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Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    If GREGHOGG can do it, anyone can. ;-)
    Posted by Machka
    Greg's made the top 30?!?!?!??!?  Oh, I just checked the date.  Good one Mach!


    You know I loves ya GH, really hope you get that hoodie mate :)
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    If GREGHOGG can do it, anyone can. ;-)
    Posted by Machka
    this is very true

    i have no discipline, no patience and no skill

    yet even i can finish in the top 10 of the sng league comfortably at no cost to myself, in fact, i even made a small profit.

    So anything is possible

    bring on tsp innit.

    I do like the changes btw!!!
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited April 2011
    I've just re-read this and its tilted me even more.

    Sky Poker are not taking away ANY money.  It's a freeroll promotion that they choose to offer.  They have decided to change the struture of this offer slightly and have given advance warning. 

    They are not doing it mid way thru the promo when you have already spent X amount of hours grinding away. 

    You don't like the change, then tick the box that says 'i dont want to take part in the Poker League'.  Simple.

    'we play poker for money' or however it was worded.  yes we do.  and this is why the TSP promotion is so amazingly great.

    cashing in the freeroll for between 100 and 700 quid will have no impact at all on anyones day to day life.  you can buy a decent laptop or a 15 year old banger for that amount of money max.  going onto TSP will guarantee you at least ONE £1KBI event where the top prize is at least 50£k+.

    if that isn't motivation to grind hard then I don't know what is.

    and doh are you seriously telling me that if Sky offered you a freeroll into a £1k event you would turn it down?  you play every single forum comp there is for like normal BI entries and you are moaning about this.

    are you mental?

  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2011
    What scotty said.

    The promotion was introduced and is coming to it's second iteration, they've listened to feedback and tweaked the format slightly. 

    Stop complaining for the sake of it!
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    I've just re-read this and its tilted me even more. Sky Poker are not taking away ANY money.  It's a freeroll promotion that they choose to offer.  They have decided to change the struture of this offer slightly and have given advance warning.  They are not doing it mid way thru the promo when you have already spent X amount of hours grinding away.  You don't like the change, then tick the box that says 'i dont want to take part in the Poker League'.  Simple. 'we play poker for money' or however it was worded.  yes we do.  and this is why the TSP promotion is so amazingly great. cashing in the freeroll for between 100 and 700 quid will have no impact at all on anyones day to day life.  you can buy a decent laptop or a 15 year old banger for that amount of money max.  going onto TSP will guarantee you at least ONE £1KBI event where the top prize is at least 50£k+. if that isn't motivation to grind hard then I don't know what is. and doh are you seriously telling me that if Sky offered you a freeroll into a £1k event you would turn it down?  you play every single forum comp there is for like normal BI entries and you are moaning about this. are you mental?
    Posted by scotty77
    doh didn't say he would turn it down, he would just prefer to have the £1k than the live seat.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited April 2011

    the new format is great.

    imagine that we combine the finalists of the olympic 100 metres (cash players) 110 metre hurdles (stt players) and the 200 metres (mtt players) into one event run over 200 metres and where six gold medals are awarded.  in this test i think that john regis (scotty77) might beat colin jackson (jacobwba) and linford christie (lol_raise).  it will be good to see.

    ps well done to the three league champions.

  • xDECISIONxxDECISIONx Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2011
    Is this an April fools joke?

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    I just think you should be able to sell it.

    People like flashflush and Greghogg really want the place on the team, you can tell by the extreme lenghts theyve gone through to give themselves the best chance of getting there.

    I'm really not bothered about it.

    Who would sky rather have representing them, someone like me? or someone whos committed, enthusiastic and wants it more than anything?

    I'm sure if I won it, I could sell it for something like 1.2k.

    I'd rather have 3 weeks wages for free than a seat in a tourny that I havv little to no chance of cashing in.

    Also, the most cash 4 points I've ever made is £100 - no good for this promotion.

    I can't think of a reasonable reason why you shouldn't be able to sell the seat to a fellow "top 90" finalist.

    edit - saying  "it's not in the spirit of TSP" isn't an actual reason btw, it's just an overused phrase that doesn't actually mean anything. 
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited April 2011
    I think people are coming down a bit hard on Chillie here. He's one of a group of players who used to win juicy cash prizes in the points league each month as well as getting a seat in the League Stars freeroll, which offered the chance to win more cash (before it became a deepstack satellite). This announcement effectively marks the end of league points being a means of making money.

