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Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****

edited April 2011 in Poker Chat
Stone me, it’s another super-soaraway scorching Sunday here on Sky Poker.

(Ah, you can’t beat a spot of alliteration to get things cracking).

A tasty show beckons tonight then, with several selling points:

El Primo!!!! Yes, Sky Poker’s flagship tourney sets sail once more with £12.5K GTD in the kitty and a title worth winning for maximum kudos throughout the next week on the site.

It’s another semi-final in the Viva Las Vegas comp.  Kicking off at 9pm, one in ten players will win a seat in the biggest game of them all here on

and (3)
THREE new member of Team Sky Poker will be announced tonight as we follow the crunch qualifiers in MTTS, STTS and Cash.

Lots of crucial action then this evening, and at the helm will be Ian Frazer, aided and abetted by myself.

Here’s a photo I dug up of Ian from the net this afternoon. Now, I don’t know whether this was a publicity shot manufactured for a poker event, or just a typical Saturday night out for The Raiser, but either way- it’s pretty impressive…

I then dug out the closest thing I could find to that picture. featuring me

Not quite the same is it?

Ian is still very much the newboy here at Sky Poker, so he’d greatly appreciate your welcoming comments and general input to the show. Any questions, hands you’d like him to analyse, and general tomfoolery will be gladly received on this thread.

Tonight’s hot topic:

Nostalgia night!

Yes, it doesn’t matter whether you’re 18 or 80. Tell us something you remember from your past days that you now think sounds rather quaint.

Here’s a few from me:

I remember when you went out to play after school from 4 till 6 and your mum had absolutely no idea where you where. (Usually mucking around near the canal or the train track, by the way).

I remember when there were only 3  TV channels in Britain and when films at the cinema had intervals halfway through and  short 10 minute films were shown before the main feature.

I also remember when Crème Eggs were 10p. Bought one today…55p!!!!!! Flaming liberty!

You get the idea. It might help if you give us your general age as well.

We’ll read as many out as many we can and there’ll be a TSP Classic entry to the one we like best.

I think that covers it for now :)

Good luck in the games tonight and see you at 9!



  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    ahh i have nothing to add to this one come back to me in 20 years may have something then lol
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:

    Posted by TENOFSPADE
    Weird- don't remember that one. We're a similar age though. Do you remember being taught road safety by Tufty the squirrel in The Tufty Club?
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    ahh i have nothing to add to this one come back to me in 20 years may have something then lol
    Posted by delaney09
    Yeah, but that's what makes it funny, Ashley. I'd love to know what you consider to be old hat.
  • darichdarich Member Posts: 969
    edited April 2011
    Hi guys - have a good show.

    I'm 31, and as an avid football fan, I remember the days when the only way to check the latest scores was on teletext, and you always used to have to wait for the page with your team on to come round again, as it always seemed like you had just missed actual fact this was as recent as the late 90's, but it seems like a lifetime ago.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2011
    Hi Rich, Ian

    Really enjoyed the chat on the table the other week Ian, you too of course Rich, how about the original series of Bill and Ben, Woodentops, Camberwick Green, Dr Who with the best doctor ever William Hartnell to mention a few :)
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : Yeah, but that's what makes it funny, Ashley. I'd love to know what you consider to be old hat.
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    erm good question i'm not really sure.... i'll have a think and no doubt have some input into tonights threads..... with updates on %'s i'll have words with my mum too she may be able to remember things that i dont lol
  • darichdarich Member Posts: 969
    edited April 2011
    Rushing back to watch Rainbow at 12.10 in the early eighties after playschool...that Thames TV jingle will always be iconic...

  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    i have one.... maybe when i was younger barney the dinosaur just seemed like a harmless big singing purple dinosaur now 14-15 years later and many youtube videos that have been produced I have seen exactly what he was trying to do aswell as realising he was a guy in a dinosaur suit singing about loving kids and wanting them to love him back..... can't be a good memory....... my mum says i was a big fan of barney the dinosaur as a kid clearly fell into the trap :(
  • inka2003inka2003 Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2011
    I remember when Black Jacks and Fruit Salad chews were 8 (yes, eight) for 1p (1 OLD penny).

    General idea of my age  = OLD !

  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    edited April 2011
    Saw my granddaughter today sat on her 1st trike, she is less than 12 months old.  This reminded me of my 1st trike, which I got when I was just 5 years old.  Why I remember I don't know because it is 58 years ago, and at my age I struggle to remember what happened last week!  I loved that trike, it had no brakes (you need to peddle backwards in reality).  My 1st go, I sat on it, my brother (age 11) right beside me giving instructions, which I obviously ignored.  I put my feet up and, low and behold, the trike with me on it sets off down the steep drive, a quick left onto a steep road going down nicely and picking up speed.  I could hear my brother shouting as he ran after me as fast as he could.  Only 100 yards to go when the road I was on joined with a major road.  I was oblivious, but as I reached the bottom I, somehow, managed a left hand 90 degree turn and quickly came to a standstill as a car went speedily past in opposite direction.  Perhaps as well I didn't go straight on.  As my Mother joined my brother (she could run fast too!), I didn't know what they were fussing about really, I was obviously always in control!

    Met Ian in Luton, in Turbo tournie (same table) on day of SPT - great guy.  Have a good show.
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited April 2011
    hi guys.
    my most pleasant memory involved the fact that Liverpool would win a trophy each year, and sometimes two. now i just hope they stay in the premiership and don't get stuffed by West Brom :(
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2011
    I am sure I remember something called Spot the Sausage too??????

    I also seem to remember in the dim and distant past, a presenter going home by taxi and realising he had left his car at work ????? :), aaaannnndddd didnt this self same presenter get his arm stuck in a hole tooooo hehehehehehe
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    Hi Rich and Ian...........hope you have a good show show tonight, Ps: Ian, not too sure about the photo, I reckon half the the field look too fit ... you've been conned mate, they're 'ladyboys'........ahhemmmm........they do say 'variety is the spice of life'.
    Nostalgia...........oh how I miss rushing from school to catch my regular fix of 'Robin Hood,Robin Hood riding thru the glenn. ...Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men' on the t.v. and then running to the park for a game of football and then onto the local off-licence for a bottle 'Peardrax' drink ever made for quenching a thirst imo.....gawd I wish they would bing that back.     
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2011
    'Robin Hood,Robin Hood riding thru the glenn. ...Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men', played by Richard Greene I think :)

    I also remember watching William Tell
  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited April 2011
    i not mentioning my age either but when i was little you only got 4 fruit salads for the old penny.  But, when i was a kid some of the best fun was making a cart out of a plank of wood, wooden box and pram wheels. the telly not only had only 3 channels but it was not on all the time.  And at the end of the days programs they played the national anthem.  Not everyone had a telephone but some people had a party line so you could listen to other peopls conversations.
  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    'Robin Hood,Robin Hood riding thru the glenn. ...Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men', played by Richard Greene I think :)
    Posted by acebarry10
    thats right barry
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    I am sure I remember something called Spot the Sausage too?????? I also seem to remember in the dim and distant past, a presenter going home by taxi and realising he had left his car at work ????? :)
    Posted by acebarry10

    i remember spot the dog is that close enough lol ?
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread****:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : i remember spot the dog is that close enough lol ?
    Posted by delaney09
    In the Woodentops lol
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited April 2011
    I remember when we made go-karts out of a wooden box, a coulple of planks and old pram wheels, also made a skate board out of roller skates when they first came out.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited April 2011

    Im sure when i started driving, 6 years ago petrol was at £1? correcct me if im wrong now thats liberty!!!

    I got into primo for £5 so go meeeeeeeeeeee :)

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