I remember the great Jimmy Saville doing a seat belt advert , after smashing a bottle off a wall and asking, " What would happen if I stuck this broken bottle in your face." eek. Now they just show badly injured people that don't know how to use seat belts. Much less threatening don't you agree.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : Ok, some more nostalgic randomness.... Surprise Surprise Ted Rogers and Dusty Bin Um-bongo Smash adverts Sarah Greens Nescafe Adverts The Black Magic advert R-whites lemona-a-a-ade advert Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : Ok, some more nostalgic randomness.... Surprise Surprise Ted Rogers and Dusty Bin Um-bongo Smash adverts Sarah Greens Nescafe Adverts The Black Magic advert R-whites lemona-a-a-ade advert Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : Ok, some more nostalgic randomness.... Surprise Surprise Ted Rogers and Dusty Bin Um-bongo Smash adverts Sarah Greens Nescafe Adverts The Black Magic advert R-whites lemona-a-a-ade advert Posted by Sky_Mandy
Public information films about: Unplugging your television at night. Slipping on badly positioned rugs. Children falling into lakes. Retrieving frisbees from power grids. Falling asleep with a lit cigarette and burning your house down. Here's how to remember the green cross code... SPLINK S afe place to cross stand on the P avement L ook and Listen I f traffic is coming let it pass when there is N o traffic cross K eep looking as you cross SPLINK How on Earth was there not more crossing accidents back then? Posted by Machka
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : Emu and Grotbags..... There's somebody at the door! There's somebody at the door! Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : And he'd only just come from the hospital !!!! Posted by kaymac
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and The Raiser ****official show thread**** : You're loving the education YG, admit it Posted by Sky_Mandy
Surprise Surprise
Ted Rogers and Dusty Bin
Smash adverts
Sarah Greens Nescafe Adverts
The Black Magic advert
R-whites lemona-a-a-ade advert
took 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s out same with stud put the 6s back in so five can play
Unplugging your television at night.
Slipping on badly positioned rugs.
Children falling into lakes.
Retrieving frisbees from power grids.
Falling asleep with a lit cigarette and burning your house down.
Here's how to remember the green cross code... SPLINK
Safe place to cross
stand on the Pavement
Look and Listen
If traffic is coming let it pass
when there is No traffic cross
Keep looking as you cross
How on Earth was there not more crossing accidents back then?
There's somebody at the door! There's somebody at the door!