    Not everybody aspires to be in TSP. As a recreational low-stakes player who will never win enough league points to get a shot at getting into TSP under the new system, or win league prizes under the old system I can look at this impartially. I like the TSP concept, it's exciting and I can see why many of the sites elite players are battling to get in the team, but I also have sympathy for the regs who used to make a fair bit of money off league points but have now had that taken away and for those players who have no interest in playing live and being on TV. This is one of those 'you can't please all the people all the time' situations. Most people like the changes, but Chillie is one of those losing out. I've noticed that some other regs who always used to finish near the top of the leagues are playing much less these days, probably for the same reason that Chillie isn't happy.

    The TSP concept gets a thumbs up from me, but Chillie doesn't deserve to get flamed for not liking it.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    I think people are coming down a bit hard on Chillie here. He's one of a group of players who used to win juicy cash prizes in the points league each month as well as getting a seat in the League Stars freeroll, which offered the chance to win more cash (before it became a deepstack satellite). This announcement effectively marks the end of league points being a means of making money. Not everybody aspires to be in TSP. As a recreational low-stakes player who will never win enough league points to get a shot at getting into TSP under the new system, or win league prizes under the old system I can look at this impartially. I like the TSP concept, it's exciting and I can see why many of the sites elite players are battling to get in the team, but I also have sympathy for the regs who used to make a fair bit of money off league points but have now had that taken away and for those players who have no interest in playing live and being on TV. This is one of those 'you can't please all the people all the time' situations. Most people like the changes, but Chillie is one of those losing out. I've noticed that some other regs who always used to finish near the top of the leagues are playing much less these days, probably for the same reason that Chillie isn't happy. The TSP concept gets a thumbs up from me, but Chillie doesn't deserve to get flamed for not liking it.
    Posted by GaryQQQ

    But you can, simply by allowing people to sell the place on the team.

    Job done, everyones happy, and you will have a very competative TSP final.

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    lol @ the people moaning about not getting cash. you are idiots. thats all.
    Posted by scotty77

     Dont beat about the bush Scotty, say what you mean m8.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification : But you can, simply by allowing people to sell the place on the team. Job done, everyones happy, and you will have a very competative TSP final.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I can't see that happening. It will defeat the whole object of the league system and quarterly tournament. All the players with a big roll who want to be on the team would stop chasing points (hence Sky lose rake) and just buy their way in. Who gets to buy it? Do you have an auction? Does it get offered to the 7th place finisher in the tournament? What if that person wants to sell it too, and 8th and 9th do too? What if all 6 winners want to sell? It would be too messy and controversial. Also, players who buy-in their way in would get far less respect than those whose who've won their place in the team the hard way.
  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    I think people are coming down a bit hard on Chillie here. He's one of a group of players who used to win juicy cash prizes in the points league each month as well as getting a seat in the League Stars freeroll, which offered the chance to win more cash (before it became a deepstack satellite). This announcement effectively marks the end of league points being a means of making money. Not everybody aspires to be in TSP. As a recreational low-stakes player who will never win enough league points to get a shot at getting into TSP under the new system, or win league prizes under the old system I can look at this impartially. I like the TSP concept, it's exciting and I can see why many of the sites elite players are battling to get in the team, but I also have sympathy for the regs who used to make a fair bit of money off league points but have now had that taken away and for those players who have no interest in playing live and being on TV. This is one of those 'you can't please all the people all the time' situations. Most people like the changes, but Chillie is one of those losing out. I've noticed that some other regs who always used to finish near the top of the leagues are playing much less these days, probably for the same reason that Chillie isn't happy. The TSP concept gets a thumbs up from me, but Chillie doesn't deserve to get flamed for not liking it.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    thank u garyqqq for your post im glad u relise my play and what i play for which has now been taken away i work for a living and have a young family im not interested to going to a torni so tsp dont interest me one bit and i would like to know how there was a debate about the cash who would moan about that this format only benifits online pros just like all the changes sky make and scotty its not a free torni players have payed a lot of rake to get there which sky rely on
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011

    The seller wins the right to sell it to any other player who has made the top 90, so you can't just buy your way in, you still need to make the final.

    Alternatively, and more realistically, whoever finishes 2nd, third, 4th gets first opportunity to buy the seat. If 2nd doesnt want it, third can have it. In this case it would be a fixed 1k figure to buy it.

    Obviously you can't buy it then sell it on again, if you buy it, you join the team.

    It wouldn't be messy, it's very simple.

    Respect is just a word, who cares about respect in the real world, I'd rather have a thousand 1 pound coins please, or 500 2 pound coins. 
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification :   and scotty its not a free torni players have payed a lot of rake to get there which sky rely on
    Posted by CHILLIE

    But you paid that rake  willingly, before Sky introduced TSP.
    Once that rake is paid, it is SkyPoker's to do with as they please (i.e. it is not our money any more).
    SP chooose to use that in a number of ways, TSP, Cash for Points, Freerolls etc....

