I don't know where to start but the jist of things is all of a sudden I have lost my read, making very bad decisions and calls, not believing people have a hand, my head just in the shed and I dont know why, just seem to be losing money hand over fist, I'm even going back to basics tonight and playing in a free roll to see if that helps.
Can you just become a bad player over night or did i think I was actually better than I was?
Do I need a break? Whats the best way to get my confidence back cause at this stage Im scared to play for money.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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If they are beating you with third pair then I would suggest the standard line of playing tight till you have a read on people. Once you suss who can be raised off their hand then all is good, if not, wait for the monster and snaffle their chips! If you're playing cash, then simply try and different table, simple is sometimes the best solution my friend.
100%of poker players THINK they are better than what they actually are .......FACT
my advice tho ,is to take a complete break from the game,couple of weeks or so ,,,,,to clear your head,,,,,,it will do you the world of good .....TEN
tighten up ur range and review hands
Players are free to play however they wish too.
Yeah it's annoying when they bink, but it happens.
Solack was probably multi-tabling so that's why he probably didn't reply.
Young Gun speaks sense, i've been guilty of getting over confident plenty of times and it's only when you look back over your play you see the problems.
My game goes in cycles. Win for a while then get over confident, play too aggressively and start losing, then lose all confidence and really struggle. Like you, I can't get the idea that everyone is bluffing me out of my head.
What works for me when the confidence goes is to play micro stakes sit & goes or even go and fool around with play money on facebook until I feel ready to try again, then try and build some momentum with DYM's before playing what I want to play again. Play a tight range of hands and maybe make the odd move only from position.
Good bankroll or budget control is a big help.
Rhino's in Bentley sometimes, the players there are awful, theres a tournment n then a cash game after, although i think the number are dwindling abit, i tried out the grove opposite range aswell last week, players there are alot better lol, tournment n cash game on, and i'm trying to go sheffield g-casino more, but only been a couple of times.