, which is exactly what happens on a Monday Night and all for a very small fee. Well Done Scousey and DTW, also thanks to Sky and Tikay for supporting a top community. Pokertrev (Official Suit) Posted by POKERTREV
I have trouble playing 3 or 4 tables at once, Chris seems to be able to do that, update the DTD forum thread AND rail multiple tables, who says men can't multitask:))
chris is the man,this fun poker wouldnt happen if it wasnt for him and micheal great tourneys with great value. sorry i couldnt rail as i was pretty busy but not as busy as chris top man
Scouseplop Rocks INNIT!!!!
My hands also come together for DTW Bandit who I believe started the whole Forum DTD tourny along with the help of Scouse. As many of you may be aware DTWBandit has been in and out of hospital lately and ScouseRed has taken on what is a heck of a lot of work to keep things running smoothly.
Mondays are a night of poker to look forward to, The rail, the banter and the updates is 2nd to none, so a big thanks to Scouse for keeping things moving in the right direction.
I must admit, it was very rare that I used to rail the final few tables unless it was in a main event, but the Forum DTD has taught me that poker is not just a game of cards, its also about socialising and enjoying yourself and having good nights entertainment, which is exactly what happens on a Monday Night and all for a very small fee.
Well Done Scousey and DTW, also thanks to Sky and Tikay for supporting a top community.
(Official Suit)
Chris, a gentleman and member of TKP!
thank you for your efforts
Great guy Chris
Thank you for all the hard work you do x
Shame about the football team you support, but hey nobody's perfect
Standing Ovation from us!
Dave and Sian
sorry i couldnt rail as i was pretty busy but not as busy as chris top man
Well done Scouse a fine gesture mate,you are a credit to this community.
It's people like Chris who make SkyPoker what it is today!
Great effort by yourself everyweek and you still manage to churn out decent results even when you have so much on your plate.
A special mention for michael aswel! Really hope he is on the mend!
Top work on the DTD too and all those who help you out with it.
Don't know what the situation is with DTW but hope he's up and about soon.
Top stuff!