    I think it's ok to have a little moan if you are  not happy, and by all means suggest alternatives for SP to consider, but 'what a joke' is obv a bit OTT.

    Also ' as usual Sky changing the rules to suit themselves', well of course they are, it's a business they are running, not a charity!
    I can't play in the final this month (sigh), but I don't feel aggrieved..... I knew the rules before the start of the period, and it's my bad luck that they don't suit me.

    I also know the score for the next period, and can decide to play as much, or as little, as I want to on here.... or to go and play elsewhere if  that is better for me.

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2011
    I like the changes personally, I agree with the "Its not in the spirit" comment from Tikay. Its no different to playing a satelite into a tourney. You're playing for the seat (OK occasionally there is money left over, but nobody is playing for that). So just treat the league as a free seat into a satelite...

    In reply to Gary's comment. I dont think the money bonus is as great as you thought it was, Yes winning £250 or what ever it was is great, but if you think how much these guys have played to get 1st. They must of played 3-4k's worth of buyins on MTT and STT, and god knows how much money LOL_RAISE has put on the table in the last 3 months, when you are 12 tabling from 500nl to 100nl, then a few hundred quid is nothing.

    Nit picking here a bit, I understand your argument DOHH as you don't want to play live, but I can't see anybody "Buying" a seat worth £1k for £1,200 .. Surely they would just buy themselves in?

    This is a good idea from Sky, from what I hear I think they do ask a bit too much from there TSP members though, as a lot of future qualifiers will be in full time work, having to travel to the studio regually and being forced into playing MTTs on certain nights. But at the end of the day its a free 1k seat with possibly more in the future, its not to be sniffed at!
  • SolidStan1SolidStan1 Member Posts: 235
    edited April 2011

    I'm not sure what all the changes are just yet because I was working through the start of last nights show. I only hope there is nothing in the rules to say that ex-TSP'ers cannot enter.

    Being part ov TSP is an amazing prize, and I will be trying to quilify for the next quarter (if im allowed).

    I know the prize's and structure of the current TSP qualifier are well tasty, but it seems that that excact prize pool and structure has been adopted into the new Survivor tournement final, and just for a quid its alot cheaper and easier for anybody to enter so should be fun, and im looking forward to it..

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    I'm not sure what all the changes are just yet because I was working through the start of last nights show. I only hope there is nothing in the rules to say that ex-TSP'ers cannot enter. Being part ov TSP is an amazing prize, and I will be trying to quilify for the next quarter (if im allowed). I know the prize's and structure of the current TSP qualifier are well tasty, but it seems that that excact prize pool and structure has been adopted into the new Survivor tournement final, and just for a quid its alot cheaper and easier for anybody to enter so should be fun, and im looking forward to it..
    Posted by SolidStan1
    In short

    1 MTT with 90 runners at the end of the 3 months and not 3 lots of 30
    6 seats up for grabs
    no cash prizes
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Changes to "Team Sky Poker" Qualification:
    I like the changes personally, I agree with the "Its not in the spirit" comment from Tikay. Its no different to playing a satelite into a tourney. You're playing for the seat (OK occasionally there is money left over, but nobody is playing for that). So just treat the league as a free seat into a satelite... In reply to Gary's comment. I dont think the money bonus is as great as you thought it was, Yes winning £250 or what ever it was is great, but if you think how much these guys have played to get 1st. They must of played 3-4k's worth of buyins on MTT and STT, and god knows how much money LOL_RAISE has put on the table in the last 3 months, when you are 12 tabling from 500nl to 100nl, then a few hundred quid is nothing. Nit picking here a bit, I understand your argument DOHH as you don't want to play live, but I can't see anybody "Buying" a seat worth £1k for £1,200 .. Surely they would just buy themselves in? This is a good idea from Sky, from what I hear I think they do ask a bit too much from there TSP members though, as a lot of future qualifiers will be in full time work, having to travel to the studio regually and being forced into playing MTTs on certain nights. But at the end of the day its a free 1k seat with possibly more in the future, its not to be sniffed at!
    Posted by FlashFlush
    They are buying a seat on the team, which includes double rakeback.

    So to lol raise, the 1k free tourny entry + xxx amount in tourny entries for the amount of C4P he has earned.

    So if lol raise made it on to TSP, it would be worth like 10k+ in live tourny entries? I'm pretty sure thats right?

    The 1k tourny seat is just the minimum you get for TSP, unless I've mis-understood.

    I'm sure people would be willing to pay much more than 1.2k for it.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2011
    Agreed, I thought the way you said it that you would not accept the TSP seat and just give the 1k seat to someone. Yes the TSP place is worth more than the 1 buyin
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