The existing TSP Qualifying "Quarter" ends at Midnight tonight, & it will conclude all as previously announced, & in accordance with the Rules, & those successful will enjoy the rights & benefits as previous.
The qualifying criteria for the period 1st April - 30th June (& thus, those who will be in TSP for the July - September quarter) will CHANGE, however.
I'm short of time right now, (Show rehearsal is in 1 minute), & so I will Post the details ovenight, or try to.
Those details WILL, however, be announced on tonight's Live TV Show.
As always, I'll field any & all questions as & when.
Please note I may be Offline a good part of Friday. Things to do......
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i think the changes are fabby,
Before some may have been tempted to play just to win some money.
Same league tables
One tourney instead of 3 (90 runner)
6 TSP places (up from 3), NO cash
++++++++++EV imo
I liked how it was before. I like this. I'm easily pleased. Now we get to see some answers to the cash players v MTT v STT argument that seems to boom on to bore me at the end of the quarter.
Good luck everyone.
you are idiots.
thats all.
Maybe a results table for entries for TSP classic (mere novices for example) or other similar game with decent structure or even better start a new MTT league for the purpose of being in TSP .
Would be very popular and bring in extra money for Sky - Basically an offordable tournament for the best tournament players imo anyway
at least 2 TSP seats and the rest who get the points through putting hours grinding on med/high stakes cash or DYM,s - theyd play the qualifying tournies as well if they really want a place
It should be about getting the best players for the events for the team to promote Sky