Quite simple this one.
Run a Tournament at exactly the same start time/structure/blind level etc as ANY of the Main Events (8pm Mon - Thurs/8pm Fri - Sat & 8pm Sun) apart the buy in will be for the lower bank roll players.
ie....ME = £20 +2, BBLB = £2 + 20p
ME = £30 + 3, BBLB = £3 + 30p
ME = £50 +5, BBLB = £5 + 50p
Even the monthly £220 could also be run as a £22 buy in.
There would also be a possibility of some mention on the Thurs/Sun night TV shows of the cashers and where time permits, the FT runners.
No guarantee to begin with to see how the numbers compare against the Main Events.
* EDIT - The winner of the BBLB gets free entry into the ME of the same for the following week (thanks goes to Pete, JOCKBMW, for this addition)
As a matter of interest, becase the question is bound to be asked, why this rule?
"...you can ONLY enter ONE of these tournaments per night i.e. if you reg for one you can not reg for the other on the same night....."
I'd also add (& I'm just trying to be helpful here) that....
1) As a principle, I doubt Sky Poker would ever allow a Tourney where players are "banned" from entering another, unrelated, Event. "Locked" Events apart, all players should have the right to enter all "public" Tourneys.
2) It needs to "work" for the Site, & saying "if you enter one, you cannot enter the other" is not going to float many boats in HO. Why should players not have the choice to play either or both?
I think the idea is fantastic, really excellent, & must (or would....) be well in the running for a Prize, but that "Rule" would deffo need to be removed imo.
I will have no say in judging this, by the way, nothing to do with me, but I know they would not find any form of discrimination acceptable.
NB - Entrants are free to amend their proposals.
Up to you, Alan, & I note your comments, & I reiterate, I will not be judging this.
I still don't quite see why players should not have the choice, but it's your suggestion & you are free to suggest it.
As worded, or intended, that players do not have the choice to play both, there would be absolutely nil chance of it being given the nod upstairs, that's the "steer" I'm trying to help you with, really.
I guarantee someone will modify your suggestion, but allowing players the "either or both" choice though, if you don't, because it's such a grand idea, & it looks to me odds on to be a Top Six (& thus Prize) contendor.
Modify yours first, imo!
Yes for me, provided I don't gift most of my chips to scouse too often like in last nights Tikay. :-(
fwiw i would play in both tournies if they were offered. if i was banned from playing in both, the bigger buy in main event would always be entered.
Other than that, good idea and I think it would work well