"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me? BEST ANSWER to that wins a TSP Classic Seat. Posted by Tikay10
Richard, it seems you haven't got much going for you but you are amongst friends and that is priceless, therefore, treat yourself and your beloved Tikay to a 'once in a lifetime' train journey across Siberia, that way he will get plenty of quality time to impart his poker knowledge into that wonderful skull of yours...........:)- It's a win win no brainer imo.
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
Rich take him on a trip on the orient express and arrange for a 10 seat SnG in da pokerz and donk him all your chips and of course wear that famous blue hoody
Well Rich, learn the names of all of the train stations, learn which chimneys are the best, travel the length, and bredth of the UK on the trains so you can tell tikay all of the best stations, pylons, bridges and JCB, are
Start off talking to the subject of your desires. Don't be too forward to begin with, and see if you get any encouraging responses.
Generally, if the person repeatedly belittles you, it's a sign of love, at which point consider a date - perhaps a meal, the cinema, or (if your loved one is in the same line of work) consider trying to get on the same "gig" as them - for instance, if you present a minority interest TV programme, try and get them to sit alongside you as often as possible. If they accept..... lube!
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?......
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
What you need to do is read a book, there are several on this subject but the best one is written by Dr Woowoo entitled “How to woo the man of your dreams”
As for the poker part I’d recommend you take up dominoes as you’ve got no hope if you stick with poker.
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
I'm afraid it not advice you need, it's therapy......
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me? BEST ANSWER to that wins a TSP Classic Seat. Posted by Tikay10
Depends on who,s judging this - If its tikay : Hi Rich, try a little footsie under the desk and see what response you get?
If its rich : Hi Rich - Get yourself down to specsavers sharpish
In the TSP classic I,ll go for an all time record of 33rd
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me? BEST ANSWER to that wins a TSP Classic Seat. Posted by Tikay10
Q1. 123rd
Q2. Go with the Bromance, but stop referring to Tikay as "boy"!
Q2: "My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
"We are now an advanced race and we have the technology to rebuild your body Mr Orford, but the mind is a strange animal, and with that in your mind, may i offer you the latest catalogue of "Dolce and Gabana" man bags for the new season and point to you the his lovely matching man bag with red matching scarf for him and him, just don't fight your true feelings."
Dave ,feelings awareness councillor (probably an actual job on £50,000 a year for some london borough!)
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
Go for someone your own age
Rich take him on a trip on the orient express and arrange for a 10 seat SnG in da pokerz and
donk him all your chips and of course wear that famous blue hoody
Well Rich, learn the names of all of the train stations, learn which chimneys are the best, travel the length, and bredth of the UK on the trains so you can tell tikay all of the best stations, pylons, bridges and JCB, are
Q1, 37th
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
What you need to do is read a book, there are several on this subject but the best one is written by Dr Woowoo entitled “How to woo the man of your dreams”
As for the poker part I’d recommend you take up dominoes as you’ve got no hope if you stick with poker.
Hope this advice helps.
Rich to finish 57th
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
I'm afraid it not advice you need, it's therapy......
If its rich : Hi Rich - Get yourself down to specsavers sharpish
In the TSP classic I,ll go for an all time record of 33rd
GL with it
Q1. 123rd
Q2. Go with the Bromance, but stop referring to Tikay as "boy"!
2) Rich, I am afraid you are out of luck everyone knows that Tikay has a crush on Sky_Mandy
A very very very very cold shower!
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
"We are now an advanced race and we have the technology to rebuild your body Mr Orford, but the mind is a strange animal, and with that in your mind, may i offer you the latest catalogue of "Dolce and Gabana" man bags for the new season and point to you the his lovely matching man bag with red matching scarf for him and him, just don't fight your true feelings."
Dave ,feelings awareness councillor (probably an actual job on £50,000 a year for some london borough!)